Livonya's Beta 1.5

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Livonya, Apr 23, 2005.

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  1. Ki Rin

    Ki Rin Member

    May 18, 2005
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    as happy as i will be to see more deadly monsters i will agree that some people are not in this for the fight.. although there sure as hell aint much else to do ;P so optional extras is a nice idea ;) oh and maybe someone should look at the romances... *scoffs* i stumbled upon one and it was so lame it was funny ;D
  2. lord_graywolfe

    lord_graywolfe Wolfman

    Apr 30, 2004
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    Liv and the others working on it havent suped up the monsters they just made them as they are suppose to be by the rules of the game. they didnt add any major monster that wasnt in the original module so at the end a 10th level charcter should be able to handle this its the way it was writen Gygax with the nessesery conversion to 3.5 rules. ive played through 1.5.1 and it still wasnt all that hard. Livs added quests were more difficult than the rest of the game and if you dont want to deal with them then just dont take the quest. as to the guardian demons they are tough sure but still quite beatable. i had more trouble with the vrock than the balor. Liv is also adding a hard version for those of us that want the challenge that will add more monsters to the game but still will not take any of them beyond the rules. if people want those kind of fights then they will have to make them.
  3. lexb123

    lexb123 Member

    May 18, 2005
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    So what exactly will the "hard" version add? I thought it would just soup up the monsters and increase their groups. Say you were attacked by 4 Gnolls, now you will be attacked by 8, with higher stats and a bonus feat or two.
    Am I correct in thinking this?
  4. Ki Rin

    Ki Rin Member

    May 18, 2005
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    oh please let it be true! but i hope liv doesnt overdo the caster monsters damn slow down...
  5. 0rion79

    0rion79 Established Member

    Apr 9, 2005
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    Please, dont' start messing up rules just to make a game more difficult.
    As I've learned, there must be a reason for every change to monsters.
    I won't tollerate a Gnoll with 2 extra feats without 2 fighters levels or +10 to STR for no reason.
  6. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    U won't tolerate it? U'll hit it with an axe? Isn't that the idea?

  7. Livonya

    Livonya Established Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    Most of the things that happen because of the Hard Mode are additional monsters for certain encounters or additional monsters in new places (though this is still a work in progress, and as I get farther along I may add additional things).

    Also, there are a few times where a monster will have very close to their maximum hit points.

    For instance a creature has 9d8 hit points. In hard mode that might translate to a a random range of 63 to 72 hit points rather than 9 to 72 on normal mode (+constitution bonus of course).

    The way the random number generator in TOEE works it is quite possible for a 9d8 monster to end up with 9 to 18 hit points which is just silly, especially in situations where there is one lone monster.

    At no point did I give monsters bonus feats or bonus spells or excessive hit points.

    Some of the additions from Hard Mode will be quite obvious, but in most cases you won't know that something is changed.

    Hard Mode is not a massive change. It is more subtle then that. It doesn't cause instant death situations, but it does mean that the game will just be a bit harder at times....

    Both Normal/Hard mode will be harder in 2.0 as a ton of NPCs now have their proper feats. For instance NPCs with class levels in Fighter will now have Weapon Focus for their weapon of choice rather than say Alertness. This is a small change, but it does mean that over the course of the game several hundred attacks against your party will be at +1.

    Another example is that there were many rogue like NPCs that had high dexterity but were not using Weapon Finesse. They now have Weapon Finesse, which again adds to a slight increase that adds up over the course of the game.

    I would say there were about 50 NPCs that had too few Feats for their Class/Race. Hell, there were many NPCs that would have as many as 3 or 4 too few Feats. Some of these NPCs you encounter dozens of times, so effectively this means hundreds of NPCs that will be slightly harder.

    Also, there were tons of NPCs that had 10 dexterity but were given Combat Reflexes. Pointless. I tried to find all these and change the Combat Reflexes to a useful Feat or in some instance I bumped the NPC's dexterity to meet the qualifications required for Combat Reflexes.

    Little things will make the game harder. For instance the first time a Hill Giant throws a rock at you from 100 feet away and smacks your mage for 20 + points in damage you will go "Ouch."

    So in conclusion, I don't think the changes from either Hard Mode or Normal mode will be a so drastic where people are going, "Holy, crap that was hard." Instead, the increased difficulty will be a tiny change that is compounded over the entire course of the game.

    - Livonya
  8. Ki Rin

    Ki Rin Member

    May 18, 2005
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    .... how about an extreme mode for us genocidal maniacs?
  9. ordinaryjones

    ordinaryjones Established Member

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Wow, I had totally forgotten they even carried those.
  10. Ki Rin

    Ki Rin Member

    May 18, 2005
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    Livonya could you please take a look at the darn sickness status change? it lasts far too long for something that disables actions.. cant it just affect the area around the caster? im talking about the froglike boss in the temple.. name escapes me.
  11. Livonya

    Livonya Established Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    I am not sure what you are talking about... I think you are talking about the stench effect that I made for one of the demons, but I am not positive that is what you are asking about...

    If that is what you are asking about then don't worry I know it needs work... it is one of the issues that will get fixed before 2.0 gets released.

    I have a list of to-do-things and I won't release 2.0 until they are done... that is on there...

    - Livonya
  12. Ki Rin

    Ki Rin Member

    May 18, 2005
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    ah stench yeah it could be ;) it lets characters move but not act. not a problem except the duration is too high and the save dc must be insane.. my paladin who had 20+ all saves always failed the save almost throw.

    thank you for all your doing to make this game great! ;)
  13. Livonya

    Livonya Established Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    The fun thing now is getting Scorpp in your party. You can collect stones and he can toss them really, really, really far.

    - Livonya
  14. Kalshane

    Kalshane Local Rules Geek

    Aug 6, 2004
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    Actually, it's not pointless for a 10 Dex character as it still allows them to make AOOs while flatfooted. They don't get as much benefit out of the feat as a higher Dex character (since they don't get any additional AOOs a round)and it's probably better spent elsewhere, but it's not completely worthless to them, especially if they're using a reach weapon.
  15. 0rion79

    0rion79 Established Member

    Apr 9, 2005
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    "Both Normal/Hard mode will be harder in 2.0 as a ton of NPCs now have their proper feats. For instance NPCs with class levels in Fighter will now have Weapon Focus for their weapon of choice rather than say Alertness. This is a small change, but it does mean that over the course of the game several hundred attacks against your party will be at +1.
    Another example is that there were many rogue like NPCs that had high dexterity but were not using Weapon Finesse. They now have Weapon Finesse, which again adds to a slight increase that adds up over the course of the game."

    Liv, this is absolutely a great news: this is esactly the kind of game rebalancement that I was looking for, thanks! ^_^
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