New Weapons

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Cuchulainn, Sep 29, 2006.

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  1. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    I don't know what sort of tutorials might help: Cujo wrote some stuff on remeshing long long ago when he made some breakthroughs, that would help with the visual side of things (but then that is what Cuch is offering to do).

    Otherwise, scary as it seems, the best place to look for stuff on this would be 0rion. He claimed to have 2-headed weapons working in his mod, by having them function as 2 seperate weapons (or something). I forget what he said, frankly I didn't trust that he had done it properly and wasn't paying attention, but I am happy to acknowledge in hindsight there may well have been something to it (at least some sort of initial step on which to build on, hopefully).

    I guess its just trial and error. If you look at my recent tutorial on animations, or look at the txt files in the ToEE1\art\meshes\NPCs folder, you'll see there are enormous combinations of animations for different 2wf styles (including things like "unarmed_shield_lattack.mae" which can only be a shield bash, though I don't know these are ever used in game: but then, by manually firing the animations you can see that it works. Accessing it in combat is another matter). The swing of an edge of the shield strikes me as the closest you would get to the swing of a pole with a blade, because u r guiding the blade to the target that way rather than it being an extension of the arm movement (if that makes any sense).

    So I guess just try different bludgeoning / piercing / slashing weapons in both hands and see if any of it looks like an animation that could be replaced with one item. That'd be my approach. :shrug:
  2. maggit

    maggit Zombie RipTorn Wonka

    Oct 20, 2005
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    Well, I have been able to make some progress...
    which I found useless. I managed to make the
    weapon one-handed (after trying to figure out
    which column does that) and made be able
    another weapon pretending to be the second end
    of the former. However, I can not think of a way to
    limit the use of it, that is to make the weapon usable
    ONLY with the two parts... So, my advice is either to
    make it a normal two handed axe with the stats as
    they were made by Krunch (battle axe stats)
    and a battle axe proficiency, or a standard one handed
    battle axe, OR a great axe with worse damage (1d8 instead
    of 1d12).

    Edit:Maybe I'll play with it more tomorrow... now I'm too sleepy
    it 2.16AM ;) If anyone would come up with an idea how
    to make it one weapon or at least two usable only together
    notify me.
    Started working on it today: I made the two axes, named
    one as offhand, gave them the right stats and proficiency
    values, however I can't figure out how to make them use
    any different animation than the two weapon fighting one
    + I have no idea how to make a new model or at least a
    file that could be used for re-meshing and changing default
    animations. I know I could copy some weapons' mesh and
    animations from art\mesh\ but I still wouldn't know how to
    use the them in protos.
    Edit2:Figured out that last problem. For the time being
    the offhand weapon uses copied sling mesh until an
    invisible one is done, and the other uses greataxe2 mesh
    (aslo copied and added to meshes.mes). The only thing
    is making the meshes and overriding animations...
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2006
  3. maggit

    maggit Zombie RipTorn Wonka

    Oct 20, 2005
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    OK, I've got the weapon(s) in the protos
    one is Orc Double Axe the other is Orc
    Double Axe (Offhand). For now the former
    uses Greataxe2 mesh and the latter sling.
    Disregarding problems with making it work
    only with the offhand part I can't create
    animations... no matter what I change in
    the txt for each of the weapons nothing
    changes. I had to make both size_medium
    so that the offhand can be equipped (the
    whole weapon would be treated as a medium
    one for each hand in pnp, so this is good
    for a change). But the darn animations won't
    change... no matter what I type in the txt files
    the anims are standard... I would have to change
    the PC's model anims in order to make it work...
    unless someone knows a way out.

    Thanks Kal, fixed that one ;)
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2006
  4. Kalshane

    Kalshane Local Rules Geek

    Aug 6, 2004
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    Actually, the off-hand end of a double weapon is supposed to count as light.

    If both ends count as medium, the wielder is going incur penalties for TWFing with a non-light weapon in the off-hand.
  5. erkper

    erkper Bugbear Monk Supporter

    Jun 3, 2006
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    And that's the only reason why double weapons might be worth the use of an EWP feat: with the orc double axe, you get to use the equivalent of two battleaxes while only suffering the penalties of using a battleaxe/handaxe combo. I really liked double weapons for this reason in NWN - at least until HotU made it more worthwhile to craft 2 uber weapons instead of 1.
  6. maggit

    maggit Zombie RipTorn Wonka

    Oct 20, 2005
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    I was playing around with animations but it seems
    that changing them in the weapon_name.txt file
    gives little effect if it's a medium sized weapon. I've
    also noticed that OIF_TWO_HANDED does not work
    if the weapon is medium... whenever I changed it's size
    to large it was two handed, so it's seems a redundant
    flag. o_O Lastly I tried changing TWF character animations
    (for example: pc_halforc_female.txt) then copying the
    whole folder containing female half-orc mesh into
    data\art\meshes and renaming it to halforc1 and including
    this change into meshes.mes. Maybe I did something wrong
    but I didn't see any difference between the original and the
    new animations I made (changed all unarmed_(weaponname)_l/rattack.mae
    to polearm_polearm_lattack) maybe I should also change
    unarmed_unarmed... o_O don't know.
  7. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Hang in there dude ;)

    What about ye ol' quarterstaff, does that ever provide any sort of animation that could be used for a two-bladed weapon? In the hands of a monk maybe? Or on a critical hit?
  8. maggit

    maggit Zombie RipTorn Wonka

    Oct 20, 2005
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    Re: New Weapons :crazy:

    I was looking for the quarterstaff animations,
    and they're "polearm_polearm_" AFAIK ;) I mean
    there would be no problem achieving animations
    I want if it were one double handed weapon...
    hmm if someone could write a script giving a bonus
    attack with TWF penalties and checking whether a character
    has TWF feats and lowering the penalties. It would be
    easy to override the light weapon thingy because i'd
    make it's size small (hmm come to think of it, that's not
    a good idea, since small creatures would able to use it
    and it would become one-handed) however maybe this
    also could be tackled by means of scripting...

    AHA! There is one animation for the quarterstaff! It's
    called "staff_staff_rattack.mae"
    Thanks Ted! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
    God I feel like a total moron :xeyes: There's no way of changing the animations
    through editing .txt files I found out when accidentally changed the anims of staff
    to great axe anims (SKA). It turned out that the character was fighting with the staff as
    if it were a greataxe, however when I tried doing it the other way the game crashed.
    I don't know what to do... If I only knew something about programming... So I guess
    someone would have to model the weapon from quartestaff and then
    write a script I was talking about earlier (if it's possible).

    I might be wrong however... like I said... I'm a moron ;)
    I REALLY don't get it... I was trying to reproduce the thing I was talking
    about and the staff was animated like an axe even though I
    changed ALL of the files (also the staff_1.ska). :crazy:
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2006
  9. Cuchulainn

    Cuchulainn Windmill Tilter

    Jan 16, 2006
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    @maggit: Have you tried just copying the quarterstaff in the protos to a new number, then changing the mesh ID and leaving the rest the same. That should give you the quarterstaff anims you wanted.

  10. maggit

    maggit Zombie RipTorn Wonka

    Oct 20, 2005
    Likes Received:
    OK, It looks like this... The secondary
    weapon is invisible thanks to the flag
    OF_OFF, this unfortunately does not
    solve the problem of animations. Now
    it looks this way: the character smashes
    first with the weapon and then hits with
    his/her fist... I'll try to work on that...
  11. maggit

    maggit Zombie RipTorn Wonka

    Oct 20, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Hmmm I've managed to "create" something
    that it looks as if the person was fighting with a
    double-edged weapon. Now if I could just get a
    model... I'm not saying it looks perfect, actually
    most may laugh at it... anyway this is what I've
    produced... I know, it's quite primitive. (The weapon
    is not available in any shop yet! You have to console
    it by typing give 4344 and 4345 NOTE: 4344 is supposed
    to be invisble + it must be placed in the main hand! ).

    Plus I still don't know how to make the weapon usable-only
    when one has the two parts.

    I hope that no one suspects that I've solved the mystery
    of SKA files. :grin:

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Dec 5, 2006
  12. Mielikki

    Mielikki Member

    Nov 25, 2006
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    Is there any way to add affects to current weapons? Also, can the unholy orc double axe be "un-unholyed" and made holy?
  13. maggit

    maggit Zombie RipTorn Wonka

    Oct 20, 2005
    Likes Received:
    You have to edit it in By the way, can I
    get some feedback on the "release"? :p
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2006
  14. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Curses! I just deactivated the Orc Double Axe for the next release (d'oh!)

    Anyways, u can get some feedback as soon as I get back to my ToEE playing OS. But nicely done - we can script in the "only use if both ends are present" easily enough when the time comes :)
  15. erkper

    erkper Bugbear Monk Supporter

    Jun 3, 2006
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    A spellcaster with the Craft Arms & Armor feat can add effects to weapons, if they know the proper spells. There is an excellent crafting guide you can find by searching over at Sorcerer's Place. Not sure if a weapon can be Holy and Unholy at the same time, but to add Holy to a weapon, you have to craft it with a 7th or higher level Cleric with the Good domain.
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