If You Could Play Anything on the ToEE Engine ...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Gaear, Jan 5, 2011.

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If you could play anything on the ToEE engine, what would it be?

  1. The Goldbox games (Pool of Radiance, etc.)

    14 vote(s)
  2. The Baldur's Gate games

    15 vote(s)
  3. The old Greyhawk modules like ToEE

    40 vote(s)
  4. My own favorite game, which I'll list below

    11 vote(s)
  5. None - don't bother

    0 vote(s)
  1. Anthropoid

    Anthropoid Established Member

    Jan 4, 2014
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    To me the ToEE engine is a real gem so pretty much anything you do with it would be a good thing. The engine has a couple of features that I find a bit annoying:

    1. The Isometrics need a bit of rotational/twistable/zoomability to them I think. Nothing like 3d but just a bit. There are too many places where objects obscure too much of what is happening behind them.

    2. Maps need waypoints (to allow you to fast-travel or semi-fast travel on local maps) and better pathing.

    3. Resolution needs to be a tad bit better. Close quarters fighting, when you're whole party is packed in and have 9 Goblins and 6 Goblin carcasses laying around it . . . just seeing what is happening becomes difficult and selecting what objects to interact with even more so.

    No idea if any of that is really addressable but I felt it was worth saying. Despite not being "cutting edge" I think if just some of those issues could be in part addressed, ToEE, just because of its combat AI and visuals has another good 10 years of usage in it. Sorry if all of that is out of scope but there it is . . . even without any of those changes, more content would still be great.

    When you say "Greyhawk" what do you mean? That is what I voted for, but I'm not sure what you actually mean by it. Material within "Greyhawk" campaign world seems to have still been developed for that game world until 2008 and can legitimately be considered to include the very first D&D material from the mid to late 1970s. "Greyhawk" might mean: go all the way back to Castle Greyhawk and Zagyg's "Home Campaign," or you could do something crazy like Expedition to the Barrier Peaks, or any of my old favorites (OMG I cannot believe I still remember most of these names!)

    Or it might mean something post Greyhawk or even post TSR. "Greyhawk" is a quite huge and diverse bibliography of material to draw from.

    It seems that the ToEE game is based on the "Post-Gygax" version of the Temple of Elemental Evil and Circle of Eight, which is after my time of intense D&D play.

    The other idea I'd toss out there (just a crazy idea): "The Enemy Within Campaign"
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2015
  2. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Can I just say, "emulators"? Any time I want to play an old C64 game I just run CCS64 or Frodo - likewise I've played the updated Paradroid on an Amiga emulator and even ran a Colecovision emulator for a while for old time's sake.
  3. NulbTroll

    NulbTroll Member

    May 14, 2012
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    The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth is one of my favourites...although it could stand to be tweaked here and there.....I would love to implement it(and my home campaign additions to it) but from all accounts this would require many months and years of work and perhaps result in my being divorced... ;p

    A good choice for an extended set of modules might be.
    U1-U3, The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh, Danger at Dunwater and the Final Enemy!!! Although the underwater parts would take some fooling....

    fun to dream.
  4. maalri

    maalri Immortal

    Nov 22, 2005
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    Terrible Trouble at Tragidore! LOL :)

    Does anyone remember that one? With the Giant-kin that had and used a wand of Polymorph?

    I still use modified versions of that encounter in my games today!
  5. Shiningted

    Shiningted I want my goat back Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Ahhh, someone voted and this updated....

    Can I just say (for anyone interested - I won't have time to do it myself) that U1-3 is very doable if someone could do the Sahaugin models (and the Mermen / Locathah etc from U2). Otherwise its just Lizardmen, pirates and a couple of gnolls - we got those in spades! None of them big modules, either.
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