Paladin's Cove beta release, and feedback

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by marc1967, Jul 6, 2024.

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  1. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Thanks for the replies Marc. If things are working the way they are meant to - empty treasure chests, or the Elven sheild being 5% fail rate because it is large - that's fine.

    2 quick questions for everyone:

    1) What sort of party are all you guys running? I'm using a strong face character and pre-gens (as mentioned), purely because I was too lazy to roll characters. Are other people using ordinary PCs or min-maxed uber-characters honed from a 1000 playthroughs of ToEE?

    2) are there any silver weapons actually for sale in the game? I can't find them, and have found lycanthropes elsewhere.

    One last complaint, Marc:, then you'll hear nothing but praise: when every fight is an ambush, and every peasant in the inn has 3 levels of rogue, it not only makes the game a slog, it makes the boss fights meaningless. They're only harder, they're not different.

    Anyway, I'm still playing, because there is so much to love about this.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2024
  2. Zalmoxes

    Zalmoxes Forest Guardian

    Jun 2, 2007
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    1) using a party of 6 PCs with rolling untill one 17/18 in the main ability of the class and no below 10, typical example my Barb 18,14,14,10,12,10, Druid 14,14,12,12,17,10 etc...
    2) I'm well into the fourth Chapter and found no silver weapon...

    FDR4PREZ Established Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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    no worries for now.

    maybe "stuck" is too strong of a word, but some just don't seem obvious to start and solve.

    I'll get there.

    But for now, i am redoing the Stronghold and in Level 2, there is a fire bat, but I can't seem to target it in battle.


    Normally for flying creatures there is a little shadow circle under it so we can target the creature, but this guy does seem to have one.

    Even if i use an area effect spell, you don't see it.


    for now, i can't finish this battle, so i will reload and avoid that area for now.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2024

    FDR4PREZ Established Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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    oh, and all these tiny creatures are a tedious battle since they end up so close to a party member that you can't target the creature easily because the player's zone is in the way.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2024

    FDR4PREZ Established Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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    Is there a way to scare her away from the adventuring life?

    if there is a way, then I've not been able to find it.
  6. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Thanks Zalmoxes. I usually roll characters pretty much exactly like that.

    No silver weapons at all? Interesting - what was the thinking, Marc? I had a lot of these sort of discussions with Screeg for KotB and then with Anatoliy for "Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde" - were you trying to avoid metagaming?
  7. OLLY613

    OLLY613 Established Member

    Apr 15, 2023
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    Try having her go up close into melee with some monsters :)

    FDR4PREZ Established Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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    Since I decided to replay from the beginning of the Stronghold, I've been attempting to scare her to the point of death in nearly every battle.

    Every battle she is hurt, and in most I have her die (negative HP) and when I talk to her she says "i almost died" and she says that that she is scared and she doesn't like it.

    My only response to her being scared is "let's continue".

    So if she is dying in every battle, and she says that she doesn't like it, then why won't she quit and why do I respond "let's continue" and not let her quit?

    Even at that point if I go talk with her mom, my only response to her mom is "i am still working on her"

    Even before battles I've had her poisoned so bad (from previous battles) that she was paralyzed in battles due to negative strength.

    Then at some point she gains a level and suddenly "i love adventuring and don't ask me again"

    what happened?
  9. OLLY613

    OLLY613 Established Member

    Apr 15, 2023
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    Out of curiosity does your face have 16 in CHA and maxed social skills? I bet there must be something there. If not you will need Marc to confirm.
  10. FDR4PREZ

    FDR4PREZ Established Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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    Probably not.
  11. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    I'll try to respond to everyone in one place here.

    Regarding Kaleela, the Guildmaster's daughter you recruit and try to convince to quit adventuring. Here is the full spoiler. Go ahead and read it, since this is still very much beta testing territory.

    How it is right now:

    First, if she ever reaches level 4, or gets 6000 XP, she is completely committed to adventuring. There is no talking her out of it at that point. She has survived her "test" and she won't even leave on her own. She can of course, be booted from the group at any time normally, like most other recruits.

    To scare her off from adventuring for life, you must convince her to quit in her dialog. She'll never do it on her own.

    To do this, she needs to have had her total Hit Points below 66% at any time. (not just when you talk to her). So, it's pretty common to get it to happen. Then you can talk with her and convince her to quit (she'll leave the group the next time you go back to the town).

    BUT... someone in your party needs a Diplomacy of 6 to do it, which is why some people were only getting the dialog option of "Let's keep going...".

    On second analysis, a Diplomacy of 6 may be a bit high for an early quest like that, if needed at all.​

    How I'll probably change it:

    I think I'll change it so that you can do it with a Diplomacy of 3 or 4. And possible add Intimidate as an option too?

    I'll probably also add, that if she ever goes below 33% HP she'll just quit on her own when she gets to town, without the need to ever talk to her.​

    Regarding silver weapons.

    Early on, I noticed a bug where having a quiver of silver arrows or quarrel of silver bolts in your inventory overrode the DR, even if you were not using a bow. So you could use your regular weapon and still overcome the DR by just carrying a silver arrow. Since that was a pretty significant potential for abuse, I removed them at the time, and never readdressed it .

    I think those were the only silver weapons ever available in the game.

    I'll probably make a few regular silver melee weapons available to the party, perhaps the basic ones like swords, maces, etc, since those don't have the same bug as the arrows.

    I can add them to a special vendor, perhaps at the church.

    I tried not to make too many "ambushes", but I can't help myself. It's my revenge for those jerks in Nulb that ambush you in that cozy little house you buy from Preston Wentz. :p

    Seriously, when I think about the 3 major quests in chapter one, which is about 90% of the encounters. Almost all the encounters at those maps are the party walking around attacking at their whim. I tried to make some of the remaining encounters a bit of a surprise.

    Regarding the patrons at the inn with Rouge levels. Are you referring to the Rivermist Inn? That should be the only place where that is the case. The generic travelers in the two inns in Paladin's Cove should be F1 I think, copied from vanilla ToEE. The Partons at the Rivermist Inn have Rogue levels for completely sensible reasons that will become apparent in a Chapter 2 quest.


    I'll look into that fire bat, thanks for telling me that.

    [Edit, Fixed the Fire Bat: The radius was not defined in it's proto(14297), a holdover from the vanilla game. This is OK if you remember to define it's radius in the mob. But I forgot to do that too, hence the bug. If you want to fight it now (as it is, without it's radius), and complete that combat, you can select "Offense --> Single Attack" from the radial wheel, and then click on the bat's picture in the list of portraits in the initiative list at the top of the screen. As a tip, this is also an alternate way of attacking at any time, if you can't find a creature's circle in the mess of combat.]

    The tiny creatures were given a radius of 15, where a normal creature has 25. It gave a more "crowded" effect for fun. If it's too hard to target them, I can raise the radius to 22 which is the same as a gnome or halfling.
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2024
  12. FDR4PREZ

    FDR4PREZ Established Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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    OK, that explains a lot.

    There is absolutely no reason to return to town at any point before you've gone through both levels, so this is why she'd never leave.

    I can return to a previous saved game and go back to town and see what happens.

    EDIT - I only have a diplomacy of 4 so i guess i am stuck with her, or reload an earlier game and do this at a later level.

    I do like the suggestion about her auto-quitting at some point - and you should have it so that she requests an immediate escort back to town. And if you don't escort her back, then she goes alone and that would botch the quest because she did not survive the solo trip home.

    I do like the suggestion of adding an option for intimidation dialog choice, too.

    Last edited: Aug 10, 2024
  13. FDR4PREZ

    FDR4PREZ Established Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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    I am OK without a vendor selling silver weapons, but you'd have to add something as a looted treasure somewhere, or have it be a prize from a quest reward. Help out a Guildmaster on a hard quest and get a silver weapon.

    Even if that "ornate cutlass" was a silver weapon...sure it may be tough to find, but that would still be an "in town" quest that one should finish before venturing out of town. Now whether or not you find it, or keep it, is totally up to the player.

    If silver ammo is a bug, then for sure it doesn't need to be added into your game.
  14. FDR4PREZ

    FDR4PREZ Established Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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    oh,OK, i've never done battle like that.

    I assumed it was possible that way by selecting the creature in the initiative list, but when i tried it didn't work. i didn't know that i needed to select the Single Attack first.

    maybe changing their radius will not be needed since i now know how to do the Single Attack method.

    Last edited: Aug 10, 2024
  15. FDR4PREZ

    FDR4PREZ Established Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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    I went into Woodworker, Upper and I am stuck up there.

    The icon for down does not work.


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