well krunch its highly unlikely that he'll travel west - east due to... the Atlantic is east of the USA and the Caribbean is south of the USA he sailed across the Atlantic and through the Caribbean to get to the USA from Europe he is traveling from Japan to New Zealand the long way round eg east - west. his journey is intended to be "green" or aleast as green as possible eg no flying and so on.
Generally, the idea of skateboarding across the USA is atypical and unusual in and of itself. :yikes:
yip that would be it. he's some where around "From Indian Key Channel bridge to Mile Marker 103 on Key Largo" which is the title of his latest update. Also he's looking at getting a cheap (prepayed) cellphone for the time he's in the US so if anyone knows what would suit his needs then drop him a line.
I am traveling (by plane, not by skateboard or bike) for Christmas as of this weekend. I won't be back until December 31st. I could wire transfer some money to him for him to spend as he would prefer. But, I would need to know where he is going to be this Saturday, Dec. 15th, before I leave. I'll drop him a line as you called it.
I'm gonna watch your bro's site and see if I can help him out with anything when he comes throught the Houston area. Maybe I can get him some other donations as well.