Blue. Dark blue. My hair is not black, either. It is chestnut. A dark red-brown. Some blond highlighting, but mostly reddish in the light. The image I'm using now...because I got bored with the other how I look on 2nd Life. There is some resemblance to how I really look, but not much, imo.
Earlier today, I thought I saw the hawk again. It was hard to tell if it was the hawk or a low flying buzzard. I hope it was a hawk. Raining hard right now. No thunder and lightning for a change, though. Usually there is. Steam coming up from the ground makes it look like some time of horror flic. I expect to see monsters coming out of the steam/rain. Earlier today, right after school, the little girl next door was on her skateboard, with 2 phones in her hands. A cell phone and the house phone. She was talking back and forth on both. Now this is a modern day kid. Rolling along and talking away. Multi-tasking. Only 1 lizard on the porch today. The others were probably on the bushes, being green. The one on the porch was brown, of course. My hair is no longer chestnut. I dyed it. It is almost, but not quite, black. Very dark brown. I like it. Hope y'all had a good day. And I hope you have a good night.
The rain quit for awhile and I sat on the porch watching the clouds. They are the weirdest clouds I've ever seen. One layer goes one direction, and the other layer (on top) is going the other way, which is not too unusual here in central Florida. All across the sky, there are holes in the clouds. I have never seen holes in the clouds before. Perfectly round, and the clouds moving around in circles, all the way up. It was like looking at a reverse tornado. Speaking of which, we are under a tornado watch until 2 am. The storm is supposed to be very bad. Cross your fingers that I don't lose power. Hope your weather is better. Much better.
Well then, see, my plan worked! (and you did mention something about flattery getting me everywhere.... ) And you're welcome. :thumbsup:
Just make sure the sky doesn't turn that sickly shade of green. If it does, seek shelter. Consider them crossed! Meh, Cold, windy, and rainy. I'll take your storms and warmer weather any day.
There is no shelter for miles around that could withstand a tornado. You just have to hope it misses you. I grew up with cold, windy and rainy and will take it any day over Florida weather. We are lucky to have 3 months out of the year, maybe 4 with reasonable weather. The rest of the time it is hot hot hot and we have hurricanes. I've lived in snow country, too. Snow is better than hurricanes.
Seems like the worst of the weather has passed, for now. Most of it skirted my area, we only a few lightning strikes. Rained pretty hard, though for awhile. To all who go to sleep on this side of the world, The Nightly Mission: Turn out the light and if it's raining where you live, listen to it fall on the roof or the windows, and be glad it isn't raining on you. Let the sound of the drops falling hard lull you to sleep, and sleep like a baby. Wake up in the morning! G'Night.
The wind blew hard last night while I was sleeping. There are many little branches and green leafy clumps scattered all across my yard and in the cul-de-sac. One branch is fairly large, I have a hard time pulling it up to the edge of my lawn at the pickup point where the truck comes to get the lawn clippings and minor branches. I think it may be too big for them to take, and wonder what I can do about it. It is a green branch and I cannot break it, nor do I have a saw. It is blustery out today, the rain clouds are overhead and we are supposed to have more thunderstorms today. I doubt if they will be that bad, but you can't always tell here in Florida. I see the 4 cardinals in the yard, still chasing one another. I assume they are the same 4 and wonder why they haven't resolved things yet. Perhaps they have, but are fighting now over territory. Strange to see the females involved if that is what they are doing. By now, they should be nesting, if territory is the issue. The redheaded woodpecker visits the live oaks again, pecks here and there. A couple of sparrows are back. Schiller plays on I like him. He speaks, when he does, in German and makes the language sound mysterious, a difficult feat in my mind. I think of all the things I have been told, how the journey I am involved in will someday bring me home. It is so hard sometimes to believe, to hold onto the light while I am floundering in the dark, blind. I suppose I am learning the meaning of faith. It is gloomy outside; I try not to get gloomy inside as well, and beckon my thoughts back from where they would go, unattended. I remind myself that one takes 1 step at a time, and doesn't gallop through the dark. I hope you have a nice day. I hope I have one, too.
Windy, grey and overcast all day, and rain off and on. Still, all in all, a good day. I hope you had a good day, too. To all who go to sleep (or already are) on this side of the world, The (very belated) Nightly Mission: Fall into sleep down into the well of dreams. Stay there awhile, until the world calls you back. Wake up and feel good, liking yourself all day. G'Night.
Good Morning! Cold outside this morning, even with my sweats on. The birds flew and chirped, the squirrels came to ground. Leaves and small branches litter the cul-de=sac again, the wind coming with the cold front clipped the trees while I slept - nature's gardener, the wind. Busy, busy. I talked at length to a friend last night, and I think I have resolved some things, gained some clarity. Work and a luncheon date for me today. I hope you had a restful night. I hope you have a good day!
A very frustrating day from start to finish. One of those days where you are not in charge, and can't do anything but hurry up and wait, mentally grit your teeth. But it has passed, is behind me and night is here. It is cool out tonight. It feels good. I relax, feel the tension fall away. Breathe. Early, but to all who go to sleep on this side of the world, The Nightly Mission: When you have a bad day that irks you no end. Do pick yourself up and go visit a friend. Don't make it personal, let it get you down. Don't go to bed with it, making you frown. Keep the lessons that mean something to look at some other day and throw the rest away. Stay in the light all night, wake up to a brand new day. G'Night.
Yesterday and today are some of Florida's best weather. Cool at night and in the morning, warm during the center of the day. Too bad we don't have more of them. One pair of the cardinals seem to have resolved things; I no longer see 4 cardinals fussing with each other. Now there are only 2. Either the quartet has split into 2 pairs, or 1 pair is still trying to work things out. I see 2 redheaded woodpeckers chase each other around, too. A strange call that I haven't heard before comes from the trees, mostly live oaks, on the far side of the cul-de-sac that backs up to the one I live on. Too far away, I can't tell what type of bird it is. A small cluster of finches lands on my lawn for awhile, before flying away when I move. No buzzards in sight. I hope you have a good day. Mine has to be better than yesterday.