No, the Queen doesn't behead bunnies (deports 2 legged bunnies), but perhaps that is a need? Sir Bunnie-Beheader? Are you applying? Hmmmm. I always envisioned myself as a kitten. claws.
I hope you have a good day and the night went well. I must be wrong about the mockingbird sentinel. It hasn't been on the street light since the hawk flew over. In fact, the adult mockingbirds appear to have left the immediate area. I see nothing but young mockingbirds. A few trees over (as the um crow flies) I hear the 'sentinel' once in awhile, but only a few notes, nothing like when it was on the streetlight. Among all the other songs or calls it made, was one that distinctly sounded like it was saying dorito, dorito, dorito (none of the other mockingbirds ever did), so I assume it's the sentinel when I hear it. The 'dorito' call generally sent me right to the chip bag. So is this another instance of birds taking care of their young after they've left the nest? By leaving the area to insure an adequate food supply for the young birds? Or is it the hawk? Seems like they all would have left if it was the hawk. May the Lady smile on you and me too.
He can have it. I just acted as a watchdog over a very young bunny yesterday who got washed out of his burrow. Poor thing was the size of a mouse and still had it's eyes closed. N and his friend C spotted it and told me and J. They were smart cool enough to leave it alone so that momma could fetch the poor thing back. Which, thankfully she did. Ahhh to feel those claws....
Ha Ha HA HA came rolling down the tunnel big H, big A one sound chasing the other turning and tumbling around the twisty roller coaster maze slamming into a tight drum HA HA reverberating: ha ha, ha ha, ha ha ha open maw ha ha open maw ha ha teeth and lips ha ha tongue and whips ha ha Snap!
I thought someone would comment on the HA HA verse, since it is so bizarre. No one has, but I'm going to tell y'all how it came to be anyway. While struggling to fall into sleep and listening to my brain's rave-around-the-clock, the HA HA verse sprang into my mind full-fledged, exactly as written. This is highly unusual for me, so I wrote it down. Also unusual is the content. I have no idea what spurred this creation. To my knowledge, my brain has never done this before, neither while in the midst of a babble session nor when I was actively writing. Line by line, even stanza (?) by stanza (if they are't the same thing), yes...but not an entire verse. So there you have it.
It probably comes from practice. I find if I get stuck on drawing at the end of the day and I persist at trying to get it, I can usually nail it first thing the next day. 99% perspiration 1% inspiration. Maybe you've turned a corner. Looking forward to the results.
Windswept The first door was open and the wind swept in The second door was open and the wind swept in The 3rd door, the last, was open and the cold cold wind came sweeping in The heart that was hotly beating behind the last door, lost in a dream froze