No, brown. Dark chocolate brown to be precise. My eyes have lightened slightly with age, but they're still dark and deep enough to lose your self in. That's why I stopped looking at myself in the mirror. I kept mesmerizing myself. :dizzy: Jeez, doesn't sound TOO narcissistic does it? :icon_chuc
The fire node will have to wait until late tonight...too much to do, today. However...any posts on fire node difficulties will be appreciated. EtC...mirrors are just plain bad luck. There are no good luck mirror stories. Brown eyes, or no.
Queen- The Fire Node-- READ up about the BALOR- he is ROUGH- the toughest fight in the game. You should at least have fire resistance rings, and maybe resistances- There are a fair amount of Fire Salamanders (Noble) lobbing fireballs at one point- so be prepared. Anything you can do to overcome the Fear of the Balor - Like Protection from Evil and Dispel Magic will be very helpful- Also- he is going to Resist just about all your spells- even my Sorcerer with Evocation Specialization and Spell Penetration - so be prepared to take him out with weapons- Crafted Holy is helpful.
And save A LOT. Before the Balor fight and everywhere else when you're in the nodes. They are notoriously unstable. And don't be alarmed if/when you get lockups. Just wait them out; eventually they go away. Most of the time.
I usually do air-earth-fire-water or earth-air-fire-water, although water is easier than fire. Unless your party is too weak to take on one of the nodes, the order really makes no difference. It's useful to defeat one of the weaker demons first, because they guard the exits from the nodes. Like someone said, save before Balor - not only because he's pretty hard, but also because of the amount of bugs in the Fire Node. I also recommend lots of Cat's Grace and Bears Endurance (or Mass verison of each) before you take on the Salamanders in the Fire Node - you'll need to survive a volley of 7-10 fireballs!
Cannot be stressed enough... rings of Fire Resistance. They're a life saver with the Salamaders. And yes, like everyone says... SAVE OFTEN!! You'll thank us all in the end. *in BEST Dracula voice* I dislike mirrors. They are the objects of man's vanity.
Yeah, although I prefer buffing my party's reflex save instead. If I do, Melany is the only one who fails them :roll: Uhh, don't even mention 'em. I'm kinda glad I only did vanilla TOEE once. BTW, I just found out that the chest with the frostbrand in the Fire Temple is spell resistant :anger: :tears: I am SOOOOOO sad! gotta go check whether Furnok is still alive...
Galeb Durs are a large group of little Earth Elementals that are quite tough in their own right. They are in the Earth Elemental Node...
I fought it/them twice...losing both times. But not as bad as I thought. 2 problems: He or it keeps charming Otis. The only one who can really whack him. Everyone else misses over and over. And the fear thing. The first time, I had a Balor summons to fight as well. So I had 2 balors to fight. And some Efreets. But not the second time. I am going to try again tonight. Will probably faint from exhaustion in the chair. This fight takes a lot of energy...