
Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Joud, Mar 29, 2012.

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  1. Joud

    Joud Iuz took my orb...

    Sep 4, 2009
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    Yo, try these new portraits that look way better than the old ones. And if you like them say so here in this thread, because that would make me happy.


    Just copy the downloaded pictures to your original portraits folder, replacing the old crap. If your uncomfortable with that make a backup first.

    The pictures I found all over the Internet and some I scanned in from an old trading card game that died. Everything is probably copyrighted somehow, so if you use it you will burn in hell with me.

    Last time I uploaded pics, someone told me I was unorganized and had useless stuff uploaded or something. So I reduced the clutter and what you find this time is only what you need nothing more, which makes it easy for you to change portraits yourself.

    If you want to do so try this:

    Use IrfanView, it can handle targa (*.tga files) and alpha channels.

    Open any picture, any size and select with your left mouse button the part of a picture (or all of it!) you want as your portrait. Press Ctrl+c to copy your selection to clipboard.

    Open the unwanted portrait pic, select all of it (very important) and press Ctrl+v to paste your previous selection from clipboard. Press Ctrl+s to save.

    Thats it. If you want black and white pics be sure to de-saturate (in the Shift+g menu), that will work without messing up anything.

    I hope this helps, IrfanView is free (unlike photoshmock) and way faster than gimp. If your not making your own portraits, but use those I upload, please say what you liked or not liked.
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