In the Service of Her Majesty The Queen

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Scryler, Jan 11, 2009.

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  1. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    Another really good day today!
    Two in a row. Wow.

    And the night goes well, too.

    At work today, lots of laughter.
    Mostly at my expense. Having
    a rep can have strange results,
    sometimes. When you're learning
    a new job, anyway. I laughed, too.

    Driving home on the back road, I
    had the road to myself. Turned
    up the radio and flew.

    Saw a couple of old men, baddest
    looking old men bikers I have ever
    seen. White hair everywhere. Leather.
    Chains. I laughed. Not in ridicule.
    Just because it was that kind of day.

    Found a speckled bird's egg today.
    And watched the lizards bask in the sun.

    I hope you had a good day, too.
    And early night.

    To all who go to sleep on this side of the world tonight,

    The Nightly Mission:

    Sleep and rise refreshed.
    Meet the day with a smile.
  2. Emirkol the Chaotic

    Emirkol the Chaotic Proud Polytheist

    Aug 20, 2008
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    A most excellent development, your Majesty!

    Laughter IS good. It's the one true healer, IMHO.
  3. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    Good morning!

    This early day the clouds fill the eastern sky
    and foretell rain. My lawn needs rain.

    The jays sing and mimic all the other birds
    that were once in the immediate area. Someone
    told me that the jays drive off all other birds, and
    they do seem to have done that. I like the jays,
    but I miss the cardinals and little sparrows. Only
    the birds that are temporary visitors come around,
    the 2 doves, the crows and yesterday, a hummingbird.

    They have not succeeded in driving off the 2 redheaded
    woodpeckers, though. Which may mean that they live

    I look for and find the lizard that sleeps under the
    shutters. He or she has it's head poking out this
    morning. Strange how many things make where
    they sleep their home of sorts. Perhaps they find
    a home and make it where they sleep. A place
    of safety, I expect.

    The world spins and brings with it change. The
    future will be interesting.

    I had a good night.

    I hope you did, too.

    Have a good day!
    Last edited: May 6, 2009
  4. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    Evidently, it takes very little to catch and hold my interest.

    I should know that well by now.

    I saw a lizard, one of those that turn brown or green, and it
    was black. Totally black. I've never seen one of them do
    that before. It was sitting or standing, whatever, on some
    litter on the ground by the porch, and should have been a
    light shade of tan to match the litter. I watched it for about
    15 minutes, and it never changed color. It was alive, as
    it's throat crest (was not black) or whatever it is called,
    was occasionally moving in and out. And it's eyes followed
    me when I moved.

    If I thought I could keep it alive, I might have tried to catch
    it. Would have, when I was a child. Not today.

    Thinking about it, I notice my eyes are trained on the ground
    and what is around me, in the immediate vicinity, rather than
    on the sky. As go my eyes, so goes my life. That is changing,
    too. An interesting parallel. The body and the mind are one.
    Last edited: May 6, 2009
  5. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    Ahhhh, late again!

    Too busy by far, lately.
    Not complaining, I like busy.

    I hope you had a good day.
    And a good night.

    I did, again!

    The full moon comes nigh tomorrow.

    To all who sleep (or soon will) on this side of the world,

    The Nightly (short) Mission:

    Take care of yourself.

    Show up.
    Pay attention.
    Do right.

    And sleep well.

    Wake up,
    do it all again.

    Life doesn't sit on a shelf.

  6. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    I wake up too late to spy the lizard that hides under
    the shutters at night. Not enough sleep even so;
    I was up late last night. Too late.

    The highlight of my last visit to the porch last night,
    was a firefly that was trying to get inside the house.
    I was tempted to let it, but you do not voluntarily
    give egress to your home to any insect if you can
    help it, in the South. So I watch it until sleep calls
    too hard to stay there any longer.

    I wondered what the different colors it flashes mean to
    other fireflies. Bright white, yellow, neon green. Too
    bad there were no other fireflies to see it. A sending
    that was wasted on me.

    I searched the ground and there was nothing moving
    there this morning that I can see, save the fireants.
    They do not seem to need sleep at all. Busy last night,

    But one of the red cardinals landed for awhile on a
    branch in the loquat tree, cocked it's head, saw me
    and flew off again. The large redheaded woodpecker
    drank from the hole in the live oak, and one of the
    doves landed on the birdfeeder, flapped it's wings and
    took off again.

    A buzzard circled overhead so low I could throw a
    rock at it, if I wanted. It took it's time leaving,
    kicking the windchimes did not seem to bother it
    at all.

    I go to work today and should have slept longer.
    It will be a coffee day, all day.

    I hope you had a good night and woke up this
    morning singing.

    And tonight, the full moon will shine and I will be
    in the light.

    Good Morning!
    Last edited: May 7, 2009
  7. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    A good day today, even if I didn't get enough sleep.

    A great morning!

    Four days in a row. Wow. I can hardly believe it.

    I see a strange looking lizard where I work when I am on
    the patio smoking. A skink, I think. (Heh) I'll have to
    look it up.

    I think the Knight in black armor pursues me again. If
    so, this time he is much more interesting. But then, so
    am I.

    One calendar tells me the moon is full tonight. The other
    says tomorrow. A friend's says Saturday. I'll take all 3.
    I love the full moon.

    To all who will go to sleep tonight on this side of the world,

    The Nightly Mission:

    May you have dreams this bright night
    that float you away into a wonderland.
    Perhaps someone will be there
    who takes you by the hand,
    leads you somewhere new.

    And wake up in the morning
    without feeling blue.

  8. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    I was up early this morning, early enough to catch the lizard
    peeking out from his nightly hiding spot under the shutters.

    A marker for the morning, the lizard.

    The dove came to the feeder again, sat there longer this time
    before flying off, and did not fly far. I will have it sitting on my
    hand yet.

    A dream I would have liked to remember came to me last
    night, but was gone this morning when I woke. Just shadowy
    images left. Enough to make me wish it was crisp.

    Mother's Day comes soon, and I wonder what all of you
    fathers have planned. Someone should bring up the ranting
    thread again and post.

    A very strange 'person' took me to a site on 2nd Life that
    a band 'owns.' A Japanese band that plays the type of
    music I like. The site is very serene, nothing much but
    shallow blue water and small white empty islands, a piano
    in the distance, stark bare black trees here and there.
    He told me I could come there when I need to rest my mind.

    I hope you have a good day.
  9. Emirkol the Chaotic

    Emirkol the Chaotic Proud Polytheist

    Aug 20, 2008
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    What an amazing evening!!!

    Great weather. Cool kids. No yelling. WONDERFUL!!

    First time N's been back with me (us) in 2 weeks. Gods I missed him!! School work is showing DEFINITE improvement. He was happy, nay, THRILLED to see me again. No homework for him this weekend, but LOTS of reading practice (still a little behind the curve).

    A nice home-cooked dinner on a Friday, a rare thing, as we usually go out to dinner on Fridays. Shame that I still couldn't get my charcoal to light. I might have had a bad batch. Easily remedied, but not in time for dinner, so improv was the key. Although dinner lacked a certain level of flavour that only the grill could've given, it was tasty and satisfying, nonetheless.

    Afterwards, ALL the boys,(your humble narrator, included) including a few of the "younger" ones who've grown up since last Summer, we're all out playing various "versions" of ball. That is until the biggest kid (me) suggested dodge ball. :evilgrin:
    Karma took it's toll as I caught a mini basketball upside the head. Damn cheap shot from one of N's friends. My bad for teaching them about the effectiveness of "headshots" against the walking dead. The little ones have some good aim.

    No serious injuries, thankfully. Even J, as much as a Mom as she is, was relatively laid back and laughing at the whole debacle. Even had some of the other neighbour parents out for some good conversation, in between yelling at the boys to take the enthusiasm down just a bit. There were "little" ones running around with the bigger ones. There not as durable yet.

    All finished off with some popsicles, generously donated by the mom of some of the "little" ones.

    What a great way to end the work week and begin the weekend!!

    Now, the hour grows late, and N needs to be rounded up from wherever he's stirring up trouble with his friends.

    I hope all your nights are enjoyable in their own specials ways as mine was tonight.

    Until the daylight smiles on us again, a fond goodnight.
  10. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    The Nightly Mission:

    Sleep well.
    Have a good morning tomorrow.
  11. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    I hope you had a good day.

    A lizard on the porch, 2 hummingbirds fly by,
    frogs out tonight.

    The moon is as full as it is likely to get.

    To all who go to sleep tonight on this side of the world,

    The Nightly Mission:

    Fall asleep without fear
    and sleep through the night.
    Wake up and have a day
    that shines and is bright.

  12. Emirkol the Chaotic

    Emirkol the Chaotic Proud Polytheist

    Aug 20, 2008
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    Well, hooray to pulling off a great Mother's Day!

    J was treated to homemade eggs benedict by yours truly and loved N and I's gifts of 2 new, high quality, baking sheets for her. (somethings she's been wanting). She even enjoyed some quiet time and watched a movie. N was with his friends and posed no interruption to her day. Smart boy, that one! ;)

    The ex-J, N's Mom, got her wish of "peace and quiet" for her day. We dropped N back with Mom, mid afternoon. She really enjoyed the new candle N picked out for her (again. something she was looking for 2 for 2, awesome!!). My J even got a sincere and heartfelt "Happy Mother's Day" from ex-J. They get along fine, but ex-J still has some "threatened by another mom figure" issues that would normally preclude her from ever making a statement like that. Yet another wonderful surprise in the day for all of us. You could've knocked my J over with a feather!

    On the way home, J and I stopped to wander around a new, outdoor, up-scaley mall near us. Found an amazing and affordable french bistro/creprerie and had a marvelous dinner. A fine end to a fine, fine day.

    And now, to all the mothers and wives of the members or who are members of this great Co8 community, I hope your Mother's Day's were all wonderfully special and enjoyable!.
  13. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    Today was a good day.

    Tonight was a very fun night.

    I went with a friend to explore the Star Wars sim
    on 2nd Life, and another place. Strange sights
    and much discussion. Another lightning fast mind.

    I laughed, a lot.

    To all who sleep tonight on this side of the world,

    The Nightly Mission:

    Risk takes many forms,
    so does trust.

    Follow your will, do
    what you must.

    Take a newborn way
    to yourself.

    Sleep in health,
    rise to the wealth
    of the morning,
    a new borning.

  14. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    Good Morning!

    I think it was Gaear who said he heard
    a robin singing it's head off in the middle
    of the night, once. A bluejay was doing
    the same thing late last night, singing
    all the songs it knew. It was still in full
    song when I went inside my house.

    I think it sang to the street light or
    perhaps the moon that was coming
    down from full and still very bright.

    A monarch butterfly made it way
    from yard to yard and almost landed
    on my shoulder.

    I hope you had a good night and have
    a good day today.
  15. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    I hope you all had a good day and night.

    To all who sleep tonight on this side of the world,

    The Nightly Mission:

    Follow the path to the source
    of calmness and quiet
    and open your mind.

    Let it flow in like a moon
    beam and sleep well.

    Wake up to the river of life.

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