
Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Grim04, Jul 2, 2010.

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  1. Grim04

    Grim04 Member

    Jul 2, 2010
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    Hey, I need the animation for the Owlbear and so far it looks like I won't be able to import it into 3DS Max.

    My next bet is to actually take screenshots of the owlbear and make the animation myself...

    Unfortunately I haven't played that far into ToEE and I need the animation for a different game (I'm trying to make an owlbear creature for HoMM 3).

    Does anyone have a saved game next to the owl bear or have a better solution for me? I'm not that sure of how strong the editting functions are in ToEE (I've only played through the first hour or so), but if you can make me a quick save anychance you can make me an overpowered character so I can get the screenshots I need?

    I'll check this post often but you can always email me at grim_of_krynn@hotmail.com

    I've extracted the owlbear from the Dat file and have the meshviewer but the animations dont work and the owlbear is from the wrong angle... so I need to get a better angle for the owlbear.

    Any help is appreciated


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