Pregenerated characters

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Avatar_do_Grafite, Jul 17, 2009.

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  1. Avatar_do_Grafite

    Avatar_do_Grafite Established Member

    Jul 26, 2008
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    Well, I was without ToEE instaled at my PC till last night, when I try to hire Laszlo - without sucess, becose he shall not be hired! Heh! Well, I have deleted my save games, and decided to unistall the game till the next mode. But...
    As a personal chalenge, I have decided to start a game just with pregenerated characters, and some hirable NPCs.
    And so, the problems beggins...
    First of all, we have no one "faceman" between the pregenerated characters. There are just two rogues, both with Charisma 8, and just one Bard, without social skills... How to do the quests at Hommlet without the needed skills? Well, theres no way...
    But there another little problem here. Aparently, Troika people just have droped hair styles at randon in the game! Just four of the characters hair stles meet with theyr pictures, and there are some pictures that just are not from the right character!
    Lets see the entire list? Sorry for being boring...
    *Devis, Stanford, The Kern and Vadania are OK.

    *Alhandra and Krusk are close, but I believe that Alhanda shall have a topknot hair, and Krusk shall have jet black hair. But theyre OK.

    *Belona have blue hair, but as she have blue skin in the picture, and its not possible to change the skin colour in the game, I think that its all right for she.

    *Ember have BLUE hair! Why?!? Her hair is jet black.

    *Hennet have WHYTE PONYTAIL! He have short back hair!

    *Josan have BLONDE LONG hair! his hair is short brown!

    *Lidda have BLUE TOPKNOT! Long brown is the right colour.

    *Mialee have PINK TWO TALES and a wrong picture - with blue hair! Damn! The pic of Darshalla is the "real" pic of Mialle, and she have long black hair!

    *Regdar have a MOHAWK. His hair is short.

    *Darshalla have a blonde long hair, but I never seen this elf before. She is using Mialee pic, thought.

    *Tordek have a TAN MOHAWK, and the pic shows a bald red-beared dwarf. His picture is in the game - is the dwarf with helmet, the only one. He have brown short hair.

    *Dusk have PINK TWO TALES. I dont really know this char, but the picture sahows some black hair coming for inside of the hood. Maybe a pageboy or ponytail black hair make more sense.

    *Moresh have BLUE hair, thought the picture shows a bald half-orc!

    I have no idea if its possible for ya guys to change the aparence of the pregenerated characters, but if aye, this will be great to have the right "face" of those chars.

    As the stats of this characters are official, I'll never ask for changes. I Usually just creat a more apropriate version of the character - in terms of apparence - and crowl for the Wizards "NPC closeaup" and look for those I need, for a "true D&D game"! Hehe!

    Thanks for the atention!
  2. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    That's funny. In 5.5 we fixed many of the NPCs who had goofy hair and outfits that didn't match their portraits, but not any of the pre-gen characters. I'll look into that, thanks.
  3. Avatar_do_Grafite

    Avatar_do_Grafite Established Member

    Jul 26, 2008
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    Actually, I have a good surprise when I see the people around wih the right hair style. I think that people just dont use the pregenerated characters, and so, dont bore about this.
    Devis, Stanford, The Kern and Vadania are OK.
    Acctually I haven't fond any entry for Belona, Darshalla, Dusk, Moresh or Stanford at the Wizard of the Coast site, so I have no idea of how they really look. I have based my observation about then just in the pictures of the game. I think that, once Darshalla have the pic of Mialee, there have a good chance that Darshalla uses the pic present in the Mialee entry, with blue long hair - I sugest a blue ponytail for her.

    I'm still wondering why Troika have put that pink at the Hair development step, since no pic have this hair colour....
  4. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Yeah, that's kind of like the drow thing: there is no drow PC class, but there's a drow portrait (or was in vanilla - we reallocated it) for PCs.
  5. SharkD

    SharkD Established Member

    Jul 7, 2009
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    I started my current game with only pre-gen characters, not realizing how much they sucked. I gradually phased them out until by the time I finished all the Hommlet quests all my PCs were my own creations.

  6. Avatar_do_Grafite

    Avatar_do_Grafite Established Member

    Jul 26, 2008
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    There are some good pregen characters there, ya just need to look close. Tordek, Krusk, Vadania, Alhandra and the Ranger - forgot the name - have a good construction. Stanford its a good hiter, too, and Hennet, Moresh, Belona and Josan are usable too. The other people are just too weak.

    Its a shame that the only specialized wizard in the game to be a Ilusionist...

    Something I just never realized is why we dont have a masterwok version of the Flail in the game... This make the War Clerics of Hextor a little sad, without consoling - I'm wondering about Belona, just let me say.
  7. wizgeorge

    wizgeorge Prophet of Wizardy

    Feb 19, 2005
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    The magical flail Pain's Memory is in KotB and used by the Hextor clerics. I don't think it's in ToEE. Pretty mean weapon.
  8. Avatar_do_Grafite

    Avatar_do_Grafite Established Member

    Jul 26, 2008
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    Well, I never meet a magic flail, but what I'm saying is that there are not a masterwork version of the weapon in any blacksmith! Even after to bring a giant head to Brother Smith, he just don't sell masterwork flails! I have never seen a masterwork flail at the game, heravy or not, much less a magic one.
  9. Necroticpus

    Necroticpus Cthulhu Ftaghn!

    Jul 2, 2009
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    I can say with much conviction and more verity that the smith In Hommlet sells every variety of weapon as a masterwork piece. The amount of masterwork items you have access to is directly dependent on your party's levels.
  10. wizgeorge

    wizgeorge Prophet of Wizardy

    Feb 19, 2005
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    I just checked on the game on my other computer and Brother Smyth has a masterwork heavy flail in his inventory. The magical spiked chain is somewhat like a flail and is +1 to boot.
  11. Avatar_do_Grafite

    Avatar_do_Grafite Established Member

    Jul 26, 2008
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    Walkthrough with Pregenerated Characters

    Well, I have decided to run a game with just pregenerated characters and some NPCs. My first problem its the lack of a "faceman" betweeen the pregenerated characters. I have decided to try without one, and see what comes.
    My choose for a CN party was Soveliss, that have a good build with a decent Dex for an archer, The Kern, becose I need a cleric on the party, Krusk for some muscles and Lidda becose a Rogue is essential to complete the CN opening.
    Well, the problems beggins in the equipment chamber. The Kern have a Str of 13, so, no chaimail for him. I buy a brastplate for a CA of 14, and equiped him with a longspear, in the hope of let it a little distant of combat - ranged weapons are impossible to imagine for someone with Dex 8! Lidda and Soveliss have being equiped with Chainshirts, and Krusk with Barbarian armour. Shortsword for Lidda - and a thiefs tool kit - longsword for Soveliss and largeax for Krusk. No gold for a bow for Soveliss, but no problem, I have decided ti use'm in melee till take another fighter.
    Well, so, we go to the lost shrine.
    Lidda falls to the first trap, on the first chest of the game. She was not able to disarm the trap and falls. I heal her, and she falls again for the same trap.... Well, healed again and she open the chest. Agains the zoubies, Krusk make all the work. We open the secound chest and go to find the Raibow Rock.
    At Hommlet, without a faceman, all becomes hard. I just become able to finish the quest of Cavanagh and the one for a free room on the Welcome Wench, and open a lot of another "fedex" quests, but without good skill ranks or a good score in Charisma, no other quest become possible to finish. I take Furnock, Sprougnoir and Fruella to the party - ah, another Quest finished here - and we go deal with some giant frogs for XP. That things gives little experience, and I was a little afraid to take the first bandits at the Moathouse, so I decided to go agaist the Spiders in Decklo Grove. With Fruella equiped with a Barbarian Armour and a wooden shield,, we araive at Decklo. Bad deal. My group have being all slain by the spiders in few turns, and I have no savegames...
    Well, I have decided to beggins with a little diferent party this time. Scavenging at the Wizards of the Coast homepage, I found a sheet of a Rogue with some Charisma, and decided t use her as Faceman, to take some extra XP at Hommlet before to hire the needed fighters.
    The rogue is a women called Merath Silvershorn. Her stats are Str 10, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 13. I exchange Int and Char for a more social character and for Feats, I take Improved Initiative and Dodge instead of the listed Acrobatic and Nimble Fingers, and put ranks in all the social skills, plus Tumble, Disable Device, Open Lock and Search. She comes in place of Lidda, and I take Krusk of the party, this time.
    Well, Merath fails to disarm the trap, as Lidda, but don't fall. The zoumbies have being defeated with some work, and all was right. At Hommlet, I have made a lot of 'fedex' quests, and take some extra muscles for the following hard work. I took Cavanagh (aye, I know, I know... He its a joke, but I just become unable to see the beggar there in front of the Welcome Wench...), Sprougnoir, Fruella, Furnok and Ronald. Full party! At the moathouse, after to kill the first bandits and the lizard with a magic shield in the stomach, my PCs have finally become 2º level characters! We do Decklo, and Cavanagh level up too.
    As a side note, equiping this people is a hard work. With low Str, its ridiculous what those guys shall use as armour! Ronald was the best one, with the magic shield and a chainmail, using the MW small quarterstaff buyied from Brother Smith as weapon. Fruella was using a chainmail too, and a wooden shield. She and Soveliss, with his shanshirt and bucler was the secound bests. All the other was with a AC of 4, 15.... A shame!
    Well, we have being slayed by the bandits inside of the Mothouse a couple of times, and more two times for Lubash. The Gnolls took me three saves, and I decided to pay the dogs to pass by. I avoid the bugbears, and arive the brigands hall. Well, those guys have slayed my party four times whern I decided to get out and forget the pregenerated characters...
    I'm thinking about a Lawful party, but with the pregenerated characters with strange looks, Ill waith the next mod for a more apreciable play...
    For now, my veredict its: Pregenerateed characters are a wast of time, no more, no less! They turns the game in a impossible task!
    This is all, for now!
    Hope to have more luck in the next try!

    Sorry for the big post, but I need to share this with ya all!
  12. Basil the Timid

    Basil the Timid Dont Mention the War

    May 19, 2008
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    I seem to remember a masterwork one being wielded by one of R+G's hired thugs in your Nulb house.
  13. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    As well as a devastating MW spiked chain! :yikes:
  14. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    I know you've asserted this quite forcefully a couple of times, but I think you are wrong on that point Necroticpus.

    The thing about all this is, inventories (be it monsters or shops or whatever) can have a % chance of containing this or that. In the Hommlet respawns, there is generally an 80% chance that any given item is there - so 20% of the time it won't be. This is there to reflect the simple reality that a small village like Hommlet wll not stock every single weapon or item in creation every moment of every day.

    AdG - just go into the Wench, rest for a day, and try again.
  15. Avatar_do_Grafite

    Avatar_do_Grafite Established Member

    Jul 26, 2008
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    Many thanks, Shining one!

    In this case, will be not much more intresting to have a number of things that ARE there - like the initial things of Brother Smith - and other things that have a chance to appears there - like a selection of MW weapons in the Brother´s Smith inventory, after to give him a giants head - and somethings that have a chance to appears there - 50% of chance, lets say, that Brother Smith have the idea of weak up a morning crazy to forge a MW chainmail. All those things have a small chance to desapear - being selled for another people, of course - and a small chance to come back after a day - hve being selled back to Smith.

    Well, I have ni idea ifr this kind of percentage shall be implemented... Hum.... And looks too complex, just for a little thing.

    Why I do that kind of thing?

    Sorry, people, Im a little obcessive.
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