Next new module?

Discussion in 'The Keep on the Borderlands' started by Allyx, Nov 14, 2005.

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  1. Dragon_Awakened

    Dragon_Awakened Wandering Warrior

    Mar 3, 2006
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    A little tweaking and nobody will know the difference. As I said there were so many holes in the adventure that anything could be fixed. I DM'd a group through both adventures in my P-n-P game some time ago with my own bit of changing made them much more enjoyable. Sure the bandit queen is still an evil b!tch but the adventure changed to a point that some of my players who had read it were surprised by my "additions" (Insert evil laugh here.)
    I only gave the original plot to see if anybody else here had played those two adventures.
  2. Dragon_Awakened

    Dragon_Awakened Wandering Warrior

    Mar 3, 2006
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    sorry for the double post.

    On the subject of 'plot'. I don't really remember much of a plot for KoTB. You run through a series of caves loaded with various humanoids all bent on adding you to their stew pot and by the end encounter a temple run by evil priests. I'd have to dig out the box of old adventures (readies +3 mace of spider smashing) but I don't think the temple is even much of a threat to the keep at the point the characters encounter it. Granted sooner or later the temple could be a serious threat so better to nip it in the butt now.
  3. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Thats why we employed a plot writert to write some plots :)

    Note I used the word 'employed' in the sense of 'gave some the chance to volunteer' :D

    Besides, the caves r just a dungeon crawl (though we will try to do more). Its the Keep where the intrigue is.
  4. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Yes...after you've had a chance to play it, you'll think of KotB as "Ted & Ed's Excellent Adventure." (As something of an in-sider here, TRUST ME, I know!!!)
  5. blackfly

    blackfly Established Member

    Dec 14, 2004
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    Actually, in the vein of TOEE, the BEST module would be Queen of Spiders (GDQ 1-7, I have it). The Lolth theme would tie in nicely with TOEE and the fact it goes to hell, and uses Drow is beyond tempting. I would give anyone a reason to stay tuned. I have many modules and supermodules, but really, this is the one to do. It is long, would provide endless possibilities, and if an add-on, would add whole new possibilities for Lareth and not making killing him the final option. Queen of the Spiders is also preferable for gamers, like I, who find that playing an evil party every so often would be greatly encouraged or prefered. If only it was out tomorrow...................
  6. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Is there an echo in here...?
  7. Dragon_Awakened

    Dragon_Awakened Wandering Warrior

    Mar 3, 2006
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    Get the catapults ready!

    It's not a classic module but in keeping with the TOEE theme what about Return of The Temple of Elemental Evil? (I think that's the title anyway.) I haven't played it in the P-n-P version so I know nothing about it yet. It's been so long since I've found a copy of it in any hobby/gaming stores that I don't even know/remember if it uses the 3.0 or 3.5 rules.
  8. Macer Deathstriker

    Macer Deathstriker Member

    May 4, 2006
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    Well for me personal, I always loved A1-4 thats the slaver modules espiecaly A2 when you get to sack the slaver fort, but the against the giant series though drow seiries was also a big part of my campaines. I ran the giants a few times with various changed to keep it interesting. Also I am not sure on the mod number but Horror on the Hill is the name I think was a great Mod and similar to ToEE, just made for lower lvls. But the town wasn't well discribed so it leaves alot to be created from scratch. In any rate I would love to see KotB finished seeing that was my first gaming exp and still love it to this day.

    Side note if you would like to add some extra ideas to the Caves of Choas they made a return to the keep module that may give you a few idea on other things to put into the caves or how the tribes within wared with each other.

  9. Noran the Axe

    Noran the Axe Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    If I recall correctly, ToEE wasn't supposed to go level 10 characters in the first place. It was also the first in a serious of modules. I don't remember them all correctly, but I'm pretty certain that it went:

    Temple of Elemental Evil
    Scourge of the Slave Lords
    Against the Giants
    Queen of the Demonweb Pits

    I used to have the old version 1.0 compilation book that had all of these modules in them. But alas, I sold all of that stuff years ago.
  10. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    These two were originally part of Gygax's 7 part "Underworld" series, which later became Supermodule GDQ 1-7, Queen of the Spiders. Actually, they were the first & last modules, respectively...G-1 & Q-1. The series originally went like this:

    G-1 Steading of the Hill Giant Chief
    G-2 Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl
    G-3 Hall of the Fire Giant King
    D-1 Descent into the Depths of the Earth
    D-2 Shrine of the Kuo-Toans
    D-3 Vault of the Drow
    Q-1 Queen of the Demonweb Pits

    Here's a pic for your efforts:

    Attached Files:

  11. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Hey, what IS my Drow Matriarch doing? Sitting down on the job? She should be in the tunnels underneath Verbobonc waiting for PC's to disembowel!
  12. Sirian

    Sirian The Red Leaf

    May 15, 2006
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    My personal Greyhawk fave is Castle Greyhawk. Yes it was a bit silly but man that was a fun module. Where else could you take Jubilex the Faceless Lord to a party.
  13. Ellester

    Ellester Member

    May 5, 2004
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    *Drools* I would love this hack n' slash goodness!

    But really I would be happy with any 1st ED module. ToEE, and now KotB, I just love playing old 1st ED modules with this engine.
  14. jeffh

    jeffh Established Member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    Some of the encounter areas would probably be difficult or impossible to do faithfully with the ToEE engine, but the Desert of Desolation series would just rock.
  15. gabrielwisdom

    gabrielwisdom Member

    Jun 20, 2006
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    Hello all.

    I'm a new member here, and first off I would like to thank all the people here who have done so much work to make our gaming experiences better. Thanks guys and gals.

    On the subject of new modules, I have three main ideas that stick in my head. All would be huge in scope, possibly something to start a petition to atari for rather than try to accomplish as a mod. Might we consider something like that? Here are my votes:

    1. GDQ 1-7. As has already been noted in this thread, a great series. I would like to see a lot of care taken to make sure you had lots of NPC interaction and roleplaying possibilities, because without adding some of that the first three especially become a dungeon crawl. Fun in its way, but It could be so much more. The D1-2 unground map also left a lot of room for more areas and encounters. The trips between the various mountain ranges for the giants' strongholds could be made great journeys, and add a LOTR "Grand Quest" feel.

    2. Return to the Tomb of Horrors. As has been noted here, the original is really too short for a full game, but this remake solves that nicely. You get the original, essentially unchanged, and a lot more besides.

    3. Grewhak ruins. NOT the Comedic version of castle greyhawk, but the real deal. A HUGE dungeon where you can start at 1st level and end up around 17. A great thing to implement with this would be the city of Grethawk itself.... That could be an entire game on its own, Easily. The content from the boxed "City of Greyhawk" set could spawn an entire series of games.

    Well, those are my calls. Tell me what you think.
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