Also, augmenting the priests AOE buffs has helped me greatly. I'm almost through the first chapter on hardest setting and I haven't had a total party wipe yet.
Here's an excellent review of Pillars of Eternity for those who are interested. The review contains spoilers of the plot at the very start of the game, so be warned. (note: the Dungeon Master at the very start of the video is how I would imagine Gaear would be as a Dungeon Master ) [YOUTUBE]jLCG_8ifW2c[/YOUTUBE]
Is that Prince Thrommel's voice from 3:55 - 4:02? Especially when he says "He was on the wrong side".
Also saw that Good Game ep Gazra is referencing - must try to get thm to do a 'mods' episode. EDIT: Come to think of it, a lot of Hex and Bajo's gushing about the expository dialogue and prose made me feel validated in some of the descriptive text I added to KotB in brackets - "[You see Mr Floppy's face fall but he maintains his quiet dignity and says with summoned conviction] crumpets, please!" - but also makes me wish I had kept a slightly more serious tone throughout. Because it's all about KotB, you know
One reviewer at RPG Codex certainly didn't like Pillars of Eternity. Here's his review: Here's the gist of his review for those TLDR people (like me) out there:
I actually agree with some parts of the review (The quests, stronghold and character creation), but I also disagree with a lot of it (Writing and combat).
Codex? I think their consensus on 'The Dark Knight' was "suckiest movie ever made." (e.g. you can't look to the Codex for honest reviews, because generally everyone's looking to one up everyone else on negative reviews, and due to that mentality of "it better suck or else," they're afraid to be positive. So you'll get fear-based "this sucks!" reactions even when someone feels an inkling of enjoyment. Sometimes you can find nuggets of genuine feedback within their discussions, but rarely in their reviews.)