I already have all the newest additions since the CMF update on 12-17-06 rolled up into a little 'patch', if you will. It would only take me a few minutes to get that meshed into a new CMF, if that's what you want. But then again, I don't know off the top of my head how to change the blurb in the Front-End that says "Patched to #.#.# build MM-DD-YY". But, if you told me how, I can get that too. It seems it's just a matter of editing a simple text file, no?
Dunno if you're authorized to do that. I mean Blue and the rest still has the last word about what goes in and what not. It would only be an unofficial CMF. ;P
Heheh. Good point. But, I just figured I'd throw my hat into the ring, just incase it would prove useful. I've pretty much perfected the process, what with having to re-install ToEE an average of about once a week.
IMO - That would be brash and could have poor results or, plainly, have bad results. The Co8 5.0.3 MOD has not been properly play tested, including newer content and updates submitted for addition to the Co8 5.0.3 MOD. I believe for the time being that this is a time we should be patient and wait. [EDIT] We should not move to do something that is rushed, done out of haste or panic.
If you can do it, do it, some ones got to. post it with warning labels and everything but post it none the less. BTW all CMF's are technically unoffical.
Gaear, I hear you. It seems that once it was official, things changed. But, I'm with Ted & (OMG!!!) krunch. Patience is what's needed now, at least for the time being. I can understand the feeling of ennui, having had a good dose of it myself, recently. Just didn't seem worth the effort to keep on when life is so full of stress & the enjoyment of coming here as a diversion was severely lessened with the MIA's & other issues. So, my thoughts are that we give it some time, then move on once it's plain that the others have totally lost interest. My vote is not to move ahead with any type of CMF until we've reached a decision in the future. Then, we who remain can decide how to proceed, be it by dissolution or reformation.
i think the members of the committee that are still around should keep on going. later on if it is desired we can replace missing members or if we decide the committee isnt needed then we can desolve it. wasnt the main reason for forming the committee to have a group to look over and either approve or disapprove any new material for the mod? i dont see why you all cant still do that.
Well, what exactly are we deciding on? The only new thing that has come along since all this began is Axe Thrower's pirate ship - otherwise, are we deciding if everything currently in the CMF is worthy to b 'official Co8' stuff? Perhaps someone would like to make a quick list of what there is to think about (the Rannos and Gremag stuff, the signpost mod, the Sammy stuff, the Furnok stuff etc)? Then heck, lets have a vote on each: yes or no, no discussion entered into except for bugs. Eg: Sitra's signpost mod must be considered. Ted votes YES to inclusion.
Here's a list of CMF items posted after December 17, 2006, the release date of the Co8 5.0.3 MOD. • Gaear: Long Awaited Furnok Fix - updated to v2 (see post #79) • Gaear: Long Awaited Sammy Fix - added Otis dialogue easter eggs (see post #78) • Blue: A fix for the trap on Jaroo's chest, so it will actually fire now, but only once, and give the correct XP for setting it off. • Blue: A fix that will remove familiars from your party if they die and are still dead after 24 hours has passed. • Ted: Another fix for the repeating crossbows • Blue: The timedEventAdd method, and the Woodcutter's, Tillahi's, Thrommel's and Sargen's scripts using said method • Ax Thrower: Updated Protos.tab to include NPC Factions • Allyx/Vampiricpuppy: Vampiricpuppy's Phase Spider Skin • Maggit/ShadowDragon: Finished long_description.mes PLUS new armor • SpellSlinger: DLLfix16.0.2 • Maggit: Dwarven and Leather Armor update • Ax Thrower: Corsair Mod • Maggit: more/final armor updates I still suggest we wait before rushing to release a new public MOD version.
Okay, to answer a few questions . . . Sorry if that came off as rant-like, but all I expected was for the members of the committee to show up. I appreciate your use of the word "us" Ted, but you're not among the missing. It's more what I expected from the other no-shows, which was really no more than the most basic of commitments. Remember, this was never even my initiative to begin with. I just spearheaded it because no one else would, and well, now here we are. This certainly sounds reasonable, and I never really wanted to do something immediately here. We can bide our time and then act if it becomes appropriate, like Spike says. What we should do in that eventuality is something we should start pondering though. That will be our responsibility if nothing changes here. Thanks for the offer S_D, but let's let that lie for now. Cujo, do you see any particular need for this to happen right away? How can we though? For one thing we never even really began. It was supposed to be an 8 member committee with Blue as chairman. And still it's too early to conclude that these guys are never coming back. In the meantime, that leaves the rest of us in the lurch, which is what I was really complaining about in the first place. To my understanding it was supposed to be the entirety of the post-5.0.0 CMF. Again let me stress that I'm not bemoaning that we haven't started on that job in particular, but that we haven't done anything because half of the committee hasn't shown up since it was elected two weeks ago. Again, it seems unneccesary to jump right on this atm, not to mention innapropriate if Blue and the others were to suddenly return from sunny Acapulco in a few days. But we do have to begin considering the possibility. To be clear here, I don't particularly find fault with Allyx if he's got internet problems, and I expect that probably before long Old Book and Kalshane will come back around, though as stalwarts within the community they should assume more responsibility for it and make a greater effort to at least check in periodically. It's Blue who's the real mystery here, as his absence is unprecedented. Assuming that it was actually him checking his PMs a few days ago, we can safely say that he's not lying in a ditch by the side of the road somewhere, but not much more than that. If he's not lying in that ditch, then why is he leaving us hanging? No one is so busy that they can't spare five minutes for a quick post here, especially if you see that you've got your own 'WTF happened to' thread. I know because a lot of the time I'm pretty friggin' busy, and yet I always manage to check in at least every few days. And pretty much everyone's got access to a PC through their local library, if that's the problem. And Blue has previously posted notices on departures as short as four days or so, let alone two weeks. So what's the explanation? As of right now we have none.
Currently ToEE wont run through the frontend on my computer, I had to format my c: and I'm still getting a few problems arising from that little bit of fun, namely the fact that MS.NET got formatted too :anger: I'll get back online when I can, but I can't upload files from the public library computers, unfortunately. I still think the first order of business is that this oversight commitee needs to come to a decision on, is the fate of the ToEE reballancement. and that IMHO is more important than making a new patch, or updating the CMF at this point in time. the crucial point is that WE broke the game ballance, and WE ned to fix it, so can we get a vote on HOW it's going to be done?
Ah, it's just as well. I'm still working on fixing up the the long_description.mes anyway. But, if there's anything else I can do to help, just ask. :thumbsup:
well Gaear i didnt mean for you all to decide everything right now :doh: lol. i should have been clearer but i ment that you all can still go over the stuff the needs to be decided on and start getting some ideas on it so when the committee is together youll be halfway there. Well Allyx i understand that completely i just recently had to go through that and i stil cant get the frontend to work right. going to end up building a new PC here soon as this one just seems to be dying a slow death lol:dead::tombstone .
Acknowledging the current priority status of KotB, I'll nonetheless put a few thoughts up for consideration ... This is truly a conundrum. I'm leaning more nowadays toward an easy fix rather than an effective one, but no single approach really satisfies every aspect of this thing. If we throw in with Zebedee's argument that the game never was balanced in the first place and by its nature can't be balanced, then we need do nothing. This would be easy, but is it really the case? The next easiest thing to do would be to remove the Big 3 expansions and offer them as optional add-ons. All we'd have to do then is eliminate the hooks that get you there and leave it at that. Balance restored to whatever it was before. But then Krunch, Ted, and Axl get the shaft. Not cool. Then there's the option of major modifications, in whatever form they may take. Are we up to such a task with our current skeleton crew? I kind of doubt it, and especially not while KotB dev is supposed to be going full speed. Probably best just to . . . keep . . . on . . . waiting. See if the vacationers come back. Not to mention, does the current Gang of 5 here have the authority to decide on anything?
Well, as far as KotB goes, all I ask of Allyx is that he do the Worldmap stuff he offered to do (because I don't think too many other people can do it) - his PC and net connection willing, of course, and when he has the time. Once thats done, if he wants to make balancing Verbo-mod his next priority, thats kewl - I just ask people put the immediate needs of KotB first, if there is something they can specifically offer. Ditto Krunch, all I need from him as a priority is the Orc Caves, beyond that I don't mind in the slightest if he puts redoing HB first before the rest of the Caves. The same goes for the other folks. I can always change the trigger for the Moathouse respawn to after... well, after whatever we decide should be the point the new stuff kicks in. Thats all of 5 minutes work. And if people honestly think the Sword of Spite and other magic items in the DH quest are overpowered for the point they appear, well, much as it breaks my heart, I can change that pretty quickly too