Monstrous Pc

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Orikadon, Mar 9, 2007.

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  1. Orikadon

    Orikadon Member

    Oct 7, 2003
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    I just downloaded the lastest mods with the front end after a while away from the game and discovered a really cool surprise:

    Spoilers, kinda:

    There was a Giant as a PC choice for some alignments! That's really cool, ans as such I used him with great delight :D.

    What i want to know is, are there any other mods that give you other monstrous races as a pc choice? I would love to use a Lizardfolk or Gnoll character without having to use the Dominate + Raise Dead bug (which kinda sucks because now he's a party NPC that you can't rename).

    Anyone know of any such mod?
  2. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    Not really, no, that was discussed to add the Drow and was voted down - basically, because a race would have to removed and replaced with another race. With a major code re-write of the game engine, a new race could be added, but that would probably require the source code and a lot of various changes to the game engine (and, possibly, be a nightmare for a seasoned DLL programmer).

    However, a recruitable NPC could be made and added to the game as an individual where your party could meet and invite the NPC to be a member of the party. That also would be a lot of work, too.

    Something you could do is read this post and try it out for yourself if you wanted to attempt to do that.
  3. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    ...and this one is newer and is good, too.
  4. Orikadon

    Orikadon Member

    Oct 7, 2003
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    Well i meant something along the lines of what they did with the Giant. It's a hill giant named Giant, but under race it says Half-Orc. I didn't mind that part, it was just great playing with a giant in the party. He was also stuck as a fighter, but i didn't mind that, that's how i was going to use him in the first place, lol.

    No races where changed, but he was still an option for my (chaotic neutral) party. He was already generated with his own stats (which I changed with cheats to make him more giant-like).

    Is there any other mods like that?
  5. Cujo

    Cujo Mad Hatter Veteran

    Apr 4, 2005
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    It was me that did the giant. I made him for testing purposes and then threw him into one of my mods cos I thought some people would enjoy having him in the party. Anyway I was thinking of making a gnoll PC character like that (and call him Cujo ;) ) altho I'm not quite sure what race or class to make him (it would have to be one of the standard PC races).

    btw if you get your hands on a chracter editor you can change the giants alignment so he can play in LG, LE, CG or CE parties.
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