sounds really good Allyx hopfully they can be added in to the game with Livs upcoming mod. i guess these would now be the clerics holy symbol eh not that it matters in this game. im sure any quest to obtain these would be awesome.
Sweet, now i just got to renumber my own weapons, 4321 and 4322. Hey is there a max protos number or can they go on for ever?
each deity has two domains at least right? Each cleric CHOOSES two domains from his clerics influence on which he focuses. And the cleric is getting an imitation after all. How about choosing abilities for each domain, and then having each cleric get only the domains that he or she chose. God X might have 5 domains, but cleric A of god X only chose 2 of them and should only get two of them on his imitation weapon. Can the weapon be set to be a magic item useable from inventory, with it giving a feat of proficiency in itself? that is, a scythe like this will give weapon proficiency in scyth to whomever holds it. I will also recommend that this would be something that the cleric crafts by himself. If they become crafters, they should have the ability to "craft an imitation of your god's weapon". Or maybe a quest. But I don't think its a good idea to just GIVE it to every cleric in the game.
actually. now that i think of it. Is there actually a NEED To make special rules for such things? We can already craft all those things. Nothing is stopping my cleric from crafting a weapon of choice.
You'd have to ask livonya nicely about that one Orion79. I'm thinking they could replace the reward for rescuing prince thrommel as fragarch/scather don't work too good when fighting creatures that damage you when you attack them (balor, salamanders, and I think the ice lizards too). the only thing I didn't add was a price for each weapon (was going to do that last but forgot-- oops)
I've made each of these weapons +3 Holy/Chaotic/Evil/Lawful (where apropriate) and given them 50 charges to cast the 5th level domain spells for each deity. No matter how good you are at crafting you cant make a longsword that does flamestrike and spell resistance, but Sahandrian can