Our installation situation is a disaster - the saga of Co8 4.0.0

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Gaear, Sep 18, 2005.

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  1. bradrinwi

    bradrinwi Established Member

    Mar 18, 2005
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    Re: Our installation situation is a disaster

    .upon rethinking..
    the best way from a use stand point would be an html doc or text doc.. breaking down the total changes by catagory.." char class changes fixes..." (sub catagory monk.., fighter, cleric etc)
    spell fixes,adventuring fixes.. (homlet,,node ...etc etc...)

    new content..

    the Big advantage is If i want to know how the cleric has been changed /fixed I just need to look at that section for a total overview..
    or if im adventuring in homlett and want to know what was broken fixed changed.. I only have to look there to get all the corrections fixes.. mods and added adventures. and items....if any .. that have been made
    it is a truly heculean task though..
    might even be good for a lion skin coat..:)
  2. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    Re: Our installation situation is a disaster

    my 2 ¢ ... I think whoever is doing the new documentation [in this case Blue] should have the final say on what and how the documentation will be done. It's easy for someone who is not working on the documentation to say I want it done this way and my opinion is what counts. Except, maybe, in the singular, specific case where Livonya, herself, would return to this site and request it a specific way for her to review what's been done for her to work on and release her version 2 of her mod.

    * strictly IMO - I've worked on many corporate global scale MIS projects. It would be a good idea to follow the documentation style of the previous official Co8 releases, unless there is a new method that is a real improvement over the existing method and is accepted by the Co8 staff. If it's changed and information is not complete or wrong (or whatever), it's the Co8 staff that will catch the blame in future times.

    Maybe I'm wrong, but that's just my opinion.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2005
  3. Cerulean the Blue

    Cerulean the Blue Blue Meanie Veteran

    Apr 23, 2005
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    Re: Our installation situation is a disaster

    Once again, thanks for the support and the vote of confidence Krunch, but I really don't think the final say should be mine. After all, only a tiny piece of this release is something I have contributed. Almost all of it was done by others, and they should have the final say in how their work is documented. And since the Co8 name is going on this, everyone at Co8 should have a say. I am just serving as ghost writer, or copy editor. I do like the sticking with the format of the previous release notes idea, though imnsho they could have benefited from a little better organizing.

    My preference is, even though it means a lot more work for me( I always wanted a lion skin coat), is a single doc organized much in the way bradrinwi described, with annotations for mod/modder/release for each each fix/change/addition. I don't do html just yet, so if it's html you want someone else will have to do it, though I'll still do the organizing if you want. I can do a nice word or plain text document.

    Oh, and btw, I insist on giving Sol Invictus a credit for all his hard work and dedication in providing this forum for us.
  4. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Re: Our installation situation is a disaster

    Absolutely. Give Sorcerer's Place a plug too.
  5. bradrinwi

    bradrinwi Established Member

    Mar 18, 2005
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    Re: Our installation situation is a disaster

    Blue personally i think Herc had it easy..all he had to do was slay the neiman lion for his..

    your task is a bit more daunting..

    but have at it and defiently a credit for Sol Invictus.. with out whom thered be no fourm for us to rave and plot and create in.

    as someone with a slightly moldy degree in linguistics im happy to play editor /proof reader.. or help in any other capcity..
    just Pm me
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2005
  6. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Re: Our installation situation is a disaster

    No need to create a reason for Sol to be credited. Back in his "Exitium" days, he was a regular modder -- he was involved with the original Ioun Stones initiative and did the new artwork for them. :thumbsup:
  7. Morpheus

    Morpheus Mindflayer Veteran

    Nov 11, 2003
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    Re: Our installation situation is a disaster

    He he ... is that a degree in creative orthography? ;)
  8. bradrinwi

    bradrinwi Established Member

    Mar 18, 2005
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    Re: Our installation situation is a disaster

    just because i choose not to excersize some skills in my daily correspondence and my typing skills are not the most highly praise worthy. doesn't mean i lack the knowledge and skills

    actually linguistic evolution is the concentration
    (how word sounds devolve over time and cultural influence)
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2005
  9. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Re: Our installation situation is a disaster

    No, but it may rightly get some people wondering . . .

    Similarly, just because I don't mod doesn't mean I'm not a DLL hacker extraordinaire. Or does it? ;)
  10. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Re: Our installation situation is a disaster

    Creative orthography? You mean like people who speak and write "American" instead of English? :p

    I prefer neologism myself.

    "That's not a word!"

    "It is now..."
  11. bradrinwi

    bradrinwi Established Member

    Mar 18, 2005
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    Re: Our installation situation is a disaster

    :) unfortunatly its not the product of a fevered imagination..
    many yrs ago i was on track to become an ivory tower dweller

    and submitted a thesis titled the evolutio of the p and q celtic language groups as infulenced by roman invasions through the norman conquest.

    luckyl i got better quickly and realized computer programming.. was a lot more profitable not to mention liberal (this was the mid/late.. 80's plenty of need for comp geeks and reagen then a bush in office..)

    and yes i speak proper english i still have to explain to my coworkers what the U is doing in colour ..etc..
  12. Agetian

    Agetian Attorney General Administrator

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Re: Our installation situation is a disaster

    Here's a Toffee-related update for the upcoming Co8 4.0.0 patch: I have updated Toffee with the capability to change portrait packs easily (based on Allyx's and Cerulean's requests). The new version (currently in beta) has been submitted to Cerulean the Blue for testing and feedback. As soon as I get an approval of this new version, I'll post it as a separate release in the ToEE Front-end thread, AND it will be included in Co8 4.0.0 together with all the available portrait packs.

    - Agetian
  13. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Re: Our installation situation is a disaster

    Very cool. :thumbsup:

    How about an update for the community, Blue? Any chance we could get a flexible ETA out there?

    Also, does anyone else think that it would be really, really cool if we had Morpheus' Arena of Heroes mod in there for the 4.0.0 release? Of course it would have to be finished first, ahem . . . :poke:

    The more new content the better.
  14. bradrinwi

    bradrinwi Established Member

    Mar 18, 2005
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    Re: Our installation situation is a disaster

    Gaear great idea arena of heros would be great for 4.0 but as you say there would have to be more than 2 encounters in it..:)
    hint hint
  15. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Re: Our installation situation is a disaster

    "Ok they've hit level 3, bring in the white dragon..."

    "Whaddya mean you sold it to a passing caravan???"
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