Good morning! I am up early today. After a long spate, I dream. A man who shines like silver is in my dream and I wonder this morning what that portends, what my mind is working on this time. The shutter lizard has either moved or something has eaten it. It is nowhere in sight this morning. I hope it has found another hiding spot. In the east, the clouds are thin enough to tell that the sun rises in a different place than it did just weeks ago. Soon enough, the clouds thicken and dim it's light. It will rain again today. A flock of noisy crows flies through the neighborhood, cutting around the live oaks in their flight, loud enough to wake up any who might still sleep this morning. Doves coo in the distance. I work today. I hope the rain holds off awhile. I hope you had a good night. And that the day goes well.
I have fallen in love with Greek yogurt. And...for me, really great news...I spied the shutter lizard poking it's head out as I was leaving for work. I practically danced to the car. Some people concern themselves with large, earth-shaking issues. Not me. I focus on small green lizards. Is there a lesson here? Not likely. Heh. A friend sent me a surprise. A book on Florida birds. So now I have to get around to buying some binoculars. My friend told me, "The earth where you put your feet is holy ground." I am not sure just yet how this ties in with the bluejays. Light rain off and on all day, and no big deal driving to work. A city about 30 miles south of here got hit hard, though. Google says the moon is full even as I type. I hope you had a good day and that the night has been good, too. To all who will sleep tonight on this side of the earth, The Nightly Mission: The full moon smiles on you tonight and will bring you whatever it may. I hope joy will come with it's light grace you, follow you into the day. G'Night!
Your friend's statement is a paraphrase of what God said to Moses when they first met on Mt. Horeb in Goshen. (Before he went back to Egypt.) She left off the "Remove thy sandals" part, but I can understand that as Blue Jays don't wear sandals. Dunno if this helps. :shrug:
Just your "Friendly neighbourhood fountain of worthless knowledge"! Today's not starting off all that great. Nothing serious, just weather issues. We're supposed to be having y company's Summer Outing today at the local minor league stadium with a game to follow. Appears that Nature has other plans..... ah well.
Good morning! Except for the northwest, the sky is blue with scattered white clouds. The bushes still hold drops of rain on their leaves this morning. In the northwest, the sky is black with rain clouds. A breeze blows, but not hard enough to ring the wind chimes I see a bird fly and circle overhead that I have never seen before. It is large and quite striking, unique enough to guarantee finding it in my new bird book. I is a swallow tailed kite. And the book tells me that what someone at work said were a variety of blue jay is actually a mockingbird. This makes sense when one considers all the songs these birds have been singing. So it is the mockingbirds that have driven off the other birds. Now I wonder when I last saw a blue jay. A lone little sparrow comes to the loquat tree but doesn't stay for long. And one of the doves flies off from the ground near the birdfeeder where it was pecking up stray seeds. No sign of the shutter lizard this morning. I hope you were blessed in your sleep and have a good day.
A friend from Key West said they had the worst lightning storm ever last night. Been lucky where I live. The storm seems to have mostly gone around us. Sorry about your outing.
I saw both the green shutter lizard and the brown lizard that likes the porch railing. Both made madcap escapes when I came too near. Quite funny. The shutter lizard flung itself onto the end of a leafy branch, then had to hang on for dear life (I assume) when the branch bobbed up and down. The brown lizard sailed off the railing onto some dead and crunchy leaves on the ground, making it obvious where it was until it found the underneath of the porch. The doves that come to eat the seed that falls from the birdfeeder aee Zenaida Doves. The book says they are uncommon in this area. My other book, Birds of North America, indicates they are from Mexico. Off and on, more rain. Light rain. I walk around the potting wheel, still boxed up, eyeing it, working up to opening it. And to all who sleep tonight on this side of the world, The Nightly Mission: You can leave the land in your sleep, as long as the ties that bind are strong. Your dreams can be strange, mystical, sweet journeys, but don't stay too long. Elves that shine silver in the night can capture you, take you away. And I'd much rather, you know, that you woke up the next day. G'Night!
Well, turned out pretty well after all! The rain stopped hours a couple hours berfore we left letting everying dry out and warm up a bit. Had a great time and the home team, The Schaumburg Flyers, won! The company outing itself was good too. Lots of laughs all around. It's a really great thing to work for a company that knows how to treat their employees right. It's an even better thing to truly enjoy working there! OK. This is weird.... Just as I'm typing this (I'm at work), one of my co-workers drops off a "Thank You" gift from the company to all employees.
Good morning. Scattered clouds and blue sky late this morning. It is already as hot as it is forecasted to be today, 83 degrees out. The sun is hot on my skin. No lizards in sight that I can find. No birds flying around the neighborhood either, or even singing. A few buzzards are flying lazily south of here, but none overhead or nearby. Today I unpack the potting wheel. I had a good night. I hope you did, too. And have a great day!
I hope you had a good day! And that the night went/goes well. No lizards at all today, and hardly a sight or sound of the birds. The clouds rolled in this evening and darkened the entire sky. Minor drops of rain, nothing else. Just clouds. I unpacked the potting wheel. There were many big staples. And...I think it's going to fit in the bathtub! I forgot that I got legs for it, so the height problem won't be an issue. Yay! Now to get the clay...and relearn how to throw. I will probably be cursing a lot for awhile. But I am excited. To all who sleep tonight on this side of the world, The Nightly Mission: Sleep tonight and sleep well under the sleep fairy's spell. Wake up tomorrow with no more sorrow. G'Night!
Good morning! Late last night, the clouds had drifted away and it was clear. I could see all the stars and, of course, the moon. This morning, a light haze burns off even as I watch while I drink my coffee. The sky turns clear and blue. Been a long time since there were no clouds. Only one little lizard out this morning that I could find. On the ground by the porch. And no birds at all. Not a peep. Perhaps it is too hot. Already 80 degrees out at 9am. A busy day ahead for me. I hope you had a good night. May the day go well.
I hope you had a good day and that the early part of the night was good, too. Busy day today. Tomorrow, I hope to get up with the sun and see if the birds still sing then. Major effort on my part, when I want to do it on purpose. And I will put the legs on the potters wheel and see if it fits in the bathtub. Sometimes I think I am a strange person. Nobody puts a potters wheel in their bathtub. My friends haven't said anything, but that alone tells me something. They are not normally quiet about things. Everything is open to comment and/or joking. Except my wheel and the bathtub. Hot today. Hotter as the week proceeds. Summer is here, in my book. Maybe that's why the birds aren't singing. To all who sleep tonight on the dark side of the earth, The Nightly Mission: Give your brain a break, and put it in park when you go to sleep. Try to bring some light to bleed through the dark, take you to the day. G'Night!
Good morning! I hope you had a good night. I am not up as early as I wanted to be this morning to check out the birds, but early enough, I guess. They were singing some when I did get up, so maybe it does have something to do with the heat. There is a department here at the university that specializes in zoo animals...mainly large birds. I'm thinking of calling and see if someone there knows why the birds aren't singing. Already 83 degrees outside, supposed to get up into the 90s. And clear skies so far. Today I put the potting wheel together. And order clay. I am skipping the binoculars for awhile. I hope you have a good day.
Late again. I hope you all had a good day. And night. I work tomorrow. So another busy day. To all who sleep tonight on this side of the world, The (very brief) Nightly Mission: Sleep soundly and have no dreams that are bothersome. Wake up tomorrow! G'Night!