No music

Discussion in 'The Keep on the Borderlands' started by relic, Apr 13, 2008.

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  1. relic

    relic Established Member

    Jul 14, 2004
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    I just updated to the patch, and I have absolutely no music. I don't even have music on the front screen where you can choose a new game or load an already-existing game. I did start an entirely new game, but no music there either. I have all the other sound effects such as wind, feet swishing thru grass, and combat crunches, but no music.

    Prior to the latest patch, I did have some games where the music suddenly disappeared, but I was always able to go to a prior game and get it back.

    This happen to anyone?
  2. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    If anyone else does have this problem, please say so. Music and movie files get saved somewhat differently to everything else, so it is possble they can get lost in the shuffle of a decommission / patch / recommission scenario - albeit no-one else has mentioned this.
  3. The Royal Canadian

    The Royal Canadian Established Member

    Oct 29, 2005
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    Hi Ted
    I have experienced occasions where there is no music, but not a complete game of silence. In my case, when I experience "the sound of silence" it is usually during a battle, and the music resumes either at the end of the battle or after it has ended. I will try to pay more attention to when and where this occurs in the future.

    The Royal Canadian
  4. Half Knight

    Half Knight Gibbering Mouther

    May 16, 2007
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    Yup, i got that in ToEE (but never in KotB).

    It seems to happen in determined places, in ToEE it's around the earth altar.
    It would be really useful to have the exact position of those silences. :thumbsup:
  5. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    This problem can also arise from mishandling the switching of modules. When a module gets switched via the front end program, it moves the data/sound/music folder to whichever module is becoming active. If you decide to get cute and move stuff yourself, it can cause all kinds of problems along these lines. Basically you have to let the front end do everything.

    I don't suppose that many people try to do that sort of thing though. An easy way to check if things are as they should be is to navigate to your KotB directory and ensure that it contains a data/sound/music folder with a bunch of .mp3s in it.

    As to the combat music silence, I saw that fairly regularly in the testing I did. As near as I can tell it's just a fluke - might happen one out of 20 times or so. I think the game sometimes gets confused about whether it's already in combat mode or not when initiative is being rolled and stuff like that.

    There are cases where this happens consistently though, like HK describes for the Earth Temple in ToEE. I believe that at these times there is something triggering the game into thinking combat is starting (like maybe the heartbeat of those hidden earth elementals or something, wild guess). And I believe that the trigger to play combat music is a one way switch: if it's already playing and the game sends the same signal again, it just turns it off. Hence you sometimes have combats playing out with no accompanying music.
  6. relic

    relic Established Member

    Jul 14, 2004
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    Good call Gaear! That was it exactly! My data.KotB.sound folder does not have a music folder in it. It's in my data.ToEE.sound folder. I don't know how it happened...:roll:

    Is it as easy as moving the music folder into the data.KotB.sound folder?
  7. relic

    relic Established Member

    Jul 14, 2004
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    OK, I'm screwing the pooch here. I moved the music folder into the data.KotB.sound folder, but now I can't use the KOTBFE or the TOEEFE. When I try to run either front end I get an error that one of the game folders can't be accessed and to make sure no other application is using them. I do have the data.KotB and data.ToEE in my root directory.

  8. relic

    relic Established Member

    Jul 14, 2004
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    Well, now I have been moving files around, and I've just entered the Twilight Zone. I finally got TOEEFE to work, and I went into an old save where the music and everything seemed to be working. So I switch back to the KOTBFE, and it works!

    Sort of.

    The front menu is TOEE, but all the saves are my games from KotB! My last save was in the Green Griffon, and all the players have been replaced by TOEE players! The Temple Troop Commander has replaced the female cook in the kitchen, the bar maid is now male, Elmo is back, etc. I might have to look around the Keep a bit.

    But I think I'll have to uninstall KotB and reload...
  9. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Sorry, Relic. Usually further maneuvering like that just causes more heartache. :(

    It does sound like your installation is hosed now, but you could try deactivating both the KotB module and the Co8 5 module so that vanilla ToEE becomes the default again. Then launch vanilla just to be sure everything's labeled correctly, quit, and try to launch KotB again.

    Otherwise, sadly, just uninstall/reinstall everything and consider it a lesson learned.
  10. The Royal Canadian

    The Royal Canadian Established Member

    Oct 29, 2005
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    Hi Folks
    I just had the "No Music during combat" bug happen twice on the same map. I was exploring the Lizardman Swamp map, when I had two "Silent, but deadly" ( for the enemy ) encounters along the east edge of the map. I started down the edge of the map until I reached the first big pond and was attacked. I don't know what caused the music silence ( all the other sounds were fine ), but my guess is that I was moving the party too fast for the computer to figure when to start the music. After the first battle, I then proceeded further south along the map edge, when I had a second "silent" battle at the second pond. The remaining encounters had the proper music.
    My theory is this: lets assume that the game assumes combat will start when the two parties are (for example) 25 feet apart. When the parties are 30 feet apart ( I'm guessing ) the music changes, and the combat sequence begins. If you move a group from 60 feet away from the monster, to 20 feet away in one move, the game may get so scrambled up trying to figure initiative, that it "forgets" to play the music. I have on, occasion had the game initiate combat ( I am thinking of the Wolf by the Pond at the Shrine ) when neither party could "see" the other.

    The Royal Canadian
  11. relic

    relic Established Member

    Jul 14, 2004
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    I'm just curious: when you're using the front end to switch between the three modules -- vanilla, Co8-5.0.0., and KotB -- does each respective data folder "disappear?" I mean when you're playing KotB you only have a data.KotB folder and when you play Co8-5.0.0 you only have a data.ToEE folder and when you're playing vanilla you only have a data folder? Or are all three data folders always there and files are moved between the data folders depending on which module you're playing?

    It seemed when I was switching between KOTBFE and TOEEFE only the respective data folder was in the root directory. It seemed when both data folders were in my directory I couldn't use either front end.

    I think my KotB install is hosed (as Gaear said), but I'm not quite ready to give up yet! And thanks for all the input guys. I appreciate it.
  12. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    All your different modules (KotB, Co8 v5, vanilla) are always there. Whenever a module becomes active, it is called simply 'data' in the directory structure. It's the inactive ones that are called data.KotB, data.Co8-5.0.0, data.ToEE, etc.

    For example, the directory structure of a virgin installation of the game with the KotB and Co8 modules installed but not yet played will look like this:


    In this case, vanilla ToEE is 'data.' It is the default module.

    If you then activate the KotB module, things will look like this:


    Now KotB is 'data,' and vanilla ToEE has become data.ToEE.

    And so on.

    This is all done because the game engine automatically looks to the 'data' folder to gather info for whatever module is active. Hence, they can't all be called data at the same time. The beauty of it though of course is that they can all be installed at the same time, with a different module only a few clicks away instead of 2 hours of uninstalling/reinstalling headaches. :)

    (btw, if you believed that data.KotB was the active folder, that would explain your problems.)
  13. relic

    relic Established Member

    Jul 14, 2004
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    HA! HA! I got KotB to work and the sweet, sweet music is back. Looking at your explanation Gaear, I have KotB active and only data.ToEE in my directory. Wonder what the heck happened to data.Co8-5.0.0? I always thought I was running that because my TOEEFE always said I was running version 5.04. That's a head scratcher.

    Thank you for all the help!
  14. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    No worries - simply reinstall the Co8 v5 mod and it will magically reappear in your directory. btw, when playing KotB you should be using the KotB version of the front end (KOTBFE). The two front end versions are different atm because they handle the games a bit differently. This will all be brought into alignment sometime hopefully soon, and a single, unified front end will henceforth be used for all modules.
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