My ToEE playthrough notes

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by anatoliy, Jan 9, 2021.

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  1. dolio

    dolio Established Member Supporter

    May 30, 2005
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    Those zombies have 7 PC levels (or maybe that's actually the one with 10 PC levels, and the 'level' on display doesn't take monster hit dice into account), but turn undead still treats them like 3 HD bugbears. If they were actual zombies, they should actually be 6 HD, because turning something into a zombie doubles its racial hit dice. But, well, the protos for them are just wrong. :)
  2. hammyh

    hammyh Established Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    Animate Dead also has limitations. I think it uses only 2 protos. No matter what HD is animated, the result is always the same zombie/skel.

    (According to SRD, some big HD zombies should be possible.)
  3. dolio

    dolio Established Member Supporter

    May 30, 2005
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    Yeah, that's a pretty well known limitation.

    I've fiddled with some stuff for fixing it, but haven't put anything final together yet.
  4. hammyh

    hammyh Established Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    Now that I'm mostly done the game at lvl 10, I thought I might add some more impressions of the new prcs. For me, lvl 10 seems about the appropriate level for all the extra stuff in order to keep a nice challenge...except maybe the slavers, Hickory Branch, Monster mash, Golden skull, gods fight.

    Anyways. At level 10 you can potentially build a lvl4 Abjurant Champion and a lvl 5 Stormlord. Both are fun.

    For this discussion AbC=Abjurant Champion

    AbC was immediately strong as a prc and the requirements are pretty easy to get as you do not need high caster stats.
    Take Korbort as a example.
    • He starts 1 barb/1 fighter, 10 charisma.
    • I gave him 3 more fighter for some weapon specialization (I don't typically craft) + 1 sorc for the caster + charisma stats(4,8).
    • Then I picked a bunch of charge + more powerful barbarian rage feats because I've never used them in the past.
    • At 9th(3rdAbC) level he was able to throw on +7AC shield spell and charge happily. And he can cast a few more spells such as mirror image, enlarge, rays, etc.
    • He can wear green-purple chain or blue for 10%/5% chance of spell failure,etc. His AC with a 2H is remarkably high, and His AB is also very high.
    • At 10th (4thAbC) he can offset power attack by +2 with AbC features.
    • (just note that Kobort would have to delay the 5th level AbC until lvl12 to get another charisma stat boost to not loose some 3rd lvl spells known.)
    Stormlord requirements are a little more demanding (needs Great Fortitude before the prc and clerics don't have too many feats to squander)
    • I found a halfling javelin thrower (WF javelin, point blank, precise, quick draw) to be quite good. I think a Human could be better in that you can stick in a lvl or 2 of fighter for extra fun feats. (I believe you can get away without extra WF feat by picking a diety with war domain and save a feat here).
    • Stormlord weapon bonuses obviously are not as good as some crafted bonuses - especially with ranged weapons. So depending on your style... ymmv. But I suppose you could craft some special javelins, if you were motivated. Strength adds to thrown weapons, but you could simply enchant a sling for that.
    • Certain benefits would stack in melee with a qualified crafted weapon.
    • Caster level progresses, so they are still strong casters.
    • Evil clerics do have a few fun benefits: control undead and some restricted-evil spells . I think SL does not advance turn undead, though.

    Last edited: Oct 1, 2021
  5. hammyh

    hammyh Established Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    I thought to post couple of crit screen shots to get peeps excited about the new prcs coming in the next proposed temple+.

    Both lvl 12 and imho quite impressive numbers, even with spells instead of crafting.
    Lvl 12 Half-orc Stormlord (20 str) with Long Spear (Gr Magic wpn +4 + Divine power + Righteous might + Enlarge):
    Lvl 12 Kobort (18 str) Abjuration Champion with Great Hammer (Gr magic wpn +4, strength girdle + 4 and some weapon feats):
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2021
    August and anatoliy like this.
  6. hammyh

    hammyh Established Member

    Apr 24, 2013
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    I thought to note that I've had some pretty good success with chain lightning and no crashing by limiting the total diameter, including the caster, to ~40-50 feet = about the same diameter as a web spell. This screen shot shows a typical successful CL wand attack with this restriction (8 targets here. The maximum I've tried so far is 9 targets). The caster is at the top right, very close by.

    I know Chain Lightning is getting a rewrite, but for now this might be worth a try.
  7. Ajantis

    Ajantis Member

    Apr 3, 2012
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    Is the fighting the wolf and fighting and getting the giant head a random encounter or at Emirdy Meadows?
  8. Allyx

    Allyx Master Crafter Global Moderator Supporter

    Dec 2, 2004
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    I assume you are referring to the quest given by the smithy to get access to his Masterwork weapons, the Giant in Emridy Meadows will drop the head as loot. I'm not certain if randomly encountered Giants also drop heads as loot.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2023
    Ajantis likes this.
  9. Endarire

    Endarire Ronald Rynnwrathi

    Jan 7, 2004
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    Other Hill Giants will drop their heads as loot if the quest is started but not finished.
    Allyx likes this.
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