Jerk stop fix?

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by Anthom, Feb 18, 2011.

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  1. Anthom

    Anthom Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Is there anything that can fix the jerk stop in Hommlet. It is so bad in my game now that I cannot even move at all in Hommlet. I really don't want to start over, but I guess I will if that's the only way to get rid of it. I did read that if you use the sign post to move around in Hommlet that it could be the cause for it. I think it might be true because I have never used the sign post in Nulb and I can move around with no problem there.
  2. Groo the Ambler

    Groo the Ambler Loot the Rot Grubs

    Jan 31, 2009
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    Once jerk stop appears it tends to get progressively worse.

    1. Save frequently, of course. When you get to level 4-5 (about the time you clear the moathouse) start saving before you enter the south Hommlet area. If jerk stop appears, revert immediately to your previous save. Don't "play through" the jerk stop.

    2. If it keeps happening when you revert to save, then leave Hommlet for a while and return later. (This also works for CTDs in Nulb that sometimes occur in mid-game.)

    3. Move your base of operations to Nulb as soon as you can.

    Regarding the signpost, using it hasn't been a problem in my experience. I just completed a full game in 6.01 NC with no jerk stop at all, except for one instance where I exited the inn and the party was frozen in combat pose and could not move. I reverted to save and had no more problems at all, even though I did a LOT of running around Hommlet, even in the late game, and used the signpost frequently as well.
  3. Anthom

    Anthom Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Hmmm. Early on I could go to the delko grove and back and it was gone, but like you said it progressively got worse. Now I can't move anywhere at all. Nothing works to get them moving. I can go anywhere else and I am just fine. I will have to start a new campaign then and remember to revert back as soon as I see it happen. I have plenty of saves, but I could not tell you how far back I would have to go. I think I am going to buy Baldur's Gate from GOG. I never got the chance to finish it long ago and then BG2 and then Never Winter Nights which I have never played. I was really hopeful to get through TOEE. I remember long ago when I got the module that had all the single modules for it combined. Oh well. I will get through it... eventually. lol I have to say it is much better than it was, when I first bought TOEE. Way better.
  4. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    It seems that if it happens after loading a save, you can ameliorate it temporarily by going back to an even earlier save. If you reload the same save, you will still have some sort of problem. The phenomenom seems to first show up as an exit from the Wench with the party frozen in combat stances.
  5. Anthom

    Anthom Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Yes I think that is the first time I saw it, but now it's so bad that when I come out of anyplace it does that and now even when I come back from outside of Hommlet it's like that. I can't do anything so I am going to try and finish the game, but I might just start all over again. Thanks for all the help. :)
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