I've make my new suit of armour, which is avaliable for download, but a small problem, the upper arms, chest and thighs are invisable in the male half orc version, I can't see where I went wrong so if anyone can see please let me know, I'll try to fix it and post the fix.
ok done it, its fixed... and if anyone wants a new type of outfit, or new colours just post and I'll see what I can do.
Cujo, what do you think about new images for the latest created item? adamantine breast and full plate mitrhal chain shirt and full plate silver hammer and silver axe, arrows, bolts, bullets, buckler silvan scimitar (should have a green blade, since it spits acid) dragonhide armor (I made a background from it, since it is made with green dragon scales, the one killed by rufus) I think that, if you use already existing images and you only change the color, it would be great. Adamantum should be darker than iron, next to blue-oil color Mithral is a bit lighter and with different reflexes, like platinum
Yip Well feel free to change the dex and spell failure etc on my armours cos I really have no idea of what their stats should be in a D&D setting as ToEE is my only experience of D&D but I have some idea of what the average piece would be in real life. On that note what does anyone thing of a magicers garb that give points to spellcraft, a marauders garb that adds to intimidate or a "Conan" garb that adds to tumble, I'm making the clothes regardless but just a thought for their stats. I'm just good with photoshop, btw I don't know about every item, for example, the mystic garb has... wanders off to take another look... no *addmesh.tga meaning that I can change red mystic garb to black but the skirt bit is still red, and I don't know how to change it. The same goes for weapons that don't have a number in the colour collum in the protos, I think that it's internal. The real funny thing is that the new armours; adamantine breast and full plate, mitrhal chain shirt and full plate will be just as much work as totally new things because they are "borrowing" their skins from other armours, the only thing I wouldn't have to do is make a new protos number. btw Orion I was wondering about a dark coloured plate armour thanks for the heads up
Cujo, do your best: I trust you and I know that you may overcome obstacles. I wait your new pics for armors.