In your opinion.... NPCs' levels.

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by 0rion79, Jun 8, 2005.

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  1. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Terjon pulls out some high-level spells like raising the dead, so I mainly think he should be high enough for this to make sense.

    No, clerics don't wander around their churches in armour any more than bishops wander around cathedrals with crozier and mitre, its only for the big day out. BUT PCs don't wait for the guy to go get changed if they wanna attack him, so u gotta put up with it.

    Burne should be higher level than Jaroo because Burne is an dragon-slaying adventurer while Jaroo is a village shaman. The module mentions that Terjon has a background of adventuring too, for what its worth.
  2. 0rion79

    0rion79 Established Member

    Apr 9, 2005
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    Yeah, but .. we know that he killed a green dragon, but nor the size and the age. So it was probably a young adult: a kind that may be beated by a good party, so I think that he is at the right level but he should have more items to use and more items to sell, the ones that he or his friend don't use after looting the dragon's possession.
  3. Cujo

    Cujo Mad Hatter Veteran

    Apr 4, 2005
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    Might be a spoiler.

    I aways thought he was talking it up or lying. I guess that its the whole thing about hirable NPCs and nonhirable NPCs if he was that good then you could kick ass after clearing the moat house and hiring him if he was that good from killing a dragon (think of the xp he got from killing the dragon).

    anyway imho terjon should be what ever level needs to bring people back to life, jaroo aprox the same minus that he hasn't done adventuring but might've got lots of xp from helping homlett before the church showed up, calmert the muscle of st cuthbert a little lower and burne probable the same as calmert...ish.
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