Well, the Rogue practically embodies the CN philosophy... (Or so I would say, without trying to start another alignment fight!) Who, old Wally? Give the guy a break, he's 83 years old and almost completely blind! He did the best job he could that week.
:imwithstu Yeah but we only ever post smilies when it is important :yes: We don't just waste them :shame: And we never spam and ramble on :lalala: Mmmmm... Ramble On, what a song Never mind :yawn:
A smilie would have been an appropriate gesture so that everyone knows you're just funnin', not trying to take a oop: on everyone's fun...
To ShiningTed, I'll post a torrent link for the D&D 2 movie you're looking for if you'll put a Knock scroll in the chest. Bwahaha
What? Tempting me to the dark side, to piracy??? U take that back! irate: There a smiley limit? On a forum? Suuuuuuuuure there is... :crazy:
Laugh.. A knock scroll in the chest only does any good if a char can open the chest. [EDIT] If someone would mod that change, they might as well attach a viewable picture to the top of the chest that would read,
On a more serious mod note, an evil level-1 npc could be placed in the room whose inventory includes a scroll of knock.
Wouldn't work...you couldn't kill him for his scroll unless he threatened you or something...:lalala:
But at least the first chest can be opened without the use of a Rogue. So at least that's something. It does occur to me that the first thing you encounter are 2x Zombies (or whatever). If a scroll of Knock were included in each of thier inventories it would handle both chests. But is there now a problem with people trying to use a knock scroll on the door which requires a key (found in the first chest)?