
Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by wizgeorge, Mar 30, 2005.

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  1. wizgeorge

    wizgeorge Prophet of Wizardy

    Feb 19, 2005
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    As far as I know, Burne has to leave if you are going to destroy the Orb at the castle. He wont go on the trip to fight the demoness. If you don't destroy the Orb, he can go till the end. Rufus leaves at level 8.
  2. lord_graywolfe

    lord_graywolfe Wolfman

    Apr 30, 2004
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    well wizgeorge i might use npc's if they become more fun. im thinking on my next one of picking up mother screng. but i like using my own charcters and as of yet i havnt crafted anything in this game just using what i find. some of the npc's i dont like cause they bail on you after awhile there are still a couple i havent tried yet so dont know how they will be.
  3. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    I've currently got Oohlgrist, Scorpp, and Wonnilon, but I want to get rid of Wonnilon and get Darley in her demon form! Then I'll Face Zuggy with righteous might, and enlarge person on my fighters! BIG GUYS RULE.
  4. Kespoosh

    Kespoosh Member

    Jan 21, 2004
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    No. No. Just...No. I don't know what the hell version of this game you're playing, or if your definition of "couldn't take him out" includes "never even saw him as he was distracted by a summon," but no. I'm sorry. Just no.
  5. wizgeorge

    wizgeorge Prophet of Wizardy

    Feb 19, 2005
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    I like using Burne because with the selection of spells he is a fairly powerful wizard. He has magic missile(x5), fireball,(x4), icestorm, coneofcold, teleport,stoneskin, and a wand of magicmissile(x5), and the list is growing. If you need or want a wizard, he might be your ticket..
  6. Savonarollo

    Savonarollo Member

    Feb 23, 2005
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    Yes, yes, yes, Oohlgrist!
    He took out the Balor (with assistance of course, but was face to face with him most of the time), and just now he took out Luz. Of course I made all my party attack him but in the end I left only Oohlgrist face to face with him and he took him out with a few blows af Moradin's Soulhammer :)))
  7. lord_graywolfe

    lord_graywolfe Wolfman

    Apr 30, 2004
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    i was wondering if anyone has found a way to edit the npc's stats. the hp max in the console works for them but i havent found a way to improve some of thier poor stats since the character editor cant do it. i think it would be cool if we could fix them up.
  8. dulcaoin

    dulcaoin Established Member Veteran

    Mar 10, 2005
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    Hey, gimme something hard next time! :p

    disclaimer: I don't personally approve of doing this; you should deal with what life hands ya, it's not true role-playing, blah-blah-blah.
    yeah, I didn't think I was gonna change anyone's mind....

    1) start up TOEE (well, DUH)

    2) load up a save game with the NPC you want to "re-stat"

    3) count portraits along the bottom, starting with ZERO on the left, until you get to the portrait of the NPC you want to change. (In a non-PC-limit-patched game with 5 PCs, this should be 5 or higher (NOT 6 or higher, remember you're counting starting at 0, not 1)

    4) bring up the console (Shift-~)

    4a) If the console didn't come up, press it again, and hold it, the game can be finicky about this.

    5) in the console, type:
    obj =[X]

    except instead of the X, put in the number that you counted to in step 3

    6) type obj in the console and press <enter>. You should see the name of the NPC. If you don't, then you didn't count right. Go back to step 3.

    7) find out the stats of your favorite NPC, with the following commands:

    -- This returns his strength ability (DUH again, I'll quit being cute)


    8) now, to change the one(s) you want; very similiar.
    obj.stat_base_set(Y, value)
    only instead of Y use the stat_ value from the above commands (for instance, use stat_strength for Y to change the NPC's strength), and place the stat value you want after the comma (for instance, obj.stat_base_set(stat_strength, 7) to set the npc's STR to 7)

    9) If you're the nervous type, use the stat_get_get command(s) as in step 7 to verify the change(s).

    10) type Shift-~ again to close the console

    10a) might have to do it repeatedly, I TOLD you it's finicky.

    You're done. You can save the game, and the stats will save properly.

    In case anyone's curious, I tested all this on Lareth, who had (wow!)
    Str 18 Dex 17 Con 16 Int 13 Wis 18 and Cha 18

    What a min-max cheater that Lareth is. I put his Int to 7 as my test, to just to teach him a lesson. :)

    -- dulcaoin
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2005
  9. lord_graywolfe

    lord_graywolfe Wolfman

    Apr 30, 2004
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    cool thanks dulcaoin. that will make some of the npcs a little more enjoyable to have with you, they might actually be able to survive and hurt things now lol.
  10. JerryB

    JerryB Established Member

    Jun 12, 2006
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    I don't bother with either Oohlgrist or Scorpp. Charm an Ettin! Holy hell! He gets five attacks per round with twin tree trunks.

    He's slow, so you've got to master the timing of launching him in the direction you want to go, and then clicking on all party members at the right time and sending them to the same location, so that he walks into the room first but with the rest of the guys on his heels.

    Sometimes I just sit back and watch as he beats everything in the room into wet spots on the floor.
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