playing through 7.4 and...

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by silo25, Sep 3, 2012.

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  1. silo25

    silo25 Established Member

    Jul 9, 2005
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    sometimes its funny that way,

    na i dont need the code, i believe you, so that means im missing it is all
  2. zebrainz

    zebrainz Yumm

    May 18, 2010
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    Playing NG WotGS 7.4.

    I have the same exact WotGS conditions in my 7.4 playthrough as described in this thread by silo25. Downloaded the updated Wakefield/Hickory Branch fix from this thread, worked fine, Wakefield appeared on the party's exit of town defense house to start WotGS.

    My issue is with the northwest patrol. I entered the game.global_vars[520] command in the console as suggested in this thread. Unlike silo25, it returned 5. There are indeed 5 deceased nw patrol members laying semi-naked (with -10/DEAD when hovered over) in front of the Traders abandoned shop. Ariakas still reports northwest patrol not defeated when asked in the town defense building. I did an exploation/search of the road to the east and west in front of the traders shop (and pretty much the entire NW quadrant of the map) to see if a missing northwest patrol member that had been missed would appear. Entered shops and buildings along the way just to make sure the were empty. Same NW patrol not defeated dialog encountered from Ariakis both before and after fix was downloaded. I never take Ariakas with me as I feel he is an unescessary drain on party resources. Tried taking him with the party just to see what happened, still no joy.

    ??? Lost, can't complete quest.
  3. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    There are six patrol members, so you are missing one. I'll check and see if he's not turned on or something. In the meantime, you can artificially generate the 'complete' condition with the following console code:

    game.global_vars[520] = 6
  4. zebrainz

    zebrainz Yumm

    May 18, 2010
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    Thanks Gaear. I searched very thoroughly for an additional patrol member, no joy. Appreciate the help.

    edit: reloaded save with incomplete nw patrol. consoled game.global_vars[520] = 6 . Re-entered town defense house, Ariakas still reports "not defeated" on nw patrol. Opened console again and checked variable, it now returns 6 as an answer. ???
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2012
  5. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Sorry, you should also enter:

    game.global_[B]flags[/B][520] = 1
    The variable is the death counter, the flag is the thing that tells Ariakas to tell you they're dead. Normally when the death counter hits 6 the flag is automatically set, but it probably didn't happen because it has to fire from a death.


    I just tested it all under 'live' conditions in-game and everything went as intended. All six patrol members are there, all six dead counted, 'they are defeated' flag set. :shrug:
  6. zebrainz

    zebrainz Yumm

    May 18, 2010
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    Thanks. Off to try.

    Edit: Cool, worked. Wouldn't recognize quest completion (but changed Ariakas dialog to nw patrol complete). I had Ariakas 'help' and join the party, went to the front of the WW, raised a Hextorite WW attacker, killed it again and then talked to Ariakas about about quest completion. Logbook icon flashed yellow when I talked to Ariakas and quest completed normally (green WotGS defender).

    I went and looked, I still only had 5 actual bodies on the ground from nw patrol prior to changing maps. Thanks again! That shaking finally stopped! (I think/hope)
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2012
  7. sonofliberty

    sonofliberty Established Member

    Apr 14, 2012
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    Tried something new. Ftr/Rogue dual wielding Scather and Fragrach. Got locked up lvl 1 of the temple in the room filled with stirges. Thief bitten by stirge, Scather skewers stirge. Screen just hangs with the dead stirge greyed out but showing the stirge's turn.
  8. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    So am I correct in assuming neither of you guys experienced Jerk-Stop in the WotGS?
  9. sonofliberty

    sonofliberty Established Member

    Apr 14, 2012
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    In my initial run through, no. I am trying to get there the second time now. I may have to restart though. My dual wielding ftr/thief isn't working as I hoped.
  10. Pygmy

    Pygmy Established Member Supporter

    Oct 8, 2010
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    I think you can use Scather and Fragarach together providing any beasty that hits you can survive the first triggered AoO.

    I've noticed that "Opportunist" strikes on dead creatures always miss, which is of course impossible with Scather and Fragarach....

    How is a poor computer to resolve this paradox?

    I think taking the opportunist feat for your fighter/rogue is probably asking for trouble too.
  11. sonofliberty

    sonofliberty Established Member

    Apr 14, 2012
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    Thanks Pygmy. That is likely the problem. I have the silver sword of chaos as a back up weapon.
  12. zebrainz

    zebrainz Yumm

    May 18, 2010
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    Me? No, jerk-stop in 7.4, only once in WotGS 7.0 behind Renton's house while going in/out of sneak mode. Ever. At all. In 100+ playthroughs since 2004. I understand others have had a different experience. I did have one player 'freeze' in combat with no hourglass movement available (empty). After finishing combat, still wouldn't move until I attempted to use a random item from the inventory screen. I've had that a couple of times at various points of different playthroughs in different incarnations of the module. Very rarely.

    Just a missing nw patrol member (5 vice 6). Still missing when I re-played WotGS start to finish again on my oldest cleanest save. I've started a new game with a different alignnment. If I'm still having WotGS nw patrol issues when I get to that point, it'll be time to re-download the module and see if it was just my copy of the download that day (and my computer's mood).
  13. sirchet

    sirchet Force for Goodness Moderator Supporter

    Dec 6, 2003
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    You guys know that you're taking your fate into your own hands when playing with the "Cursed Swords of Temptation" otherwise known as Scather and Fragarach.

    You might want to peruse the text here in The Circle of Eight Modpack Explained thread, under the The Co8 Guide to Successful Gaming with ToEE heading. The last item mentioned comes to mind. ;)

    Remember ... Winners never cheat and Cheaters always win ... I mean, cheaters sometimes win, but non-cheaters have more fun ... uhm, cheaters might win sometimes but losers always ... no, no, sometimes winners cheat, but losers never win ... GAH! My head hurts. :dizzy:
  14. HeJason

    HeJason JK2 Deity

    Aug 28, 2006
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    I just got the northwest patrol bug (I dont know if it is officially a bug) I entered game.global_flags[520] and received a 5. Went to where the patrol was lying dead, and sure enough, there was only 5 bodies. I raised one from the dead as someone else has tried and it worked. After killing the 5th member 2 times the quest completed.
  15. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    For reasons that are unclear, only five of that patrol are appearing. Some of the time. (Typical ToEE.) Easy fix is just to make five sufficient for 'patrol dead,' which will be in the patch. If some players get six and there's an extra, it won't really matter.
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