Everything OK Scry, or was it "just one of those days?" And you as well, sounds like you need it! :thumbsup:
The Nightly Mission: I hope you sleep in the light, tonight a smile on your face and that your dreams take you to the place where you feel safe. Wake up in the morning! G'Night!
The rain wakes me this morning. I think it may have rained all night. The birds still sing in the rain, something I didn't know before. But I see none of them fly. Nor do the squirrels appear to be out this wet morning. I saw one of the cardinals, a red one, on the lawn across the way yesterday. A flock of ducks flew north as well, and the stork or heron also. I read somewhere that birds will continue to fly if the rain will last for a long time, likely because they need to eat, but none fly this morning and none are on the ground, either. So that information does not appear to be true. This rain will last. The birds go hungry. Well. The rain quit for awhile, and the birds fly, settle on the ground, look for food. So maybe it is true. The squirrels are down out of the trees, too, digging for their food. It will rain again, though. The clouds are still hovering overhead. I have a busy day today. I hope you have a good day.
Rain, rain, rain. Off and on, all day. Sometimes pouring down, huge drops, the rain so dense you can't see through it. I lucked out and wasn't driving when it was like that. Sometimes it was just a mist. And it is still raining. Earlier, I saw a crow dive bombing a very large bird that sat at the very top of a tree. Either one of the big hawks or an owl. The crow kept it up for quite a while. The other bird would jump up, flap it's wings briefly, whether startled or trying to attack the crow, I don't know. When I went in, they were still at it. They were both gone when I left to go to town. All in all, despite all the rain, not a bad day. I hope your day went well, too. And the night is here...finally.
It was not a good day today.... I survived. The evening came and made things much better. I'm relaxed now. Not at peace, but relaxed. I again thank the Gods that brought J into my life. :love: I found my self cracking today. SERIOUSLY cracking. I found myself going back to a person I used to be. A person I've outgrown. A person I have no desire of ever going back to becoming. It was an unending battle with myself, my emotions. I actually found myself losing control. I held it together! No one would have noticed anything on the outside. The battle raged within and I WON. Another test of this "better person" I've become. I'm proud of myself. It's not that I had any doubts, but the situations and circumstances of today really took a toll on all my resistances. I was rattled but stood strong. Heh, maybe I am made of stronger stuff than I give myself credit for. That, or hard fought wisdom is really coming in handy! This sounds so self serving, and maybe it is, but it just felt good to post this.
You deserve a pat on the back! (I was going to give you a double thumbs up, but it isn't working, so you'll just have to pretend like I did...thought was there, anyway!)
Dark and wet outside. Two cop cars at the neighbor's. I ticked off a friend. Owe an apology. On all fronts, not a good night. To all who sleep tonight on this side of the world, The Nightly Mission: May you sleep soundly no tossing or turning, no moping or yearning, your heart not pounding. Wake up tomorrow, and do not borrow sorrow from the well, or conjour from the fell. Go where life is bright. G'Night!
Thanks! :hug: The morning dawned bright and clear. Same with my head. There's even a smile on my face. For now. I DO have work to get too..... :roll:
Even though I go to sleep much later than normally...and that is very late, indeed, I get more sleep than I have in weeks. I am determined that today will not be a repeat of the last few. I am tired of the roller coaster... The birds are agitated this morning, and squawk at the top of their voices, fly from tree to tree, coming up from one tree like a cloud, wheeling and swooping in the air, landing in another en masse. There must be a hawk or owl in the neighborhood to cause such commotion, but if so, I cannot find it. I wonder at the reason for the police at the neighbor's last night, and at the arrival of two other cars, one another neighbor's. I think it must be the autistic boy, who I've heard can be uncontrollable. My own problems, so centered on self, seem trivial compared to what some have been dealt in life. It will likely rain today, again. I want today to be a good day. For me, for you too.
The birds were agitated for a long time. Two black winged butterflies fluttered around looking for flowers. I could see none but the tiny little flowers on the weeds sticking up in my lawn and the neighbor's. And those flowers were unopened. Good luck butterflies! Overcast all day, another thunderstorm brews. The wind howls and bends the pines to one direction, then in the other. This is the first time I have lived among pine trees, always before the trees were fir and much studier. The fir trees don't bend like the pine trees do. When I first saw them sway with the wind, it was during a hurricane, actually a tropical storm by the time it got here, and their dance was not slow. They bent so far I thought they would break. I was very scared. I'm used to it now. I spent an hour watching the vampires hold another one of their wars on 2nd Life. They certainly get creative. Fire bombs all over the place. The day went by and while not a great day, it was ok. Ok days work for me. I hope your day was better than ok, but I am not complaining.
The wind still blows and whistles through the vent over the stove. But most of the thunder and lighting is off in the distance, and it rains only sporadically, large solitary drops. Edit: We have a tornado watch for the rest of the night, until dawn. My apology was received with grace. We are still friends. I am tired. So... To all who will fall into sleep tonight on this side of the world, The Nightly Mission, abbreviated: Sleep soundly and long, no disturbances, no pain. Rise in the morning when the sun shines again. G'Night!
The sky is clear this morning, first time in days. A flock of crows went by to the NW, cawing away as they do. Another flock, this time of bluejays landed in one of the pine trees, then scattered to other trees, the loquat, the live oaks. In the distance, in the cul-de-sac backing to the one I live on, I see a pair of cardinals. I'm glad they are still around, haven't seen much of them, lately. I hear a new bird song that I haven't heard before, but can't find the bird. Maybe it was a bluejay. I wonder how many times the bluejays have to hear a new song before they can repeat it? Everything alive and growing is washed clean by the rain. New growth is everywhere on the trees. When the fir trees where I am from had new growth on the tips of their branches, it would actually glow, issue some type of radiance that you could see at night. I haven't noticed any of the new growth on the trees here doing that...but then, when I lived among the fir trees, there was no light at all at night except from the stars and moon. So maybe that's why you could see the tips of the firs glow. There is always some light here...streetlights, the nearby city turning the night sky a little lighter than it would be without the city lights shining, the houses with their lit up windows and porches. My busiest day of the week, today. I'm glad it isn't raining. I hope you have a good day!