In the Service of Her Majesty The Queen

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Scryler, Jan 11, 2009.

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  1. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    I spent most of the day at a coworker's house where we
    worked some more on the project. She cooked lunch, and
    it was better than eating at a restaurant. She's an excellent

    We sat outside under her patio funiture umbrella a lot of
    the time, because the day was so nice after the rainy
    overcast days we've had.

    And it was a nice day...warm and sunny, a light breeze
    keeping it from feeling too hot.

    I talked with the neighborhood woman from the corner
    house down the street, the one who knows everything
    there is to know in this neighborhood. She told me that
    a family of large hawks lives in the live oaks that borders
    my property. They migrate during the winter and come
    back around this time of year.

    So now I know why the songbirds were so agitated the
    other day. And that the large bird that was being dive
    bombed by the crow the day before was indeed a hawk.

    I suppose it is silly, but I am excited that the hawks live
    in my trees. I think I am going to have to get binoculars,
    after all. I really want to see their nest.

    So a good day today.

    I hope your's was, too.

    And now, to all those that will go to sleep on this side of the world,

    The Nightly Mission:

    There is joy to be found
    in the small things.

    All by themselves they might
    not seem like much.

    One by one they add up
    and make a life.

    Look for them as you go
    through out the day.

    Take them with you into
    your dreams at night.

    And wake up in the morning!

  2. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    I look for the hawks this morning and do not find them.
    I think they have settled in the live oaks by the overflow
    reservoir between this neighborhood and the highway.
    I hope not...those trees will be cut down soon to make
    way for new business development. If they do settle
    there, I'd have to sit on the back porch to see them,
    and I won't do that. Too many hornets.

    With the current economy, new development might
    not occur soon...hopefully. But this little town is rapidly
    growing, despite the economy, so who knows. There
    is a brand new huge store in the area, a local chain that sells
    everything imaginable for the home, both to contractors
    and private individuals, that was built during the last few
    months and just opened last week. New houses are going
    up all over, and new businesses as well. Soon it will not
    be necessary to go to the nearest large town to get good

    I see one of the large redheaded woodpeckers peck away
    at one of the live oak's dead branches. Not too long ago,
    I saw a much smaller woodpecker, a replica of the bigger
    one, but I haven't seen it since.

    The red cardinal, the male, takes a bath in the birthbath,
    then flies to sit for awhile in the straggly bush at the
    neighbor woman's yard. I was told that the bluejays
    will drive off the cardinals...perhaps that's why they
    haven't been around much lately.

    The day is clear and bright again, no rain clouds. It is
    fairish cool (ha...great grammar) outside. It looks to
    be a good day.

    And I hope it is, for me and for you, too!
  3. Emirkol the Chaotic

    Emirkol the Chaotic Proud Polytheist

    Aug 20, 2008
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    This could very well be my last post for awhile....

    J and I are taking N and his friends roller skating. She got great prices through her job as part of their "family days".

    I DO NOT rollerskate. I tried when I was a small child and never liked it.

    Now... let's just say I'm more than a little worried. I severely injured my right knee years ago and the thought of tearing those ligaments again in any sort of fall, weighs heavily on me. I'd rather not be laid up for 6 weeks healing again. Once was quite enough.

    I'll still go out there and give it the 'ol college try". If anything it should be quite comical.
    Oh well, there's plenty of little kids around to break my fall. :evilgrin:
  4. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    Well then, there will be 2 of us. I did something to my knee today, don't know what, and am not walking very well. Ibuprofen, ice packs and an ace bandage will hopefully do something.

    I hope you enjoy rollerskating more than when you were little.
  5. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    Stay on the wall. Don't fall on your hands or knees. Fall on your ass, DON'T use your hands. Tuck your chin down, arch your back. DON'T use your hands. Practice falling backwards on to your butt at home. :p

    Of course, wear head, knee, elbow and palm protection. And DON'T use your hands. ;)
  6. Emirkol the Chaotic

    Emirkol the Chaotic Proud Polytheist

    Aug 20, 2008
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    MADE IT!!! LOVED IT!!!

    Safe and "reasonably" sound.

    3 spills in my first go around. The last one was the rough one. Only a slightly bruised part on my left hand, the fleshy part below the thumb. The back'll be sore tomorrow, but what the hell. Managed to fall on my left side, not by choice BTW, thereby sparing the right knee from any risk.

    I was nowhere near good when I left, but my skills kept improving each time I went around. I even managed to pick up some speed and not fall. I think if I had another hour or so, I could have really settled into it. Repetition is the key.

    J and N's 2 friends had a blast. N, not so much. He really didn't take to it and was unwilling to listen to any advice from J or his friends. He still kept at it, for awhile, at least.

    N's friends, A who's 9 and R who's 6 (they're brothers) took to it like ducks to water. We actually had to keep R away from the inside track, where the fast skaters where. That kid is FEARLESS. Nothing stops him. I almost believe that pain makes him laugh. He shrugs off everything. He's quite the amazing little man.

    J and I shared a bit of a laugh with N's friends when we suggested that we have N's birthday party at the roller rink. The look on N's face was priceless. Something between utter shock and sheer terror. Quickly turning to laughter, thankfully

    All in all, a very good day.
  7. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
    Likes Received:
    To all who are probably already asleep on this side of the world, and those who may go there soon,

    A very brief and hasty

    The Nightly Mission

    Sleep hard and well
    Wake rested

    But do wake up!

  8. GuardianAngel82

    GuardianAngel82 Senior Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    Night, Scry! Some patrols go to 3am. So some are still awake. ;)
  9. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    It's overcast, again. I think another cold front is moving through.

    I saw a very large bird fly overhead. It wasn't a buzzard, but I
    am not sure that it was the hawk, either. It was all 1 color from
    the underneath. Black.

    I also saw 2 large white birds fly north. Probably some type of egret.
    They were big, though.

    A day of big birds. Shades of Sesame Street. Heh.

    My leg is somewhat better, but I am still peglegging it around.
    I can't put one leg over the other, either...didn't realize how often
    I do that, until I can't and keep wanting to. I am still doing the ice
    pack, wrap and ibuprofen.

    I can't drive, either, so I am housebound. VERY irritating. I have
    a friend who said she'd bring me whatever I need, and I am dying
    for iced tea, but I won't ask her to drive all the way here just for

    Other than that, nothing much is happening here.

    I hope you are having a good day.

    Mine is passable. I like that word.
  10. Emirkol the Chaotic

    Emirkol the Chaotic Proud Polytheist

    Aug 20, 2008
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    Poster this in an edit earlier, but woke up with no aches/pains/strains. Very happy about that.

    Those above mentioned items would have made it a little hard to do laundry and cook dinner tonite.

    Scry, with your knee, how well can you walk on it? It it very or even massively swollen? Any discoloration or bruising? I'm just concerned that you may have torn a ligament. Did you fall or twist you knee?
  11. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    I still haven't found the hawk's nest. If it is built, yet.

    The next door neighbor woman went to the store and got me some iced tea.
    I used to drink it sugar, no lemon, just tea. But in this instance,
    the south converted me. I drink it southern style, very sweet.

    It was nice of her to offer. She told me about everything that has been going
    on lately, and is having a hard time. I reminded her that she could always talk
    to me, if she wanted. I have good ears.

    I saw a hummingbird today. Looking for flowers. There are none. I hope some
    of the neighborhood residents have hummingbird feeders. I don't and am not
    going to be able to get one...

    Now there are scattered clouds, like sheep, all across the sky. We are supposed
    to get another thunderstorm, but it doesn't look like it, to me.

    I do not like hobbling around.

    The day is ending fast. Night is coming.

    I hope you had a good day, and have a good night, too.
  12. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
    Likes Received:
    To all who go to sleep tonight on this side of the world,

    An ungodly early Nightly Mission:

    Rest your head in the arms
    of slumber, and your heart.

    May nothing give you harm,
    wake you up with a start.

    When you get up the next day,
    and feel the tap tap tapping
    begin, tell it 'Go away.'

    Wake up in the morning!

  13. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Grey and overcast yet again.
    Sporadic light rain...just enough to keep the pavement damp
    and meld all the rain spots.

    The birds fly about, so it is likely this will keep up all day.

    Down from the trees, the squirrels are industriously digging.

    A couple of butterflies flutter by.

    No sign of the hawks.

    My leg is better, I think. Still wrapped and ice packed.

    I hope you have a good day and find joy in your life.
  14. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Two squirrels, young ones, are the last to chase up the live oaks to their nests.

    I would not like to be a squirrel. They constantly have to stop what they are doing,
    sit up, and look nervously around. I can't imagine being that paranoid. And living
    with it from moment to moment, all day long. Everybody's prey, I guess.

    The birds are mostly settled down, except for some last minute exchanges of
    perching sites, generally accompanied by much squabbling and fluttering of wings.

    My friend has a parrot. Smallish, not one of the big ones. Still lives to 70 or 80 years old.
    I don't believe in caging birds, but I don't say anything, as my opinion will have no bearing on what she believes about her bird. But we were talking about the hawks here and how agitated the birds were the other day. She told me that a hawk often sits on top of one
    of the telephone poles by her house, and that her bird knows it, somehow. It can't see
    outside. But it, too, will get agitated. Strange. Birds must hear exceptionally well. So
    that adds to my belief that my windchimes keep the buzzards at bay.

    The layer of clouds overhead has broken up into scattered little ones, and the rain has
    stopped. It is getting cold, but I doubt if it will be as cold as it was last month. The
    cold front was late getting here, I think. There will be no thunderstorms tonight.

    I almost forget about my leg, until the muscle reminds me when I put my weight on it.
    I put the wrap back on, but leave the ice off. I'm tired of having one cold leg, even if
    it did make it feel better.

    I meet the vampire again in 2nd Life, ask him about the war I think I saw. It wasn't a
    war. He was destroying a computer-generated avatar, not one that was um inhabited
    by a human. As he put it, '2nd Life is for humans, not machines.' A vampire with
    ethics. It would seem a contradiction, but I already knew he had a strong set of values.
    I asked him how he destroyed it and he said he had a powerful that was what the fire bombs I saw were.

    The moon waxes and will soon be full.

    I hope you had a good day! I hope you have a better night!
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2009
  15. Scryler

    Scryler Night's Wordsmith

    Sep 3, 2008
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    The moon is gorgeous tonight.

    Out in the middle of the cul-d-sac, in the middle
    of the night, the women in the immediate
    neighborhood hold a conclave. We discuss all
    the problems that have arisen in the last week.
    Not gossiping, but offering support, as only
    women do.

    I walk further and longer than I have in days
    and probably shouldn't have. The wraps are
    back on, and likely more ice.

    But it was more real life social interaction than
    I have had since I hurt my leg...

    My smoking is going up the scale, rather than
    the neighbor brings me lights,
    not ultra lights last night, tonight the other
    neighbor brings me regulars. My lungs no
    doubt love that.

    All in all, a good night.

    I hope your's was, too.

    To all who will sleep on this side of the world,

    The Nightly Mission:

    Let it go, let it leave your mind
    before you lay your head down.

    Clear the balance beam where
    pain gains strength, lives and grows.

    Sleep and heal what needs to be
    there for you to be who you truly are.

    And wake up in the morning and smile.

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