New Temple+ Available

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by _doug_, May 6, 2020.

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  1. _doug_

    _doug_ Established Member

    Jul 9, 2009
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    Temple+ 1.0.79 is now available. Here are some of the changes:

    * New Feat: Melodic Casting (doug1234)
    * New Spells: Waves of Fatigue, Waves of Exhaustion, Touch of Fatigue and Ray of Exhaustion (doug1234)
    * Fix low charisma paladin penalty for Divine Grace and Smite Evil Attack (doug1234)
    * Fix Augment Healing (doug1234)
    * Now Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting only applies to full attacks (doug1234)
    * Fixed beguiler and scout trap finding ability
    * No longer giving the extra human skill points for the human subraces (aasimar and tiefling) (doug1234)
    * Spell Effects for Mind Blank, Foresight and Moment Of Prescience can now be dispelled (doug1234)
    * Enemy AI can now throw daggers (anatoliy-savchak)
    florian1, anatoliy and Sitra Achara like this.
  2. anatoliy

    anatoliy Established Member

    Feb 18, 2017
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    Keep up the good work guys!! :)
  3. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    Thankee, T+ crew!

    Looking forward to Dragonfire Inspiration, contingency, Song of the Heart, Evard's Black Tentacles, time stop, wish, and more!
  4. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Yeah, I think I can confirm that - Anatoliy's market area is quite large (several sectors) and the vendors seem to have no problems naturally respawning inventories. No idea why I didn't turn this up when I tested specifically for it in Ah Fong's day. O well.

    Next question - where do the pyc files of override py files end up?
  5. Ludget

    Ludget Member

    Oct 17, 2015
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    Good question. Where go the pyc files anyway? I'm running with Co8, so there are many scripts in /data but after deleting the pycs they are not recreated there, and if I'm not completely blind there are none in the temple+.dat files either.

    Another question: I have edited invensource.mes so that Calmert will alays sell the weapons and put the new file in /overrides/rules. But even though I have since then started a new game he still only had them on my first visit. Is there another file to consider or is there a Calmert replacement with new inventory at some point in the story line?

    And there seems to be a bug since Troika's days. My elven characters can be paralyzed by the ghouls in the moathouse.
  6. Sitra Achara

    Sitra Achara Senior Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    I think T+ doesn't generate .pycs at all, I guess DS disabled them when he replaced the python interpreter.
  7. WinstonShnozwick

    WinstonShnozwick Established Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    when I last played through the game,there was something messed up with encounter detections. Monsters were starting combat from way off screen, compared to non temple+. This was a significant gameplay problem with the Ice Tyrant fight in the Water Node, because they started combat when I couldn't even see them, and then fired off all their cone of colds in the first round into empty air like a hundred feet away from my entire party.
  8. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    They'd been watching Frozen and were trying to create giant snowman defenders.
  9. LibertyRansom

    LibertyRansom Member

    Jul 29, 2013
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    Hi: I wanted to post here to show my support for the Temple+ project. It really invigorates new life into the best engine for D&D 3.5 combat. While I can't help with coding or anything like that, I am an accomplished composer that has scored several commercially published video games and even has a few songs I've written in TV shows. While Ron Fish did a wonderful job on the OG soundtrack, after playing through the game for more than a dozen hours, anything gets a little stale. I've got a few songs I've written that would fit and could offer for free if you wanted to add them as an perhaps "Extra Soundtrack" option:

    The above actually made their way into KoTC 2 and I think they would fit the theme of Temple+ combat as well. The below might work for ambient exploration as well:

    Just a thought! Thanks again Doug for continuing work on this project....and hoping a new module is released for the Engine soon too!
    anatoliy likes this.
  10. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    @LibertyRansom Temple+ isn't a new module, it's more of an engine rewrite. Since we don't have and will most likely never get the source code to ToEE, the Temple+ project was started to fix and improve the game's engine for any and all modules made to run in the ToEE game engine.

    At current, the modules we have are as follows:
    Temple of Elemental Evil (Co8 8.1.0 Standard and New Content)
    Keep on the Borderlands
    Icewind Dale Total Conversion (demo)
    Cormyr (mod in development)

    Temple+ itself has no use for a musical score, @anatoliy's Cormyr mod however may well benefit from a quality musical backdrop.
    anatoliy likes this.
  11. WinstonShnozwick

    WinstonShnozwick Established Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    Is there a reason the number of different damage resistances on an attachee is hard coded to 5 max?

    In a moment of lucidity I now understand what is going on with the DR in c++ code. The AddDR function is written restrictively to not allow attack power to bypass DR. E.G. If you want true alignment based DR, such as DR 5/holy, the AddDR function would need to properly set the .attackPowerType equal to the D20AttackPower enum value corresponding to holy, which is the attack power allowed to bypass this DR. This is a function in damage.h/cpp, and right now it (along with the python modifier exposed for adding dr) does not support an argument for attack power, and hard codes attack power to D20DAP_NORMAL, which means no attack power bypasses DR by default. To expand this so DR can more properly work, it's super easy, just add a new function with another argument for the attack power, and the same in python_dispatcher to allow python code to give the attack power arg when adding DR. Probably adding a new function is best to avoid breaking anyone's existing code but also I think it's dangerous to update the existing addDR function since that specific one hooks into the DLL, so it should remain unchanged. I just tested this in game by adding DR with attack power holy through my update and my aligned attack feat implementation worked when I selected the holy version on a character, bypassing the DR correctly.

    Nevertheless, this would be useful to possibly fix any monsters in the game right now that have DR and may not be working properly, such as bearded devil which has holy DR (and I tested, attack power holy added to a damage packet does not bypass, such as with aligned attack). I do not know how many creatures in the game have faulty DR in this form, but going forward at the very least for people like @anatoliy, it would be useful for encounters where creatures have specific DR, so they work as advertised in the rules.

    edit: Minor defect. There is something bugged with the rolls help system for how it obtains the damage reduction type. When I added the attackpowertype for an alignment based DR, (with damage type of unspecified) to have DR 5/Holy, the functionality was proper, Aligned Attack - Good bypassed the DR when attacking. However, the roll history window upon inspecting the text, it said Damage Reduction (5/Unholy), even though the behavior was holy as I specified in my python hook. When I changed the DR to unholy, the roll text said Damage Reduction (5/Chaos). The DR works as programmed but the rolls text displays the wrong type, which seems by this pattern to be offset by one bit higher from the D20AttackPower enum order. Not sure what could be wrong since the roll history creation looks to be hidden in the DLL at this point.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2020
  12. anatoliy

    anatoliy Established Member

    Feb 18, 2017
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    As for AddDR function, exposed in the python_dispatcher.cpp - personally I see no problem expanding this function with attack power argument, as default one to D20DAP_UNSPECIFIED. It's being used in T+ Pyhon conditions, and with proper test would work just fine.

    Obviously the final decision is by @Sitra Achara and @_doug_ though.

    For Shattered module I have already created 64 monsters, by copying existing ones and checking properly with module for stats. And @Shiningted created 22 new NPC for the City. Among these only 6 are using some sort of Monster DR* condition. So I'd say it is quite a niche. At least for low level NPC))
  13. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    One thing I will mention on this subject, ToEE has always got DR for demons wrong (I am unsure if Temple+ fixes the issue already), Demons were listed in the as having DR Cold and DR Holy when instead it should be DR Cold Iron and DR Holy. Golems and certain other creatures should also have Adamintine DR which IIRC isn't in the game either.

    Is there a way to add Adamantine and Cold Iron weapons and DR Adamantine and DR Cold Iron to the game at present?

    Also, I know 3.5 and Pathfinder RAW diverge at this point but the magical weapon enhancement bonus in Pathfinder will cause the weapon to act as if it's obtained the ability to bypass certain types of DR if the bonus is high enough. E.G. a +1 Weapon will bypass Magic DR, a +3 weapon will bypass Cold Iron and Silver DR, a +4 weapon will bypass Adamantine DR, and a +5 weapon will bypass Alignment based DR. It would be great if this were an option to enable in Temple+
    anatoliy likes this.
  14. WinstonShnozwick

    WinstonShnozwick Established Member

    Mar 2, 2011
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    Well there is cold, as we all know, but I don't see anything about cold iron or even iron in the types.
    However in the same enum I'm using for attack powers, there is a D20DAP_ADAMANTIUM which may correspond to the DR you refer to. I don't know if it would break anything in the DLL but I could see just updating the enumeration to add cold iron if the D20DAP_COLD doesn't refer to it, not sure if that would work but it's possible. Note that having the functionality of these would definitely require the update I outlined in my previous post, since the current DR implementation does not support DAP bypassing, and then you would have to retroactively apply this DR to all applicable creatures in the game and properly apply the DAP to all weapons or attacks that would wish to use those types like adamantium.

    I think it would be within the realm of possibility to update the c++ code for that pathfinder optional rule, but would be a medium-high complexity refactor.
  15. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    The DR Cold assigned to the Demons in the game at current is incorrect, there should still be a DR Cold but there should also be a DR Cold Iron and Cold Iron weapons to bypass it, just as there should be DR Adamantium and Adamantium weapons to bypass it.

    Currently a weapon with an Icy or Icy Burst enchantment would bypass the DR of Demons - which it shouldn't do as they shouldn't have DR Cold, it should instead be DR Cold Iron, which is bypassed by weapons made from the Cold Iron material type.

    With the Pathfinder DR rules, a +3 Holy weapon, or a +5 weapon would be enough to completely bypass a Demon's DR, but a +3 weapon - while it would bypass the Cold Iron part would still be subject to the Holy DR part.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2020
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