Well not saying one should rush but it is annoying when a table finishes their food and then just sits there for hours. We rely on table turns to make money. My hourly wage is $5 and I barely see any of it after taxes and insurance.
While I could understand this "eat fast, clear the place" desire when all the tables are occupied, it is totally unjustifiable when half of the tables is free (and this is the case most of the time.) Oh, and I had calculated "my" hourly wage (without consideration of random (although present most of the time) bonuses and increases for work intensity and excellent work results). It amounts to 1.25 USD per hour, so relax, WHN, you are rich!
but remember that altho you only earn 1.25 USD per hour your not spending that in the USA. When I do comparisons like that I like to compair the cost of living, eg if I earned what I earn per week in NZD in RUB ... atm 500.00 NZD = 11,039.97 RUB, and lived in russia I'd be wealthy (I think) but I don't, so I'm broke atm, with about $300ish per week going to living expences and more lately going to other unexpected costs. WHN earning 5 USD (about 6.30 NZD) is just over half of what the minimum wage is here at 12.50 NZD so thats really pretty shit, I hope she gets lots of tips to make up for the low wage. But on that note, I often wonder what items like bread and milk cost in other countries compared with pay rates
We had already discussed that Moscow is one the most expensive cities in the world and my town is even more expensive than Moscow. Thankfully, 1.25 USD per hour is the minimum I am to get no matter what, most of the time it is more than that. And, of course, I've calculated this figure by dividing my minimum month salary by official number of workdays in the month (~25) and then by official number of hours in a workday (8). But, as a higher school teacher, I do not actually "work" all this time. I have about 8 hours of lectures and other lessons per week, I have some paperwork to do, but actual worktime is not, of course, 200 hours per months. Then again, if I worked 200 hours per month, I would quit very quickly for some better place to work at. And do not think I am lazy, just conducting public lectures is among the most psycho-physiologically-demanding jobs. :chick: 1 Liter of sterilized cow milk costs about 1 USD in my town (a bit less than that, actually).
That's cheaper than it costs here in Orlando Florida, USA. Maybe I should pay you to ship me milk. :beer:
In Genova, Italy, on my first day there, I've bought 1 Liter of sterilized cow milk for 1,45 euro. So, you see, not a big difference.
It seems Justin Bieber was egged during a concert in Sydney just a few days ago. ShiningTed, anything you'd like to confess?