How to get involved in making KotB

Discussion in 'The Keep on the Borderlands' started by Shiningted, Jun 21, 2006.

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  1. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Re: Open Invitation

    Ted's busy these days. :pelvicthr I've got one out to him, too, 'cept mine made it in before it got all backed up.
  2. Cujo

    Cujo Mad Hatter Veteran

    Apr 4, 2005
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    Re: Open Invitation

    Teds steped out for a bit we hope he gets back soon
  3. blackmote

    blackmote Rider of Theli

    Oct 2, 2006
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    Re: Open Invitation

    I've sent Screeg a message this morning. I appreciate the consideration of allowing me to help build something great with this community. I hope to contribute some story/quest ideas at the very least. And if the toolset isn't intolerable, then I hope to also contribute some general layout and atmosphere.

    I have many of the classics in hard print as well as PDF - The ToEE; KotB; Tomb of Horrors; The Haunted Halls of Eveningstar; and The Ruins of UnderMountain, to name just a few. I would love to see more and more of the classics built in a CRPG environment as the ToEE has been.

    I once had a small team working on Waterdeep/UnderMountain using the Aurora Toolset from NwN. We designed much of the layout of the first three levels of UM (as well as several city blocks of WD and outlying wilderness) to rave reviews from our players. So I know the feeling of satisfaction when you hear the feedback from a player who appreciates your work.

    This weekend I will be reinstalling the ToEE for the first time since it's debut. I had initially purchased it at it's debut and played through only a couple of hours of the Village of Hommlet and some outlying wilderness before giving it up and returning to NwN, never to look back. You can thank [blame?] the October issue of PC Gamer for my renewed interest in this game, as well as my finding this community. I hope I can be a positive influence here. :yes:

    Thanks again.

  4. Sapper_Astro

    Sapper_Astro Established Member

    Nov 26, 2004
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    Re: Open Invitation

    Throw me in.

    At the moment, apart from writing, thinking of quests, etc, theres not a lot I can do. I am making my way 'painfully' through Teds tutorial though, so my uselessness will fade over time.
  5. whatsername74

    whatsername74 The Poison Woman

    Jul 31, 2006
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    Re: Open Invitation

    There's an emoticon for everything these days :D
  6. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Re: Open Invitation

    The thrusting-hips smiley looks so much better in pre-production though :censored:

    Ok, I will try to get back to you folks who have kindly offered, ASAP. If I don't, kick me :) (It works! Really!)
  7. Alaric Rising

    Alaric Rising Sir Balovershagnasty

    Jan 14, 2007
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    Yes, reviving an almost six month old dead thread, but I was curious if there was anything I could do to help. I have no modding experience and frankly computers and I don't really get along due to the combination of my own personal entropic field and the gremlins that follow me around. Electronics tend to bite it given a short period of time around me...but I do write. I'd be more than happy to do dialogs, NPC/plot development and so on...

    ...that is if all this is still happening.

    EDIT: Holy CRAP! I obviously didn't read this thread in it's entirety! Had no clue it was so hopelessly off subject! I guess I don't really expect anyone to come back to this, but if ya' do, my interest is there.
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2007
  8. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Errr, noooooooo, you were spot on: this is indeed where people get involved :)

    We are actually doing some testing for the demo currently (not official beta-testing, thats a few weeks of at least) but certainly I think we are talking multiples of weeks, rather than months, for a demo release. But we could sure use some more dialogue writers. BUT you would have to learn to make actual .dlg files: not nearly as hard as it may sound (they are 'made' in Notepad :) ) but you will have to learn some scripting basics.

    Go on. I dare you :p

    (Send me a private message if you want to give it a go :) )
  9. amazing ronaldo

    amazing ronaldo Member

    Apr 10, 2007
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    I would certainly be interested in helping out if you would like another hand in there. This was one of the first PnP adventures I owned 27+ years ago and I love it. I have worked on mods for NWN, including starting one on my own based on one of my favorite modules, U1 The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh. While I used stock creatures and objects and am not much of an artist, I did a lot of scripting and dialog work and have been a D&D DM for decades so hopefully I have something I can offer that can help out. :)

  10. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Well, I dunno about U1 (unless u wanna mod a cursed luckstone ;) ) but U2 has a subtle influence in our mod.

    I will PM you some details about getting involved in the not-too-distant future.
  11. kio11

    kio11 Established Member

    May 18, 2007
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    i can draw charocal if anyones intrested
  12. Cujo

    Cujo Mad Hatter Veteran

    Apr 4, 2005
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    to late, I already drew it...

    Attached Files:

  13. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    my post # 2500 :D
  14. kio11

    kio11 Established Member

    May 18, 2007
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    i am also looking forward for a photoshopper that can color my charocals. ill draw anything for you in exchange of this. ill scan my latest sketches sometime
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2007
  15. DarkwingDuck

    DarkwingDuck Member

    Apr 18, 2005
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    Trying to download KotB , all the links to the main package are dead atm :/ , all the other links within the thread are working though 8)

    Well this is the link I'm trying
    am I using the right one ?

    Well anyway, I have quite a few years of experience with programing (Alot of tinkering on my own time with Lua and a few other forms of scripting, C++ on down though my skills with that are probably dated by now). Played AD&D as both player and DM including the ToEE modual :) <-- still have the paperback version in my collection.

    Well , I wanted to offer up some help in making KotB, or at least Beta test for you guys.

    P.S. Not sure if this of interest since the complaints on this forom about it have died out :) I've messed around a bit with the..... well pretty much all of ToEE on my PC. Currently it works with 0 CTD and the only lag left with it is the nodes, and its almost non-existant there. :)

    P.P.S. A working link to the project would kick ass :D~

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