Okay, the legendary sober thing is here...

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by darmagon, Jan 6, 2006.

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  1. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Having his own script sounds simple enough. Personally he doesn't bother me drunk... but then again the Elven chain doesn't bother me, and the baby dragon-moggy doesn't bother me... I obviously have rather unique tastes ;)
  2. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    My tastes..? :blegh:

    I prefer a sober Elmo, at least Elmo being sober is better at the time when he joins a party - the drunken Elmo was something to throw people off about him being a level 4 fighter to recruit in Hommlet at the beginning of a game of which should remain in the game. Elmo should be Drunken Elmo until he joins a party, whereupon he should become Sober Elmo. :kirby:

    The Elven Chain looks cool compared to the armors in the original game, especially, Elven Chain looks real good on female characters - although, I'd like to see Cujo make a new variant of barbarian armor [not replacement] that is based on a chainmail, not a chainmail shirt, that would look similar to his gladiator armor as far as how much of a body is covered and provide AC +5 w/ a DEX MOD max of +7. :D

    And, with a certain amount of bias, I prefer the pics I provided for the baby white dragon. :cool2:

    ..just my 2 ¢
  3. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    That's what I was suggesting from the get-go, although I guess you're right about changing the game.

    I have to do it for Ted's custom stuff because I had already changed the copies I had over to sober Elmo. No biggie, it's done already.

    I understand all that, but regardless, each party will still first encounter Drunk Elmo before they can get him to sober up if they want to. Therefore, we will never here Sober Elmo utter the "No I'm not drunk, I'm Elmo" line, among others. So the two Elmos will not have identical .dlg files. What I need to know is at what point the choice to sober him up is offered. All voice files before that will need only be of the Drunk Elmo variety, while everything after that, presumably (including the DH and PNPC material), will need to be of both the Drunk & Sober Elmo varieties.

    By the way, we will need to create two Fruella files as well, if I'm not mistaken, as there is Elmo dialogue inside some of her voice files in Ted's stuff (and vice-versa).
  4. Cerulean the Blue

    Cerulean the Blue Blue Meanie Veteran

    Apr 23, 2005
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    If you have already done all of Elmo's voice files as sober, then we don't need to know at what point he sobers up. They will have identical .dlg files, sober Elmo just won't ever say certain lines, as they only appear when the party has not met Elmo before. The "No, I'm not drunk, I'm Elmo" line is one of those. You only ever here it the once, in the initial meeting between the party and Elmo.

    If you haven't already done all the files, it may just be easier to do them all now (if it's not too much work). I don't have the time atm to go through all the dialog and figure it out, and we may choose to make Elmo sober from the start at some point in the future. If you or someone else wants to figure it out, more power to you, but I took a quick look at it and it seems that there can't be more than 10 lines that will always be delivered "drunk".

    Is somebody going through the .dlg file and removing all the "hic" stuff as well?

    As for Fruella, it makes sense that when she makes fun of Elmo it would be with the drunk Elmo voice. I don't think we need to change any of that.
  5. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I guess the unused Sober Elmo lines wouldn't amount to much size-wise, (maybe 1.5 MB if you count all the tour-guide stuff) but in general I think it's good that we avoid having unneccesary files lying around fattening things up. Also note that there will definitely need to be two .dlg files, as I didn't just alter Drunk Elmo's voice's tempo and pitch but eliminated some of the more idiotic things that a sober, right-minded fellow simply wouldn't say (such as the child-like exclamations).

    I already have Sober Elmo's .dlg file ready to go, in addition to the mp3s. Re: Fruella, I don't think that Sober Elmo should suddenly start talking drunk again at any point after you tell him to sober up. :shrugno:

    Sorry if this is seeming difficult. Are we sure we don't just want a totally sober Elmo? Or maybe he could just stagger until you tell him to stop. Or maybe a poll would be in order . . . altho I guess the prevailing opinion so far seems to be that we still want him (at least part time) drunk.
  6. Cerulean the Blue

    Cerulean the Blue Blue Meanie Veteran

    Apr 23, 2005
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    I would prefer not to have unused files lying about as well. The problem is, how much of the tour guide stuff, for example, gets used before he is in the party, while he is in the party, and after he leaves the party. Deciphering all that would require making a dialog tree for the whole dialog, and I don't have time to do it right now. Like I said, if you or someone else wants to take that on, that would be great. Otherwise, I say we just sober up all the voice files for sober Elmo, even though some of them might never get used.

    And yes, Sober Elmo will need a separate .dlg file and .py file. You've got the .dlg file ready, and the .py file can be a copy of the original Elmo.py file, just renamed to match the number of the new .dlg file. Then we just need to plug the new number into the protos. You get me the files, I will take care of the new number and the protos. The Drunk Elmo sound files can be the ones we already have in 4.0.0, unless you have done some magic on them as well.

    Re: The Fruella/Elmo Dialog Exchange
    All Elmo's voiced lines in this exchange get fired from Elmo's .dlg file, so if it is the Drunk Elmo present it will fire the drunk sounding lines, and if it is the Sober Elmo present it will fire the sober sounding lines.

    The Elmo voice files in Fruella's folder are for Fruella's impersonation of Elmo, when she is making fun of him, and I think she would try to make them sound like a drunkard. It is actually Fruella talking in those instances, not Elmo.
  7. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    I haven't done anything to change Drunk Elmo in any way, so all his original stuff will suffice. I'll send you Sober Elmo's .dlg file and mp3s in their entirety. Actually, I'll put them up on the FTP eventually with whatever other new voice material Zorn gets to me before April 25, as well as a few dialogue fixes for random NPCs.

    Didn't know that about Fruella and Elmo, so I'm fine with Drunk Elmo being used for that.

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