KoS-Enhancement Pack for Co8

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Zoltec, Sep 12, 2013.

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  1. Zoltec

    Zoltec Pгōdigium

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Here's the premier!


    Hawk and Raven... Enjoy! :)

    Last familliar will be Owl. There will be a lot of work to be done for Owl familliar so stay tune!
  2. XVicious

    XVicious Established Member

    Jun 21, 2013
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    those look good!!!

    Im not sure what you was asking earlier?

    By the way, the textures I gave you to use had an alpha channel on them..
    it makes them 32 bit tga files

    About the OWl, I think we could use the other prey version for now,
    just until we update them later,
    but for now; so we have a complete familiar pack.

    we get all the scripts and mes and rules stuffs out of the way,
    then we could update the owl.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2013
  3. Zoltec

    Zoltec Pгōdigium

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Heh, I cannot fully-close some points in anim8or using fill holes(faces). Well, my purpose is to shorten the neck of the model... :p You know my next target, it will be full of suffering... :dizzy: After the neck shortening it failed to render properly. So I have to give up on it.

    Here's my configuration

    I only use these two for reskinning; Hawkn____.tga, Hawkn____xglow.tga

    Have to turn off those glows... Since the Hawkn____xglow.tga is the major skin of Hawk and Raven.

    Oh the alpha channels, I'm aware of them but I did not implement transparent textures on skins.

    EDIT Yeah, I agree but I can edit the owl at will and test it in-game, since our modpack is already implemented on my game copy.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2013
  4. XVicious

    XVicious Established Member

    Jun 21, 2013
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    Did you try shortining the kneck using the prey.obj in the first zip I posted


    also, I need to suggest that I did delete faces and edges to lose the 2 claws the original

    so you should know by now that means you would need to hex edit you skm.skm
    to update the face count.
  5. Zoltec

    Zoltec Pгōdigium

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Yeah, I've download your preyv3.zip and edited it via anim8or. Lol, it did take a lot of time to close those fill holes/faces argghhh! Of course I always kept my notes and mastered all your teachings here so updating a face count is super basic man. Hehehe. :blegh:

    EDIT I'm aware of the removed claws. And I followed your instruction that; never kill points since they are the animation structure, so killing them should make way for unsuspected CTD's. Count is always maintained and untouched.
  6. Zoltec

    Zoltec Pгōdigium

    Apr 22, 2012
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    What model should we use for owl model? Seems the preyv3 will be most unfit and not proper, unfortunately... :no:

    As you can see on the pic, the neck is bended downwards and head slightly upped. So where should we place the head of the owl? The owl will always look down if we use the neck and if we use the head it will make its neck longer... What I can see here, is to extend and move the chest part of the preyv3.
  7. Zoltec

    Zoltec Pгōdigium

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Friend please fill the holes. It's the best model for owl, Its a gargoyle model. :)

    Attached Files:

    • OWL.zip
      File size:
      17.3 KB
  8. XVicious

    XVicious Established Member

    Jun 21, 2013
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    you dont need to fill the holes so much with new faces,
    try covering them by moving the points or edges, over lapping is ok to do too.

    you could also add the word


    to the end of the mdf
    to see if that fixes any patches or holes

    the thing about filling the model with new faces:
    they are drawn a certain way, sum times they are strips of triagnles,
    so they are not independent triangles. they have too be drawn in a specific order,
    and direction, so sometimes the points dont line up to be filled in. its makes it difficult because when you fill it in with a new face, the program has too re-order and align thee entire model to fill in the 1 face. More over is sometimes the program will not know how exactly to do that.

    things about TOEE models that can make filling faces more difficult:
    somtimes you may notice that points are sharing the same position (x,y,z)
    and they are divided into sections. so you could be connecting a face that is connected to the wrong section of the model.

    I think you could modify the ICELizard for owl

    um if you notice it has a gilled rim or hood on its head

    maybe extend that too appear more thick like, covered in feathers texture; extended down

    the neck area. scale the beak down and rotate it more down flat, that would mix

    into the extended gill rim.

    I think the gargoyle is a little more difficult to moddify, since it has alot of points

    and its more humanoid like. Also you have to redraw the gargoyle to look more

    Bird like.

    on thee other hand thee ice lizard looks more bird like, and sought too be more
    ez to moddify into an owl.


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Sep 14, 2013
  9. Zoltec

    Zoltec Pгōdigium

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Thanks Xvicious for the excellent model. I couldn't done than that any better! Here take a peak, should I make the owl more whiter?

    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]

    Owl, Hawk, Raven, Lizard, Cat and Snake. Weasel will have improvisation; The rest are just reskinned nothing much on their models i.e. Rat, Frog, and Bat.

    I'll reskin again the snake one...

    New skin for snake and newly improved model for weasel; neck, tail, face

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2013
  10. Zoltec

    Zoltec Pгōdigium

    Apr 22, 2012
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    I'll cover the druidical shape change if I've found any "inappropriate things there i.e. model, textures...". Anyway, I plan to make a helm for Scorpp... :)
  11. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Those look really good guys :)
  12. XVicious

    XVicious Established Member

    Jun 21, 2013
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    Those look great :thumbsup:

    now you need to package them,

    I gave you the python scripts that function for calling them in my first post.

    you would attch these scripts too generics

    12045 - 12054


    in proto's


    Two Days until the TOEE anniversary!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Sep 14, 2013
  13. Zoltec

    Zoltec Pгōdigium

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Thanks, already finished that! :)

    XVicious, I know this is not your interest, but I would like to ask you about the .SKA file of Elmo, I can't seem to find his drunk animation via V2Brute? I was thinking it is an internal call (possibly?) who knows I haven't tested all possibilities. There is an animation that is called flurry on .SKA file which is a great move. :blegh:

    I wanted to implement it on flurry of blows (rather than using the generic arm attack). Any ideas?

    Can we extract the .SKA contents via your programs? Anyhow if you don't know anything else on this, just ignore this message.

    I'l pack the familiars mod here, well should we seperate other works of mineth? or shall we include the reskinned races and new hair color... The pink color is not used, so my decision is to change it to green whereas it would prove useful on the other portraits that do have green hair...

    HINT I replaced the NPC_Elmo.SKA to PC_Human_Male.SKA and the drunk animation seems to be replaced with the generic walk (in-game)...
  14. Zoltec

    Zoltec Pгōdigium

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Hello to all... Please try our mod! Looking for the download link? look for the first post of this thread or click here. Enjoy! :)
  15. XVicious

    XVicious Established Member

    Jun 21, 2013
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    No sorry to say I have not delv-ed into the ska file yet, due too the complexity
    of the bone and weight system that the skm links too the ska, I dont for-see the need
    too create new animations, for the fact that it would be beyond the skope of the casual modders here.

    there would be the interest into say developing an injection system for bones
    and weights that are custom, but the fact is, you would really need to paint them too
    be accuarate with the modded custom weights.

    it is a very complex process. It would take a lot of time to create the appropriate application system I imagine. thus we should only use the animations given in the vanilla version, and use the original bones and weights. It would take too long too
    re-engineer the animation system. Animation is a very big chunk of the engine to
    reverse engineer.

    besides that, if I was too create such a system, there might be an issue with
    copy write laws, due too the fact that someone owns this engine, and giving this
    aspect to the public to use freely, I would be giving 50-80% of the actual engine away for free. Handing out extracted models with animation isn't good for me or for the owner of the engine.

    why?: because I make 0 $ from this while someone sells work that Atari did on some black market using my extraction tools to sell animated models.

    animation, models (inluding terrain and sprites or orthographic maps), and textures usually is what takes up 50-80% of the memory for the game. the other 20-40% is scripts, rules, programming, gui, and other mislaneous threading systems, sounds and drivers and game controls.

    if the SKM toolset got too version 2.0 (currently v1.2.1), you may as well have had the original engine for models and animation for TOEE.

    whats missing in the design of current version 1.2.1:
    bones and weights editing could be improved by 190% (v 1.3)
    linking the animation with the skm and creating or editing new animations
    is the missing 170% (v2.0)
    all these total improvements would render version 2.0
    the only thing next to be left to improve appon would be the actual GUI
    and GDI
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2013
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