Have you tried searching via the start menu? If you have more than one description.mes folders you will see them both when using the search feature located in the start menu.
Why would I have more than one? Besides, I have several large hard drives, searching like that would take an unfeasably long time lol Though I have searched within the Atari folder. Anyway, like I said, I found it posted online
neural_jam, You could have more than one if you have a partial, or corrupt install on your machine. Myself I use the search feature often when attempting to remember which drive I've placed a file or folder. I have more than a few terabytes of space fixed and a few removable drives for extra storage and have not found the search to be unacceptable, granted I am running a quad core i7. Glad you found it.
neural_jam: I know that it is a little late but I wonder if the file could be in one of the dat files in the "Temple of Elemental Evil" directory. (you can use the DAT Tool a few threads below this one to extract them) PS. If you are having a hard time finding the file and don't like windows search (like me) you should check out everything at http://www.voidtools.com/ and it gives instant results for what you are searching for.
Ok, so we ninja-ganked Senshock on the 3rd level. I got a lucky critical with my archer's longbow and had a dual wielding hasted, improved invis rogue on him. He went to cast a spell and got ripped apart by multiple (??) sneak attacks from my rogue. He never got away... Now I'm in Verbobonc and realized that I really should have let him live. I can spawn him and he gives some empty threats, but how do I activate him? I see from the Global Flags list that his Turn On flag info is: 936 Verbobonc Senshock turned on Is there a way to activate or run flags via the console? I would love to have access to his shop! Right now, his apprentices only sell potions and scrolls. Does he sell good things? Is there anything I can do?
Well I have no idea how to command him in, but he does have a nice stack of items. Mostly the various stat boosters, various staffs, and the assorted ioun stones. He also have some other goodies, but that is the main gist of it. Pretty much what any cleric/mage might craft without the xp hit. Now it is costly, so be prepared to part with your limited gold. (joke! your usually overflowing with coins in your pockets by this time.)
Dammit! Shit! Crap! Everyfriggininsutlandcurseinthehistoryofforever!!! Is there a way to level down characters? I made a mistake and selected one level of fighter for my paladin and now I can't advance anymore in the paladin class. And I'm already at the third level of the ToEE..
Afraid not mate. However, there's a (well known actually, it is somewhere on the site) work around it. Go to the Inn (any ), strip your character of everything you want to keep, dismiss him/her using the book. Re-create a similar character, re-equip with what you have striped before. Console the experience of the dismissed character as such: game.party[x].stat_base_set(stat_experience,yyyy) where x is the position of the pc in the party (note that the first character has the position 0, zero) and yyyy is the experience you want the pc to be. Level up and there you are, done! As I said, known workaround, I'm not taking the merit for it. And, you probably know, using the console is frowned upon somehow, under specifing circumstances can cause CTDs and such, but I reckon it's alright in this case
If you find yourself in a spot where nothing else will solve the problem, then debugging is all that's left. I highly recommend that after you have finished consoling your PC back to the level you wanted, save and exit completely out of TOEE, not just to the main screen, but all the way out. This small action can save you quite a bit of head aches later.
Here is a command you could do to create a random encounter with game.obj_create(game.random_range(14075,14095), game.leader.location) random number = game.random_range(lowest,highest) i.e. d20 = game.random_range(1,20) found another COMMAND PLAY MOVIE during a game game.moviequeue_add(300) <enter key game.movie_play() <enter key this would play temple entrance movie or you could use game.movie_play_end_game() <enter key this plays the first queued movie then ends you current game, and plays the end game slides and credits
Thanks for posting that bro. I got a similar weird situation: {5007}{Pouch of Bullets} YESS!! So I just did a complete search for: oil flame fire through the vanilla description,mes There is no burning oil in this game?!? How are low level characters supposed to deal with trolls? Run? Burning hands and acid splash them to pieces?
Just for future reference, there is a complete list of console commands on this site, here's a link to it. Comprehensive List of Console Commands Again, I cannot stress it enough that using the console incorrectly is THE easiest way of messing up your game.
Added spell_known_add and spell_memorized_add to OP. This allows you to add spells to the known/memorized lists. I'm thinking it could be very useful for manipulating NPC casters via script, e.g. giving them spells on the fly depending on the situation, such as the PC's alignment (-> give Unholy Blight), circumstances, character advancement etc.