Just looking at that stuff Basil posted, it mentions Stalmaer: thats where Spugnoir says he is from. Maybe there might be a touch of continuity in using that.
I was wondering if someone would notice and consider that. Just a boat ride away. Hey, maybe that is where Morgan could go after he gets rescued.
I've read that the Velverdyva is supposed to be the northern boundary of the viscounty though, and Stalmaer is on the north side of that.
I just spent several minutes failing to pickpocket anything from Prince Zook, Wilfrick and Lerrick in the Council Hall in Verbobonc. My rogue has 20 in the Sleight of Hand skill, didn't get spotted even once. Is he failing to make a grab cos the NPCs have nothing lootable on them ? If so - at least a ring would be a nice catch in an upcoming version. Good job on what's done for now, keep it up !