Sorry Spike, I really meant for that question to be rhetorical. Not continually updating the CMF will only lead to the same situation I had when putting together 4.0.0, i.e. having to find a way to make a few dozen incompatible mods compatible. This is not a situation I want to find myself in again. As much as we will urge people to focus on KotB, modding on ToEE will continue, and new mods for the CMF will be submitted. Many of these mods, such as Maggit's new armors, may have a place in KotB as well. Then there is the testing issue: If it's not in the CMF or KotB, it doesn't get tested, and right now KotB is a huge pre-beta and not the best environment for testing new mods. It would also be unfair of us to come back months after someone made a mod and say "That doesn't meet our standards." For better or for worse, we need to deal with these mods now, not later.
I agree. It should be noted that the operation of the council would be an endeavor unto itself that, with the exception of Blue's CMF assimilation work, would not involve much effort on the part of the rest of us, other than coming to the forums and posting (which we all already do as it is, whether we're working on KotB or not). In other words, I don't see why the council can't operate and the CMF be updated (Blue-willing) while KotB development proceeds. It's the separate ToEE modding that needs to be suspended for council members. One further thing to ponder: Ted mentioned previously that he wanted priority for KotB until the demo is released, iirc. I've heard others say that KotB should have priority until it is finished. I believe the two are wildly different things. While the demo might be released in what, maybe two months?, KotB itself likely won't be finished for another year, maybe longer, if things go the way they always tend to go. So we're not suggesting that the council not operate, the CMF not be updated, and that no new ToEE mods be made for another year, are we? God only knows who will be around then and what the situation will be at Co8. ~ Finally, does anyone remember the ToEE vs. KotB 'fight club' thread? I was never really convinced by the arguments given there that KotB couldn't run (much) more smoothly and efficiently with a more rigorous and organized management approach. (I never stated so in that thread because I'm a believer in the 'let everyone have their say and leave it at that' motto.) While I acknowledge that neither I nor anyone other than Ted is running the KotB show, the continued presence of KotB development snafus somehow winds up being a problem for all of us. Given that, I would like to encourage another look at that discussion. I might go so far as to postulate that if things had been done more in line with what was suggested there, we wouldn't be having the problems we are now. It's not too late to restructure the operation.
Could it be that in every November of a year through the beginning of January is, normally, a bad time of each year for a lot of people, time-wise? IMO - ToEE modding should continue. The Co8 leadership with input from the community should continue to monitor new modding for ToEE. (Blue has consistently done and continues to do an amazing job with the CMF.) Modding the KotB should be given priority, where and when applicable. More people should always be prompted to mod for KotB instead of ToEE, where and when applicable. ShiningTed is the Project Leader for KotB and should continue to have a major vote for the modding of KotB. As long as the community stays focused, the vision of the community will remain focused. There is no reason to lose perception. I do not believe any major changes are needed. Seeing how everyone is chipping in their 2 cents, that was my contribution to the discussion.
Well, that depends on what you call much effort. The council members are going to have to actually try the mods being discussed. That will at least mean installing them and playing them (I'm sure one of us can do the set-up work and post a saved game so we don't all need to have saves everywhere in the game).