"misterious" itens

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Avatar_do_Grafite, Apr 2, 2009.

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  1. Avatar_do_Grafite

    Avatar_do_Grafite Established Member

    Jul 26, 2008
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    I believe that I've lost something here....

    I was thinking about bags in some way like a looting window, but trigered when ya use the bag from inside of ya inventory, with a weight limit of zero, just to put scrools and gems. An extra space in the inventory for small itens. The bags may be inaccessible in combat, or, for a very better game mechanic, acess itens inside of this bag will be just like a normal loot in combat: ya lost an action to open the bag, and so drag the itens ya're looking for to ya normal inventory space.
    No idea if its possibli. Just wondering about.

    For ropes, no good ideas, except as "trip weapons", with an alternate test of Tumble, Slaight of Hand or something, aybe.
    Again, just wondering.

    Another thing that comes on mind talking about itens (well, more than one, actually):
    Capes and cloacks. Why we have just the blue cape on the game? Why not other colours? And the Dragon Hide.... Well, the same here. Why not other Dragon Hide colours? And, damn, have any possibility to put a belt on that thing? Or maybe a short skirt (like the one of the barbarian armour) or even a more darkest chest plate? It just looks like some kind of gym clothes!

    Last thing, I have hear someplace that have a samurai armour in the game. Its true? Well, I actually dont like of the mix - I never use a katana, wakizachi, a monk or they weapons, just becose I'm a old scholl player, and I believe that oriental elements so strange to accept in a medieval european scenario of play like Grayhawk, except like the old and evil Toruko, that comes form a "very distant place..." Samurais, katanas and monks are no local choices, and we have Paladins, bastards swords, and, well, ah... tavern brawlers! hehe!

    (ah, and, just to let ya know, no idea if this is some kind of know bug, the plate glooves turns in black when I equip it in my chars. All of them)
  2. Avatar_do_Grafite

    Avatar_do_Grafite Established Member

    Jul 26, 2008
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    Well, I have two more itens for my list of "what'a hell this thing is supose to do?":

    XYZ scarabs (XYZ? Weell, I'm not right about the right letters, but ya all know which iten I'm refering to, right?). What this things are suposed to be? They have some kind of special habilit, or are just strange jewels?

    Earth Temple Ring: Another strange item. We shall found some of these things around the temple, but they just make no diference, or I'm missing something?

    Well, I know nothing about East Timor, but this is what I know: There are issues regarding the KotB maps. All things in the map are too big , in the external map, and some of the internal ones. Barrels and chairs looks a lot big, just to make an quick memory pointing. This and the fact that the maps are sight false compared with ToEE. Looks very 3D, or something. There are a lack of attention on the details.
    Well, at least, this is my point of view, as a draw teacher and art student.
  3. Emirkol the Chaotic

    Emirkol the Chaotic Proud Polytheist

    Aug 20, 2008
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    Nope, you're not missing anything. The scarabs have no use in the PC game. They had a use in the old PnP (pen and paper) module. In the PnP, the scarabs allowed people to access restricted areas and avoid certain traps in the lower levels of the Temple.

    Same with the Earth rings. Although, IIRC, the Earth rings were more "ID card" than items with abilities.
  4. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    East Timor is a former Portugeuse colony :p And a particular focus for Australians, after they were decimated (literally) for supporting us in WW2.

    Thanks for finally getting back to me on this. You are 100% correct: in some cases the maps do look wrong. I have just recently finished a few maps and found that the Kobold Cave looks right for PCs but too big for Kobolds, whereas the Bugbear map looks right for Bugbears but too big for PCs (thats according to the dimensions I have resized them to, its not a comment on the maps the guys sent me which are sent in a very high qualiy format and can be resized as necessary). At the end of the day I am working with a number of trade-offs, and what looks right to a normal size party may look wrong to a party of half-orcs, or right to the party but wrong to the monsters who live there. Also, I have to allow enough room for an 8 man party (and their potentially-10 man retinue of undead, animal companions, familiars etc). And some maps are meant to dwarf the characters and make them feel small, for narrative reasons (in the same way I have exaggerated the lighting on some maps, so that when it goes dark, it REALLY goes dark). Mostly, I have to allow enough room for combats not to be cramped and, frankly, annoying. And finally, regarding the crates and barrels etc (which may look way too big for the people who are assumed to sit in the chairs of the rooms next to them) you have to remember, this is a major trading point. These are BIG crates for moving things across Greyhawk, they are not little boxes such as you might find around a village. Its like the difference between something on a pallet in a local warehouse and something in a container at a local port, if I may put it that way.
    Lack of attention on the perspective of the details? But I think we've earned our pay. And I'll just say I have earmarked some maps, such the pub cellar, for revision at the behest of Screeg and the other map makers.
  5. Shadowblade2

    Shadowblade2 Established Member

    Dec 28, 2005
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    I played dozens of times and never found a use for the Orc blood. Then one day recently my Sorcerer, with low Diplomacy, Gather Info etc, went straight to Bing and healed him without talking to his dad and Terjon first about converting. My character said something like "you've been carried long enough", which I thought was a bit brusque. Bing was well-peeved and wanted to be changed back so he wouldn't have to work for a living and the Orc blood was a way to do it. His dad and Terjon wouldn't even talk about converting after healing him withoit the introductions.

    So I re-loaded.

  6. Avatar_do_Grafite

    Avatar_do_Grafite Established Member

    Jul 26, 2008
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    Shiningted, sir
    My apologies for the time I have take to repply ya, but I don't have seen yer post before.
    Well, I'll check again the KotB keeping in mind this last post of your.

    Nop, not perspective. I mean a lack of attention on details, actualy. Like the ground in the courtyard of the keep; I heve dificulties to wonder what the ground is - I believe sand with some smal rocks in somekind of patch between the gate and the bazar - and all the surfaces, with some exceptions - like the inn -, are too plain, without the details of a map of the Temple, for exemple.

    But Ill check this all again, right now, and I promisse another "point of view" soon.

    (kobold cave? Bugberar cave? There are some place in the KotB to fight monsters?)
  7. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Well you can't get to the Caves f Chaos yet, but you can leave end fight monsters, sure.

    If you don't know how, you didn't read the manual. And the Outer Bailey of the Keep map was indeed getting a graphical overaul.
  8. Half Knight

    Half Knight Gibbering Mouther

    May 16, 2007
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    Oh, i understand what he means, being a drawer myself i have the same feeling.

    It's about textures.
    For example, the mad wizard cellar is awesome, with the pentagram and all...but it lacks detail.
    Think on the potter guy on ToEE, or cheese maker house, or Kenter Nevets house. Or that kind of ruined church on the beginning, the chaotic neutral level i think...
    And yes, some things are out of scale, specially noticeable in the blacksmith's workshop, or the front wall of the Keep -they must have had trolls to move those huge bricks! :p-

    Some other maps are simply wonderful as they actually are (the druid's grove, for example)

    KotB looks plain in some places, and indeed looks quite 3Dish because it's been done with a 3D program by a 3D artist :D
    In any case, most of the maps are..."unfinished". Lots of maps are being fiddled with, adding texture and other stuff.

    On KotB defense, i must say that it has a lot more diversity of maps than ToEE.
    Way more. :yes:
  9. Avatar_do_Grafite

    Avatar_do_Grafite Established Member

    Jul 26, 2008
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    Yes, is this that I mean! My damn poor english makes explanations a lot hard! Many thanks, Half Knight!

    Agreed, and agreed!
    Yes, there are some realy great places in the game!
    To be honest, I put my eyes over a smal number of maps 'till now, but I have loved the swamp one, and the "brigands town" (I've forgoted the name of that place, sorry...) looks great too!

    Well, I was not actualy "attacking" KotB, just let my point of view about it. I like a lot the new NPC, mainly the bard girl! And yes, I believe that is an excelent work that have being done there, till now, and I believe, too, that the Keep itself will become a charming place, some time! Is a intresting game, as ToEE itself, just not realy finished.
  10. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    I don't have an artist's eye, but I've seen this too. Some of the new maps are less textured, less detailed, than others. That's because they were created from scratch, rather than patched together from pieces of the maps from the original game. One of the captivating things about the original game was the gorgeous artwork.

    The scale issues are a little less understandable. Nonetheless, it is the nature of a major project (done without proper resources, mind you) that some of the things will come out in an imperfect state.

    "The amazing thing about the dancing bear isn't how well it dances, ..." ;)
  11. Half Knight

    Half Knight Gibbering Mouther

    May 16, 2007
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    Nor did i say you did it :)

    Any feedback is ppreciated, and yours was constructive, which is even more useful.

    Nothing that can't be fixed.
    In any case, is preferably to have a working, full map with small imperfections, than nothing ;)

    Among a lot of other unfinished maps ( :shy: ) i was expecting to retexture the cemetary n mausoleum.
    The keep is too big for me, i lack the patience/focus to retexture something like that monstrosity! :twitch:
  12. Avatar_do_Grafite

    Avatar_do_Grafite Established Member

    Jul 26, 2008
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    Hey Half Knight, just to let this end:
    As ya jnow, my english shall be hard to understend, and I was just defending my self of some possible misinderstood about a possible kind of "attack" to KotB. I was just making a comment, no more, no ess.

    I'm glad that my feedback was apreciated! ^^
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