mobius .dll file?

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by thegeneral20, Feb 16, 2005.

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  1. thegeneral20

    thegeneral20 Member

    Feb 16, 2005
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    Hi, sorry for asking such dumb sounding questions. But could someone tell me how to install the temple.dll file? Do you just drag and drop it in the temple folder? Thanks in advance.
  2. Lord Plothos

    Lord Plothos Established Member

    Apr 3, 2004
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    I think there's a slightly easier way to do it than this, but this will work:

    Unzip the folder. Replace the file "temple.dll" in your game's root directory with the one in the unzipped folder. Then take the three folders from inside the "data" folder that's inside the unzipped folder, and put them into the "data" folder in your game's directory. There are also four text files (ignore the readme), which I don't think have to be transferred, but you may want to just in case. If you do so, just put them into the same place you put the "temple.dll" file. After that, you should be all set.

    To quickly check to see if it's working you can call up the console with shift-~ and type "levelup" until your characters have tons of exp. Level them up in this manner until they get to level ten. If they can level up to 11, then the level uncapper is in place, and that's a good sign that the patch has been installed properly. ...Or you can just play until you encounter some problem.
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