Murlynd's Mods

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Murlynd, Dec 18, 2013.

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  1. Salk

    Salk Established Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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  2. hellblazer

    hellblazer Established Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    This thread has a semi working script for vamperic touch
    There is a python script there that isn't perfect but it gives temporary hitpoints. Unlike other touch spells, you cast it directly on the person in 5' with short or 10' with reach weapon. It uses dex for the touch attack. Afterwards, you will notice that the discharge spell icon will appear on the radial menu. Ignore it if you want it raw because you already cast the spell. If you do otherwise and you hit then it will do damage but it will wipe out your temp hitpoints like vanilla. I was messing with it two years ago but lost that data.

    Also, animal growth doesn't give the reach that it should to long animals that go from large to huge.

    I don't want to appear like I am pouring it on but I read Salk's post and felt like commenting.
  3. Salk

    Salk Established Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Yeah, hellblazer, thanks for reporting that thread to my attention. While not really ideal, it's still better than the vanilla spell.

    Hopefully Murlynd will come with an even better solution. :)
  4. Murlynd

    Murlynd The White Paladin

    Nov 29, 2013
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    Thanks hellblazer and Salk for the Vampiric Touch info, but the spell still needs a lot of work! :punch:
    Anyway, guess what I found! More spells that have nonconformities to RAW. :wyatt:
    I found 9 spells that need some corrections. The spells are Animal Trance, Calm Animals, Divine Favor, Entangle, Faerie Fire, Haste, Protection from Arrows, Resistance, and Shield of Faith.

    First, Animal Trance, as NOTED in the SRD, has a target line of "Targets: Animals or magical beasts with Intelligence 1 or 2" and a saving throw line of "Saving Throw: Will negates; see text". The spell also has a description line of "A magical beast, a dire animal, or an animal trained to attack or guard is allowed a saving throw; an animal not trained to attack or guard is not."

    However, note the creature type and the intelligence level of the targets, and the targets that have saving throws in this section from the script Spell010 - Animal
    	spell.caster_partsys_id = game.particles( 'sp-Animal Trance', spell.caster )
    	for target_item in spell.target_list:
    		obj_hit_dice = target_item.obj.hit_dice_num
    		if (target_item.obj.is_category_type( [COLOR="Yellow"]mc_type_animal[/COLOR] ) == 1) and (target_item.obj.stat_level_get( stat_intelligence ) [COLOR="Yellow"]< 3[/COLOR]) and (obj_hit_dice <= hd_remaining):
    			hd_remaining = hd_remaining - obj_hit_dice
    			if target_item.obj.saving_throw_spell( spell.dc, D20_Save_Will, D20STD_F_NONE, spell.caster, ):
    				# saving throw successful
    				target_item.obj.float_mesfile_line( 'mes\\spell.mes', 30001 )
    				game.particles( 'Fizzle', target_item.obj )
    				remove_list.append( target_item.obj )
    With this code, only Animal type creatures with an Intelligence of less than 3 are affected. And all targets are allowed a saving throw!

    The section should be:
    	# dire animal list includes 2 Dire Rats, Dire Bat, Dire Wolf, 2 Dire Lizards, 2 Dire Bears, 2 Dire Boars
    	dire_list = [14056, 14390, 14391, 14450, 14506, 14507, 14978, 14979, 14981, 14998]
    	[COLOR="Pink"]dire_animal[/COLOR] = 0
    	spell.caster_partsys_id = game.particles( 'sp-Animal Trance', spell.caster )
    	for target_item in spell.target_list:
    		# check for dire animals
    		for target in dire_list:
    			if target ==
    				[COLOR="Pink"]dire_animal[/COLOR] = 1
    		obj_hit_dice = target_item.obj.hit_dice_num
    		if (obj_hit_dice <= hd_remaining) and (target_item.obj.is_category_type( [COLOR="Yellow"]mc_type_animal[/COLOR] ) or target_item.obj.is_category_type( [COLOR="Yellow"]mc_type_magical_beast[/COLOR] )) and ((target_item.obj.stat_level_get( stat_intelligence ) [COLOR="Yellow"]== 1[/COLOR]) or (target_item.obj.stat_level_get( stat_intelligence ) [COLOR="Yellow"]== 2[/COLOR])):
    			hd_remaining = hd_remaining - obj_hit_dice
    			# magical beasts and dire animals are allowed a saving throw; other animals are not
    			if target_item.obj.is_category_type( [COLOR="Yellow"]mc_type_magical_beast[/COLOR] ) or ([COLOR="Pink"]dire_animal[/COLOR] == 1):
    				if target_item.obj.saving_throw_spell( spell.dc, D20_Save_Will, D20STD_F_NONE, spell.caster, ):
    					# saving throw successful
    					target_item.obj.float_mesfile_line( 'mes\\spell.mes', 30001 )
    					game.particles( 'Fizzle', target_item.obj )
    					remove_list.append( target_item.obj )
    This code will affect only Animal or Magical Beast type creatures with an Intelligence of 1 or 2. Also, from the SRD, only a magical beast, a dire animal, or an animal trained to attack or guard is allowed a saving throw. I added a check for Dire Animals, so only a Dire Animal and the Magical Beast type creature get a saving throw!
    I couldn't do anything about the trained animals. Sorry! :sadblinky

    Also the rule text for Animal Trance, 010 - Animal Trance.txt, has a saving throw line of "Saving Throw: None", should be "Saving Throw: Willpower".

    Next, Calm Animals, as NOTED in the SRD, has a duration line of "Duration: 1 min./level" and a saving throw line of "Saving Throw: Will negates; see text". The spell also has description lines of "Only ordinary animals (those with Intelligence scores of 1 or 2) can be affected by this spell." AND "A dire animal or an animal trained to attack or guard is allowed a saving throw; other animals are not.".

    However, note the spell duration, the Animal's intelligence level, and the targets that have saving throws in this section from the script Spell047 - Calm
    	spell.duration = [COLOR="Yellow"]60[/COLOR] * spell.caster_level
    	game.particles( 'sp-Calm Animals', spell.target_loc )
    	for target_item in spell.target_list:
    		obj_hit_dice = target_item.obj.hit_dice_num
    		if (target_item.obj.is_category_type( mc_type_animal ) == 1) and (target_item.obj.stat_level_get( stat_intelligence ) [COLOR="Yellow"]< 3[/COLOR]) and (obj_hit_dice <= hd_remaining):
    			hd_remaining = hd_remaining - obj_hit_dice
    			if target_item.obj.saving_throw_spell( spell.dc, D20_Save_Will, D20STD_F_NONE, spell.caster, ):
    				# saving throw successful
    				target_item.obj.float_mesfile_line( 'mes\\spell.mes', 30001 )
    				game.particles( 'Fizzle', target_item.obj )
    				remove_list.append( target_item.obj )
    With this code, the spell duration is 6 min./level. Also, only Animal type creatures with an Intelligence of less than 3 are affected. And all targets are allowed a saving throw!

    The section should be:
    	spell.duration = [COLOR="Yellow"]10[/COLOR] * spell.caster_level
    	# dire animal list includes 2 Dire Rats, Dire Bat, Dire Wolf, 2 Dire Lizards, 2 Dire Bears, 2 Dire Boars
    	dire_list = [14056, 14390, 14391, 14450, 14506, 14507, 14978, 14979, 14981, 14998]
    	[COLOR="Pink"]dire_animal[/COLOR] = 0
    	game.particles( 'sp-Calm Animals', spell.target_loc )
    	for target_item in spell.target_list:
    		# check for dire animals
    		for target in dire_list:
    			if target ==
    				[COLOR="Pink"]dire_animal[/COLOR] = 1
    		obj_hit_dice = target_item.obj.hit_dice_num
    		if (obj_hit_dice <= hd_remaining) and target_item.obj.is_category_type( mc_type_animal ) and ((target_item.obj.stat_level_get( stat_intelligence ) [COLOR="Yellow"]== 1[/COLOR]) or (target_item.obj.stat_level_get( stat_intelligence ) [COLOR="Yellow"]== 2[/COLOR])):
    			hd_remaining = hd_remaining - obj_hit_dice
    			# dire animals are allowed a saving throw; other animals are not
    			if [COLOR="Pink"]dire_animal[/COLOR] == 1:
    				if target_item.obj.saving_throw_spell( spell.dc, D20_Save_Will, D20STD_F_NONE, spell.caster, ):
    					# saving throw successful
    					target_item.obj.float_mesfile_line( 'mes\\spell.mes', 30001 )
    					game.particles( 'Fizzle', target_item.obj )
    					remove_list.append( target_item.obj )
    This code will affect only Animal type creatures with an Intelligence of 1 or 2. Also, from the SRD, only a dire animal or an animal trained to attack or guard is allowed a saving throw. I added a check for Dire Animals, so ONLY they get a saving throw!
    Again, I couldn't do anything about the trained animals. Sorry!! :p

    Of course, the rule text for Calm Animals, 047 - Calm Animals.txt, has a saving throw line of "Saving Throw: None", should be "Saving Throw: Willpower".

    Next, Divine Favor, as NOTED in the SRD, has a description line of "Calling upon the strength and wisdom of a deity, you gain a +1 luck bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls for every three caster levels you have (at least +1, maximum +3)."

    However, note the incorrect bonus in this section from the script Spell137 - Divine
    	[COLOR="Red"]if spell.caster_level >= 18:
    		bonus = 6
    	elif spell.caster_level >= 15:
    		bonus = 5
    	elif spell.caster_level >= 12:
    		bonus = 4[/COLOR]
    	elif spell.caster_level >= 9:
    		bonus = [COLOR="Yellow"]3[/COLOR]
    	elif spell.caster_level >= 6:
    		bonus = 2
    		bonus = 1
    In the section, the bonus should be:
    	if spell.caster_level >= 9:
    		bonus = [COLOR="Yellow"]3[/COLOR]
    	elif spell.caster_level >= 6:
    		bonus = 2
    		bonus = 1
    Next, Entangle, as NOTED in the SRD, has a school of 'Transmutation' and a duration line of "Duration: 1 min./level (D)".

    However, the script for Entangle, Spell153 -, has a Casting Particle effect (see here) of:
    Should be:

    The script also has a duration of:
    "spell.duration = 60 * spell.caster_level"
    Should be:
    "spell.duration = 10 * spell.caster_level"

    Next, Faerie Fire, as NOTED in the SRD, has a school of 'Evocation' and a duration line of "Duration: 1 min./level (D)".

    However, the script for Faerie Fire, Spell163 - Faerie, has a Casting Particle effect (see here) of:
    Should be:

    The script also has a duration of:
    "spell.duration = 600 * spell.caster_level"
    Should be:
    "spell.duration = 10 * spell.caster_level"

    I feel like I have seen this before! :scratchhe

    Next, Haste, as NOTED in the SRD, has a school of 'Transmutation' and a saving throw line of "Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (harmless)".

    However, the script for Haste, Spell219 -, has a Casting Particle effect (see here) of:
    Should be:

    The script also has a Will saving throw (for enemies ONLY) of:
    Should be a Fortitude saving throw of:

    BTW: The rule text for Haste, 219 - Haste.txt, has the correct Fortitude saving throw. Weird! :dizzy:

    Next, Protection from Arrows, as NOTED in the SRD, has a description line of "Once the spell has prevented a total of 10 points of damage per caster level (maximum 100 points), it is discharged.".

    However, note the incorrect damage amount in this section from the script Spell367 - Protection From
    	spell.duration = 600 * spell.caster_level
    	damage_max = 10 * min( [COLOR="Yellow"]15[/COLOR], spell.caster_level )
    	target = spell.target_list[0]
    The damage amount should be "10".

    Next, Resistance, as NOTED in the SRD, has a school of 'Abjuration' and a saving throw line of "Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)".

    However, the script for Resistance, Spell399 -, has a Casting Particle effect (see here) of:
    Should be:

    The script also has a Fortitude saving throw (for enemies ONLY) of:
    Should be a Will saving throw of:

    BTW: The rule text for Resistance, 399 - Resistance.txt, has the correct Will saving throw. More weirdness! :dizzy:

    Finally, Shield of Faith, as NOTED in the SRD, has a school of 'Abjuration' and a description line of "The spell grants the subject a +2 deflection bonus to AC, with an additional +1 to the bonus for every six levels you have (maximum +5 deflection bonus at 18th level).".

    However, note the casting particles and the bonus in this section from the script Spell427 - Shield of
    def OnBeginSpellCast( spell ):
    	print "Shield of Faith OnBeginSpellCast"
    	print "spell.target_list=", spell.target_list
    	print "spell.caster=", spell.caster, " caster.level= ", spell.caster_level
    	game.particles( "[COLOR="Pink"]sp-transmutation-conjure[/COLOR]", spell.caster )
    def	OnSpellEffect( spell ):
    	print "Shield of Faith OnSpellEffect"
    	bonus = [COLOR="PaleGreen"]2[/COLOR]
    	if spell.caster_level >= 6:
    		bonus = [COLOR="Yellow"]3[/COLOR]
    The section should be:
    def OnBeginSpellCast( spell ):
    	print "Shield of Faith OnBeginSpellCast"
    	print "spell.target_list=", spell.target_list
    	print "spell.caster=", spell.caster, " caster.level= ", spell.caster_level
    	game.particles( "[COLOR="Pink"]sp-abjuration-conjure[/COLOR]", spell.caster )
    def OnSpellEffect( spell ):
    	print "Shield of Faith OnSpellEffect"
    	bonus = [COLOR="PaleGreen"]2[/COLOR] + min( [COLOR="Yellow"]3[/COLOR], spell.caster_level / 6 )
    This correction will give the target a +2 bonus to AC, with an additional +1 to the bonus for every six caster levels to a maximum +5 bonus at the caster's 18th level.

    I am posting script fixes for Animal Trance, Calm Animals, Divine Favor, Entangle, Faerie Fire, Haste, Protection from Arrows, Resistance, and Shield of Faith. I am also posting rule text fixes for Animal Trance and Calm Animals. All these files are in the attached zip file, Spell Corrections
    The zip file needs to be extracted into '...\Temple of Elemental Evil\'. Please, do NOT forget to first backup your original files! ALL the scripts (.py files) need to be backed up, only the rule texts, 010 - Animal Trance.txt and 047 - Calm Animals.txt don't, but check anyway! If there are any problems, just let me know.

    ENJOY! :cool2:

    Attached Files:

  5. hellblazer

    hellblazer Established Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I appreciate the coding corrections. Re: Vampric Touch; The semi-working version only lets you get one array of temporary hit points. I wish someone could extract the code on the sword of life stealing because that runs uccessive arrays for every crit.
  6. Murlynd

    Murlynd The White Paladin

    Nov 29, 2013
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    I have a couple of spells that I have suggestions for that are only for RAW conformity. :nervous:
    These suggestions will have minimal impact on the game, but I feel that they should be offered as an improvement.

    The spells that I am suggesting changes for are Mordenkainen's Sword, Destruction, and Disintegrate.

    The first improvement is for the focus of a spell. Some spells have a focus, which has a cost in GP. This focus cost is NOT a material component cost! The game only checks to see if the caster has the GP amount, and not subtract it. If the caster doesn't have the GP, the spell will NOT function!
    Currently only two spells have a focus cost, Extraplanar Chest and Analyze Dweomer.

    Extraplanar Chest, as NOTED in the SRD, has a focus line of "Focus: The chest and its replica." AND description lines of "The cost of such a chest is never less than 5,000 gp. Once it is constructed, you must make a tiny replica (of the same materials and perfect in every detail), so that the miniature of the chest appears to be a perfect copy. (The replica costs 50 gp.)".
    When the spell is cast, the focus cost (5050 gp) is subtracted from your money, only the first time! :doh:

    Analyze Dweomer, as NOTED in the SRD, has a focus line of "Focus: A tiny lens of ruby or sapphire set in a small golden loop. The gemstone must be worth at least 1,500 gp.".
    When the spell is cast, the game will check to see if the caster has the 1500 gp (and NOT subtract it!). See here, for my fix that corrects Analyze Dweomer's focus cost.

    Now the changes for focus! :gotmyatte
    First, Mordenkainen's Sword, as NOTED in the SRD, has a focus line of "Focus: A miniature platinum sword with a grip and pommel of copper and zinc. It costs 250 gp to construct.".
    - I added the 250 gp focus cost to the script for Mordenkainen's Sword. Without the money, spell will NOT function! (It's only 250 gp!)
    - Also, I noticed that a particle effect for the Sword was 'sp-spell resistance', should be 'sp-Spell Resistance'.
    - And the spell also has my sword fix from here. :yes:

    Second (and last for focus), Destruction, as NOTED in the SRD, has a focus line of "Focus: A special holy (or unholy) symbol of silver marked with verses of anathema (cost 500 gp).".
    - I added the 500 gp focus cost to the script for Destruction. Without the money, spell will NOT function too! (It's only 500 gp!)
    - I also tweaked the particle effect for Destruction when it is cast upon Mordenkainen's Sword. It should appear correctly now!
    - I also deactivated the constitution changes for undead and constructs, because undead and constructs are IMMUNE to Destruction (see Fortitude saving throws, here and here). The rule text, 108 - Destruction.txt, doesn't allow targeting of them anyway!
    - The spell also has my Instant Death XP fix, from here!
    - Also, I noticed an error in this section from Spell108 -
    			[COLOR="Yellow"]target[/COLOR].obj.float_mesfile_line( 'mes\\spell.mes', [COLOR="PaleGreen"]30001[/COLOR] )
    			game.particles( 'Fizzle', [COLOR="Yellow"]target[/COLOR].obj )
    Should be:
    			[COLOR="Yellow"]target_item[/COLOR].obj.float_mesfile_line( 'mes\\spell.mes', [COLOR="PaleGreen"]30003[/COLOR] )
    			game.particles( 'Fizzle', [COLOR="Yellow"]target_item[/COLOR].obj )
    This last spell has just an effect improvement! :chew:
    Finally, Disintegrate is as NOTED in the SRD.
    Also, see Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, which is as NOTED in the SRD, and has a description line of "The sphere is not subject to damage of any sort except from a rod of cancellation, a rod of negation, a disintegrate spell, or a targeted dispel magic spell.".
    However, if Disintegrate is cast upon a creature with an Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, the creature is undamaged, but the sphere remains!! :flamed:
    - I added a fix for the destruction of Otiluke's Resilient Sphere using Break Enchantment.
    NOTE: The fix is not perfect, because the Break Enchantment effect also dispels any spells that the creature in the Otiluke's Resilient Sphere has active. Sorry! :sadblinky
    - I also tweaked the particle effect for Disintegrate when it is cast upon Mordenkainen's Sword. It should appear correctly now too!
    - Also I noticed a needed addition in this section from Spell127 -
    elif target_item.obj.is_category_type(mc_type_plant) or target_item.obj.is_category_type(mc_type_ooze):
    	is_immune_to_crit = 1
    These lines are for an immunity check for critical hits on a creature.
    Should be:
    elif target_item.obj.is_category_type( mc_type_plant ) or target_item.obj.is_category_type( mc_type_ooze ) or target_item.obj.is_category_type( [COLOR="Yellow"]mc_type_elemental[/COLOR] ):
    	is_immune_to_crit = 1
    The Elemental type creature is also not subject to critical hits (see here)! :chairshot
    And the rule text for Disintegrate, 127 - Disintegrate.txt, has a saving throw line of "Saving Throw: Willpower", should be "Saving Throw: None".

    I am posting the script changes for Mordenkainen's Sword, Destruction, and Disintegrate. I am also posting a rule text change for Disintegrate.
    NOTE: Remember these files are my suggestions ONLY! They will probably have almost NO effect on the game!
    The .py files go into '...\Temple of Elemental Evil\data\scr\' and the .txt file goes into '...\Temple of Elemental Evil\data\rules\spells\'.
    Please, do NOT forget to first backup your original files! ALL the posted files need to be backed up! If there are any problems, just let me know.

    ENJOY! :paranoid:

    Attached Files:

  7. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Nice work Murlynd. I think Divine Favour was my fault.
  8. hellblazer

    hellblazer Established Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I should have just left what I wrote last night. I said that spell 588 mass hold person will target friendlies because it was missing the exc_flags_Target: Friendly so it would paralyze your party members.
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2014
  9. Murlynd

    Murlynd The White Paladin

    Nov 29, 2013
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    Hey hellblazer,

    Do you mean about the inconsistant mass spell targeting (see post, here)? :shrug:
    I have two rule text postings for Hold Person, Mass and Hold Monster, Mass, that will NOT target friendlies, but still use an area target.
    NOTE: Each spell has a target line of "Targets: One or more humanoid creatures (or creatures), no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart". The targeting says nothing about friendlies! :hug:

    I don't know if these rule text changes are for RAW or NOT! :cry:

    The .txt files go into '...\Temple of Elemental Evil\data\rules\spells\'.
    NOTE: These two files also contain corrections from my post, here!
    Please, do NOT forget to first backup your original files! If there are any problems, just let me know.

    ENJOY? :(

    Attached Files:

  10. hellblazer

    hellblazer Established Member

    Feb 27, 2006
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    I appreciate the work you do in the community. Imo these two files work better if we are going to use aoe targeting then the ones in rules corrections because you shouldn't affect your friends with them i.e. exc_flags_Target: Friendly. Maybe they should replace the files in rules corrections v1 .zip?

    After reading that post you linked about the different targeting systems I'm kind of undecided on which method would be best aoe vs. multi-select targeting.

    BTW: Mass hold person is bugged in 8.0.1 because it only works on one person.

    Dolio's script works. I'm attaching it here for convenience. Here is also the muti targeted version no aoe version.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 21, 2014
  11. Murlynd

    Murlynd The White Paladin

    Nov 29, 2013
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    Sorry, I have been away for awhile, but I have a couple of small fixes and suggestions for the Item Creation feats. :yes:

    First the fixes:

    Craft Wand
    Animate Dead - added Animate Dead spell prerequisite
    Emotion - removed wand (spell not in ToEE)
    Flame Strike - removed Wild Shape ability prerequisite
    Lightning Bolt - added "(5th)" to name in creation screen
    Magic Circle Against Chaos, Evil, Good, Law - changed "x" to "vs." in creation screen
    Negative Energy Protection - added Negative Energy Protection spell prerequisite
    Summon Swarm - removed wand (spell not in ToEE)
    Tasha's Hideous Laughter - fixed name length in creation screen (no text overflow)
    (added a few periods to Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, and Negative Energy Protection in creation screen)

    Scribe Scroll
    Greater Command - removed scroll (spell not in ToEE)
    Cure Light Wounds, Mass - changed spell prerequisite to "SHealing Circle" (can be scribed now)
    Emotion - removed scroll (spell not in ToEE)
    Heroes' Feast - changed spell prerequisite to "SHeroes Feast" (can be scribed now)
    Summon Swarm - removed scroll (spell not in ToEE)

    Brew Potion
    potion of Cure Moderate Wounds - fixed name length in creation screen (no text overflow)

    Forge Ring
    Ring of Mammal Control - removed ring (Does it do anything?)

    Craft Wonderous Item
    Monk's Belt - changed spell prerequisite from Righteous Might "and" Tenser's Transformation to Righteous Might "or" Tenser's Transformation
    Note: The creation screen does say "(null)", but it works correctly!

    And now the suggestions for Craft Wonderous Item:

    Helm of Telepathy - changed spell prerequisite from Dominate Monster to Hold Person
    Note: The Helm of Telepathy has a spell prerequisite of Suggestion, which is now Dominate Monster in ToEE. I feel that a Wiz/Sor Lv9 spell prerequisite is not what the crafting masters had intended, so I changed the spell prerequisite to what the Helm of Telepathy can cast, which is Hold Person (see long description in ToEE).

    Mandolin of Charming - changed spell prerequisite from Dominate Monster to Calm Emotions
    Note: The Mandolin of Charming (which is in the SRD, is the Harp of Charming) has a spell prerequisite of Suggestion, which is now Dominate Monster in ToEE. I also feel that a Wiz/Sor Lv9 spell prerequisite is not what the crafting masters had intended, so I changed the spell prerequisite to what the Mandolin of Charming can cast, which is Calm Emotions, not Suggestion (see long description in ToEE).

    I am posting the both the fixes and suggestions in the item_creation_names.mes and item_creation.mes files. Both these files are in the attached zip file, Item Creation
    The zip file needs to be extracted into '...\Temple of Elemental Evil\'. Please, do NOT forget to first backup both your original files! If there are any problems, just let me know.

    ENJOY! :p

    Attached Files:

    Isewein likes this.
  12. Murlynd

    Murlynd The White Paladin

    Nov 29, 2013
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    I have to post a correction for the previous post of Item Creation v1.0. :doh:

    I incorrectly removed the scroll for Greater Command from the Scribe Scroll feat.

    I fixed this and the scroll is back were it should be. No harm done! :poke:

    I am posting the correction in item_creation.mes file. The item_creation_names.mes file is unchanged. Both these files are in the attached zip file, Item Creation
    The zip file needs to be extracted into '...\Temple of Elemental Evil\'. Please, do NOT forget to first backup both your ORIGINAL files! As always, if there are any problems, just let me know.

    ENJOY! :anger:

    Attached Files:

  13. Salk

    Salk Established Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Hello Murlynd!

    Thanks for sharing your latest work with Item Creation.

    Can you update us about what we might expect from you next? Is there something in particular you're working on now?

  14. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Otello Saga Resolution

    I know this is well after the fact but I finally got around to looking at this, and since it was brought up here in Murlynd's thread, this is as good a place as any.

    An object lesson in moderation basically, this was simply a matter (as Ted noted) of 'Otello of the Field's' heartbeat script (which he shares with the peasant laborers because most all Hommlet exterior mobs are governed by that script to turn off when the WotGS crisis occurs) wrongly turning him on at all times. We simply add this caveat to the script:

    def san_heartbeat( attachee, triggerer ):
    	if (game.global_vars[501] == 4 or game.global_vars[501] == 5 or game.global_vars[501] == 6 or game.global_vars[510] == 2):
    		if ( != 8073 and != 8074 and != 14019):
    		elif ( == 8073):
    			if (is_daytime() != 1):
    			elif (is_daytime() == 1):
    		elif ( == 8074):
    			if (is_daytime() != 1):
    			elif (is_daytime() == 1):
    		[COLOR="Sienna"]elif ( == 14019):				# otello of the field
    			if (game.quests[9].state == qs_accepted):
    				if (is_daytime() == 0):
    	return RUN_DEFAULT
    and the problem is solved. Otello now only turns on at night if the Stealing Farmer quest is accepted, like he was supposed to. No mobs are altered, no dialogue files are altered, no mass hysteria ensues. ;)

    Usually the fixes to these sorts of things are very basic, because they're based on some simple yes/no error. So, it's best not to assume blatant wrongdoing, madness, gross negligence, or the need for sweeping rewrites of anything unless we actually know that's what's needed. :)
  15. Salk

    Salk Established Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Thanks for getting around to the Otello problem.

    In my defense, I can only say I tried to do something to help narrow down the issue, aware of my non existing modding knowledge and the fact that this bus has been present for years without ever being detected or reported.
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