Download: Pillars of Eternity Portrait Pack Installation: These portraits will replace your ToEE Portraits, backup first before extracting. *Note: Every time I add these portraits to "portraits.mes" I always end up having problems with the BIG portraits. :no: Special Thanks To: These portraits are created by the illustrator Jason Seow. Visit his amazing works at DeviantArt & JasonSeow or email him at GMail THESE PORTRAITS ARE FROM THE GAME PILLARS OF ETERNITY, I DIDN'T CREATE THESE PORTRAITS, I ONLY CONVERTED THEM. ENJOY! :joy:
These are great. I think this is going to be my default portrait pack from now on. They actually look like how I would imagine my character. I have to say, the portraits from the original game are very limited in the selection of ones I can actually use, as about 75% of them are too over-stylized for use as PC portraits, and they seem more like NPC portraits. I don't imagine my first level characters looking like a gnarled seasoned warrior with scars, or a grim bony hooded necromancer, or someone with lightning bolts coming out of my eyes. These portraits here walk the perfect line between a believable first level noob, and higher level character later on in the game. Well done!
Hey sneakycold, Are you planning to update your PoE Portrait Pack with new portraits from The White March DLC expansion? Thank you for your time.