Oversight Committee?

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Kalshane, Nov 30, 2006.

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  1. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Yeah, sure. :)

    Sounds reasonable. I assume these questions will be answered here in short order . . . ;)
  2. ShadowDragoon

    ShadowDragoon Advocate of Vengence

    Dec 25, 2004
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    Alright, so, I'll assume the final list looks like:

    1) CtB Accepted
    2) Gaear Accepted
    3) Kalshane Accepted
    4) Cujo Accepted
    5) Allyx Accepted
    6) Old Book Accepted
    7) Lord_Spike Accepted
    8) ShiningTed Accepted
    9) Agetian Undecided At The Moment
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2007
  3. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Now this from post #27:

    Um, sounds fairly conclusive to me.
  4. ShadowDragoon

    ShadowDragoon Advocate of Vengence

    Dec 25, 2004
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    Oh. I completely missed that! My apologies! *goes to fix it right now*
  5. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Well that gives us a Co9, which saves C-Blue having to worry about casting deciding votes unless we have a kerfuffle so severe people actually abstain from voting. I'd say its all good :)
  6. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Well now that that is settled, I wish to bring to the committee's attention the "Project: Delicate Reballancement" thread. IMHO this is the most pressing issue we have, and was caused by our community's carelessness (and not Troika's fault - for once :().

    Curruntly we have a few proposed solutions, namely the reduced XP mod, and the "Tales of the Wild Coast", among other ideas.

    Now I know KotB is in the forefront of peoples minds at the moment, everyone is excited about the demo release and all, but I for one would like to at least settle on a course of action for this issue before even more mods are completed, further unballancing the ToEE.
  7. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I suppose we have to determine if the committee is really the committee yet before we do anything else. How do we do that? Do we put up another poll, or do we just complete the coupe warlord-style? ;)

    We should probably try to finalize/formalize a few things also:

    • Do we want eight in the council or nine?
    • If it's eight, and Agetian is available, who's the odd man out?
    • For the purpose of answering Ag's availability questions, what exactly will the duties of a member be?
    • Someone is going to have to be a sort of chairman, handling things like initiating discussion on mods, refereeing grudgematches, proclaiming debates concluded, calling for votes, etc. I think people expressed a desire to have Blue be that guy in one way or another, which makes sense to me. Will it be so?
    • We should also make some type of formal declaration to modders and the rest of the community at some point that starting at such and such time, their mods will now be subject to scrutiny and acceptance/rejection from the council.

    Axl's right about the pressing nature of the 'delicate rebalancement' matter, as currently we've got a mod making the rounds out there that's kind of broken. However, delving into all that again right now will unavoidably hamper the KotB push, I believe, so I do think we should continue to let that lie for now.

    One final point: this thing has never really been my baby from the onset, so I'm looking to the originator of the concept and it's biggest supporter - Kalshane and Blue respectively - to run with the ball here. That said, we do also need input from everybody who's been nominated for the council to get this underway if it's gonna go, so . . . speak up everybody.
  8. Old Book

    Old Book Established Member

    May 30, 2005
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    * Do we want eight in the council or nine? - Eight to keep with the theme. Also, some have griped at the idea of too many cooks, and there's no reason to put them in a position where they're unhappy. Note however that modding is a purely voluntary activity, where the only pay you get is the fun of modding itself and the fun of hanging out in the community, plus the odd thanks. The best way to motivate a modder is to move him to the point where he thinks of the mod he's contributing to as "his" project as much as that of the team leader. A committee that forgets that risks driving away modders who otherwise might have added something worthwhile.

    * If it's eight, and Agetian is available, who's the odd man out?-If someone has to be cut to make room for Age, I'll step back. His contributions have been incredible.

    * For the purpose of answering Ag's availability questions, what exactly will the duties of a member be? - Review and test mods as possible, participate in formal discussions of those mods, provide feedback, show up at scheduled IRC sessions if possible, actually contribute content, answer questions about mods posed by the greater community, vote on the inclusion or exclusion of mods.

    * Someone is going to have to be a sort of chairman, handling things like initiating discussion on mods, refereeing grudgematches, proclaiming debates concluded, calling for votes, etc. I think people expressed a desire to have Blue be that guy in one way or another, which makes sense to me. Will it be so? - It's got to be Blue. He's been doing the job so far, and no one else is in as good a position to know what must be done.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2007
  9. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Well, I can definitely try but I'm afraid that now is not the best time for me to do this since I'm still relatively busy with my real life... That's why I'd gladly pass over my place to someone else who feels he'd find time right now to perform all the listed tasks. Thanks for showing your confidence in me, guys, but I'm afraid this is just something I can't afford atm due to the time limitations (I still have the front-end to update and some KotB stuff to test).

    - Agetian
  10. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    I can't see any need to boot someone just so we can say, "hey, now we have a Co8 not a Co9". 9 makes more sense, in as much as we don't have ties that way, and the 9 that have been named all bring very different perspectives to the council: its not like we have 6 rules lawyers or 5 mesh-modders or 7 old-style AD&D DM's. We have a nice balance, lets just accept that there is a committee of 9, make Blue the chairman, and move on with life.
    I've always agreed with us having a responsibility to fix our work (said so, too). But I've gotta say, there is no way this should be a priority ahead of KotB. I think Blue put it best the other day - he released his Time.event fixes for the Scather issue and all the other timed problems in the game (several), and it was downloaded, what, nine times?

    How many people are still playing Co8? Sure, we've got a core of devoted fans and we've got a good community here, but do we seriously want to concentrate our efforts endless releasing slightly different versions of the same game over and over and over? We may have a monopoly as the only turn-based D&D game in town, but I really think we have to look at the big picture. A mod that fixed one of the longest running and most annoying bugs, not to mention with massive potential for future modding, and NINE people downloaded it. What does that tell us?

    Alternately, once KotB is out (even just the Demo), how many people will download that? I like to think it will be thousands, I mean, even 0rion's "Hommlet of Horrors" made it into 4 figures on Sorcerer's Place.

    So where do we want to concentrate our efforts? We've discussed this, debated it, had several "where is Co8 going?" threads. Surely we can draw the line in the sand and make KotB the priority. It doesn't mean people abandon 5.0.x, it just means they put their KotB dtuies, such as they may be, first.

    As for the new modders coming through, I don't doubt for one moment that folks like Sitra and Axe Thrower who are releasing new ToEE mods can make them consistent with each other without our help. I think Blue has been spoiling us a bit lately with the quality of his 'admin' work. Folks managed to make their mods work together back in the early days, and they will continue to do so if the CMF gets left un-updated for a little while. And if people want to keep downloading and playing those mods, well thats fine too. Then when they get sick of the KotB demo (which obviously won't be anywhere near as long as ToEE) they can come back to ToEE and find a plethora of new stuff has accumulated, and doubtless with their KotB duties taken care of, lots of modders will have done rebalancing efforts too. Everyone will be better off for the break.
  11. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    9's fine with me. We're not THE Circle of Eight, you know. ;)

    If there is a tie for some reason (mia due to computer woes, etc.) on an important issue, those members who happen to be absent will just have to let the chairman (CtB) break the tie. No sense in delaying, unless it's just so important that we don't want to move on without the input of the missing person(s). Whatever the issue may be, it can just friggin' wait in that circumstance. Nothing is worth us becoming the elitists & snobs we all joke about towards one another.
  12. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Well, it looks like it would be eight anyway, doesn't it?

    Sorry to sound like a stick in the mud, but what that tells us is that only nine people knew and/or cared to come to Co8 and hunt around the GM forum for what to most would appear to be a fairly obscure fix. ("Time.event fix" isn't exactly sexy sounding, is it? ;))

    The big picture message is easily deduced by checking SP for download figures, which I just observed to be 150 for 5.0.0 so far this month. At any rate, I'm not sure why I'm arguing this side, as I did say in the quote above that we shouldn't pursue the rebalancement matter for the time being so that KotB could proceed unhindered. :shrug:
  13. Kalshane

    Kalshane Local Rules Geek

    Aug 6, 2004
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    As far as the time.event fix only being downloaded nine times, I think a lot of folks simply wait until things are rolled into the Cumulative fixes, instead of grabbing the fixes individually. So I'm not sure that's really a fair way to judge things. Like Gaear said, how many downloads of the Co8 5.0, or of 5.0.x are a better guage of interest.

    I do agree the focus needs to be on KotB. Continued bug-fixing is neccessary for the sake of not only ToEE, but KotB and any future mods. Whether or not we're happy with the balance issues in Co8 5.x, everything pretty much works. Aside for bug-squashing, I think it should be left as-is until after KotB, as rebalancing is going to take dedicated time and effort and we still don't have an agreement on how exactly we want to accomplish that rebalancing yet.
  14. Cerulean the Blue

    Cerulean the Blue Blue Meanie Veteran

    Apr 23, 2005
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    I also agree that we need to focus on KotB. But what about the CMF? Do I continue updating it or do I let it slide for a while? Right now we don't have much in the way of new stuff in the unincorporated submissions, but I feel Maggit's new armors need to be looked at before they get rolled in. Then there is the Imeryd's Run respawn to consider too. Can we just leave all these new mods hanging while we work on KotB?
  15. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Sure, we can. Once KotB is "finished" then we can look at what to incorporate into ToEE. Give those guys a chance to refine their skills. Only critical updates need be considered for ToEE, and by that, I mean gamestopping. Basically, you'd be the one to decide that, anyways, Blue, since you're the one doing much (if not all...?) of it in the first place.
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