Paladin's Cove beta release, and feedback

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by marc1967, Jul 6, 2024.

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  1. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    I would say doing this is nearly essential to complete this game at early levels. At least have a decent supply of first level spells like Sleep, Magic Missile, Cure Light, etc. They're fairly cheap in both gold and xp.
  2. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    That battle is actually the final boss encounter for that quest, which would explain the toughness...

    I'll quote what @Zalmoxes said above, which pretty much says it all:

    Also, the secret door to that room only reveals itself if you've explored most of the fortress already. This is to prevent lower level parties from stumbling onto it early on. So you must have gotten pretty far already.

    And as is usual for most of the game, the statue guardians are made tougher if your party is over a certain level (as well as adding the ooze as bonus creatures).
  3. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    You only have to complete the other 15 if you ACCEPTED them in that chapter. It's that way because its a major pain of housekeeping to have them accepted in chapter 1 and linger on into chapter 2 (or 3, or 4).

    And I didn't want to just have them automatically botched off-screen while you were resting up between chapters.

    Sorry. :(
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2024
  4. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    Damn, you're more of a completionist than I am. :) I never thought anyone would do that.

    That's taking things a bit deeper than I planned, so I did not make that particular connection in this current release, but I'll probably add it for later on. Sounds like fun.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2024
  5. Zalmoxes

    Zalmoxes Forest Guardian

    Jun 2, 2007
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    Thanks (?) :rolleyes: , Marc.
    Jokes apart, oh boy I'm enjoying it! I'm just buzzing now playing with the new shiny toy. Might get back to be serious and find bugs soon....
    One thing about being a completionist, true enough lol but I'm quite stubborn not playing the alignments I don't like ( thus my decisions usually reflecting my alignment) so sometimes I might miss different "branching" ( my fave is CG followed by CN then NG and very very rarely TN )
    One ( I think ) bug I found and ( sorry sorry sorry ) forgot to mention was that at one point all the fireball spells I was casting fizzled saying "false wand" whilst , very ironically, the ones cast from a wand worked! Reloaded then worked fine then I thought , "darn, I should've reported that!!!!!! " anyway, if it matters , it happened after I went to the Beyond
  6. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    I found that wand too - I liked that touch, albeit it came at a really bad time...

    I sorted out the cat (getting treated to a combined Star Wars / Dumb and Dumber moment was priceless) but while trying to get some potion bottles made, I found the potter chick seems to have a serious bug. I entered her house, found her being attacked by scorpions - consistent with her background sob story, I understand - but due to some factional issue (?), the whole family attacked me (as well as the scorpions) and my 3 hangers on (Torv, Walden and Lucern) all denounced me and turned their cloaks.

    Repeatable problem no matter what time I go into the house.

    FDR4PREZ Established Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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    i've been looking all over town and i still haven't found anything related to that cat.
  8. Zalmoxes

    Zalmoxes Forest Guardian

    Jun 2, 2007
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    How to solve the cat quest
    Behind the Guildhouse, quite hidden there's a well. You'll find a clump of cat hair. After that you'll have to lure the cat out of the well with some food
  9. marc1967

    marc1967 Established Member

    Jan 19, 2014
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    That problem definitely exists. It's fixed but not released yet. It was reported about 6 pages ago, and I fixed it internally here in my code when it was reported, but I didn't tell anyone because it was a strange intermittent bug. And since it wasn't halting anyone in their tracks at that point, I didn't post any fix.

    It was a faction problem as you alluded to. And since it required changing the faction in the mobs of the potter and her 2 kids, it was hard to release as a patch for your general user. If you want the new mobs I can link them, and you can plop them into the map folder and the problem should be fixed.

    The problem was not with the scorpion's faction, but with RECRUIT'S factions conflicting with the potter and her kids. She was being dragged into combat when it started, and then your recruits leave the group and fight with her against you. The unusual part that made it a bug that came up sometimes, is that it ONLY pops up when you have TWO or more recruits that have the potter's faction. Not one recruit, but TWO or more. Why two? And not one? I don't know. It didn't matter which two, I tried all combinations. And it didn't have to do with distance from the potter, or anything like that.

    A temporary solution right now, without any patches, is to disband two of your guys before you enter the potter's house, and then after the encounter, go recruit them after back at the inn.
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2024
  10. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Sorry I didn't pick up that this was already reported, Marc, I was avoiding reading the spoilery bugs to avoid spoilers.

    I tried dumping two NPCs and just keeping Walden, but it still happened.

    I tried just keeping Torv, but it still happened. (This isn't really important if you are going to fix the mobs but just being thorough).

    I tried dumping everyone but while Walden and Lucern rejoined in the inn, I couldn't find Torv again.

    I tried changing Torv's scripting to prevent him wading into combat, but I failed.

    I did realise (when I dumped NPCs who had some of the items needed to complete the potion bottle quest) that only if you have all the gear, do the scorpions appear (think of it as a mnemonic). So I just did a rough and ready workaround - I went in without the leg bone, then consoled it in and completed the quest. I have skipped the whole "who were those scorpions meant for?" issue but I will fix that later.

    Now I'm ready for chapter 2, yay. Also, if you have never received a box with scorpions in it IRL, you have never lived - I have one on my altar.

    Unrelated - loved getting a fruit basket for completing a quest. :D
  11. FDR4PREZ

    FDR4PREZ Established Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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    Yes, that's quite well hidden. I've scoured the town a few times and never found this location.

    Too bad there isn't some possibility of collecting the two other cats that are locatable and attempting to turn them in.

    "Here's your cat"

    "That's not the cat you're looking for"

    But of course, as soon as you know the real solution, then these other cats are of no consequence and that extra dialog will never be used/seen again.
  12. FDR4PREZ

    FDR4PREZ Established Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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    I just completed Crossroads, and when i returned to town I got the option to move to Chapter 2.

    If I accept, then the other remaining quests will all be botched?

    These are the blue ones that i have:

    1) Warehouse Robberies - I cleared out the secret area, but Tosh said that he'll wait until remove his inventory later when all the pirates have been found and dealt with. Now when I talk with him, "i've got nothing to report"

    2) Bottles and Pots - I guess I don't know to whom to find for helping her

    3) Catch a Falling Star - I guess there is never going to be a meteor shower

    4) Miss Management - Not sure what inn she can take over.

    5) Glyphs for Riss - one of five isn't good enough?
  13. FDR4PREZ

    FDR4PREZ Established Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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    Oh, and I never talked to the head church guy for more quests, so I never got the quest to go bring supplies to the monastery. Is that important?

    and there's probably more in chapter 1 that I am missing out on.
  14. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    2, 3, 4 & 5 persist (I have them all) - for 1, you saw where the other end of the secret area came out? You should be able to trigger the boss fight.

    Btw, I'd advise staying in chapter 1 and trying to level if you can, I just started chapter 2 and ran into
    bugbears with 9 class levels
    as the very first thing which my level 5/6 party just gawked at, so you might want to farm. Or maybe its just me.
  15. Zalmoxes

    Zalmoxes Forest Guardian

    Jun 2, 2007
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    Started Chapter 2 with a 6 PCs level 6 party and struggled. I agree with Shiningted, get as strong as you can beforehand. I have to say tho, I'm finding that you can rest and recover quite often for the 8hrs without encountering foe ( well, decent survival and such skills help but I find that you can rest more than in ToEE without being "jumped on" ) so it helps the fact that you can throw "all you've got" to a battle without necessarily needing to "save spells for later" ... so, in a way, battles could be manageable ( heavy magic use really needed tho!!)
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