New Feats for the ToEE Engine

Discussion in 'ToEE Toolset Project Documentation' started by Shiningted, Dec 23, 2007.

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  1. ShadowDeth

    ShadowDeth Save Versus : Stupid

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Well thanks for your efforts anyways Ted! You have always contributed so much to the game...

    I'll just file true ambi-two weapon fighting in my wishlist then :p

    However, I do have a question. Remember those monk weapons from Keep and the Drow armor masterworks? Have they been updated in the cumulative thread? I check it all the time but I keep seeing "Last updated by Gaer : May".

    Are the updates somewhere else, or has it not been gotten to yet? The only reason I even ask instead of waiting to see a post, is that I've followed your threads for a bit and it seems like you're getting a lot done.

    Just wondering. :)
  2. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Vis-a-vis the Drow armour, I asked Gaear to make the standard version 'masterwork' since there is really no need for a standard version, if you take my meaning ;)

    Otherwise, with so many different little mods going on I have been loathe to make changes to the, but I will hack something together tonight (its the sort of thing I can get done at work) and pass it on. However it will have to await the next posting of a to be usable, for complicated reasons. But I haven't forgotten (not that there's any harm in reminding me - I do need a nudge now and then).
    That takes both smoke AND mirrors :eyebrow:
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2008
  3. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Woohoooooo!!! I got Far Shot working! Details at my blog :mrhappy:
  4. ShadowDeth

    ShadowDeth Save Versus : Stupid

    Apr 17, 2006
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    That's amazing!

    I know it doesn't really apply to many (if any) situations in the game, but that is quite the *feat*. :D
  5. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Well its a choice, if you want to have a long-range sniper. But it will come in handy in KotB where you can get into some duels with the lizardmen - a longbowman with Far Shot is going to massacre someone throwing a javelin.
  6. Greylan

    Greylan Established Member

    Aug 17, 2007
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    I can see sending a scout ahead (rogue or ranger with good stealth skills) to reveal the enemy, then the archer picking them off from afar. :D
  7. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Thats the plan ;) And with you only needing Point Blank Shot as a prerequisite, a human or any fighter can have it at 1st level: a good time to be taking things down long distance. But again, its mainly about choice: I read folks' posts of their parties and tactics, and people have a lot of different ways of playing the game, many of which neither occur nor appeal to me :shrug: But I enjoy giving folks another string to their bow (painful pun intended :cartman: ).
  8. wraith_bones

    wraith_bones Member

    Jan 1, 2007
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    What about feats that would benefit monsters, like awesome blow or bullrush?I realize that bullrush has no animation,and therefore not possible.The tactical possibilities are endless if it could be used.Imagine how much nastier the greater temple bugbears would be if they had improved bullrush to move the fighters and clerics out of the doorways to get at the juicy wizards and rouges behind them.
  9. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Hmmm. Well, yes, feats purely for monsters are an option. I haven't really thought along those lines (sinec in my experience the bugbears just stroll directly over the top of the guys in the doorway when it suits them - blocking seems to only affect PCs, never NPCs) so I will keep that in mind in future.
  10. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Time to stir the pot...
    This is from the previous page.

    As I said in a recent blog, now we have a script attached to every ranged weapon (for Far Shot) it will be very easy to add this 'flat +2 workaround' for the feat, if I can get the prerequisites part working.

    Why a flat +2? To state the case again, the RAW form is that you can ignore anything less than total cover on a defender. In ToEE, all cover is a flat +4 to AC. So, if we got it going according to the rules, it would give:

    - +4 in some suituations (firing over cover)

    - no bonus in others.

    My workaround - give a flat +2 bonus in all situations.

    Why bother if we can't do it properly, you might ask? The reason I bring this up is not to add feats for the sake of it but because people build archer 'trees' of feats and they stop rather abruptly before the PC hits level 20. Also this is a bonus feat for Rangers with Archery style, which they wouldn't currently get: I can think of a way to add that once I get the 'give feats' script working.

    What do people think? I am expecting the Rules Lawyer backlash, so speak freely.
  11. Basil the Timid

    Basil the Timid Dont Mention the War

    May 19, 2008
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    Here is my 2cp worth.
    After a long discussion on another thread where I learned that the Archery tree feats, Rapid Shot and Manyshot, cannot be combined in the same combat action, I have decided to modify (in my PnP campaign) the Ranger 11th class ability to Shot on the Run. Since Manyshot is a skirmishing type feat and SotR improves mobility, I felt it was a suitable trade (Archers could then use regular feat slots to improve handling cover, most Archer-Rangers already have the prereqs at that point anyway).

    I know I am big on RAW and you are trying to implement a feat (with difficulty), but I wanted to share with you an alternative.
  12. thearioch

    thearioch Need More Cowbell

    Sep 16, 2007
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    @ Ted

    It sounds like you've already done the hard (fun) work -- setting up the infrastructure (seriously, one of my "favourite" parts of programming). Your justification for +2 as a "first approximation" seems reasonable, so I say ship it. Since you've already set up the scripts, anybody wanting to try different logic should be able to rather easily.

  13. ShadowDeth

    ShadowDeth Save Versus : Stupid

    Apr 17, 2006
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    I consider myself a rules lawyer, but I feel that is a good compromise. I can't think of another way to approximate the removal of cover, and meeting halfway - albeit with a static +2 that applies to non cover situations is acceptable.

    I second the ship it motion. :D
  14. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Well this is much more pleasant than the 'repeating crossbow' debate :) I'll see if I can fix the other parts and go with it, but it will be a while (much like Far Shot was).
  15. Basil the Timid

    Basil the Timid Dont Mention the War

    May 19, 2008
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    Improved Precise Shot: I would like to reiterate the concerns that HK made earlier in this thread about this workaround potentially creating a +5 to hit modifier. Perhaps someday it will be possible to understand how to apply the cover conditions so the feat works RAW. Until then....

    Grapple: I know you mentioned that this is not doable because of the animations. Although perhaps not aesthetically pleasing, would it be so objectionable to have the grapplers share a square (I've seen the orcs do that), but have the animation alternate between the two (or more) characters every 2 seconds?

    Touch Spells: As mentioned in another thread the engine does not stack touch spells with either Improved Unarmed Strike or Sneak Attack (as per RAW). Would it be easier to implement if they were implemented as a free feat for a spellcaster, or added into an existing feat like Improved Unarmed Strike?

    I will gladly help in any way that I can.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2008
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