How much can the Druid's Wildshape be modified?

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by Aeroldoth, May 9, 2007.

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  1. vampiricpuppy

    vampiricpuppy cuddly nosferatu

    Dec 4, 2006
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    Regarding Cujo's info, is it possible to save the details of your original model in some variable or something? :p

    i'm not sure whats involved with DLL hacks, but i assume theyre real bitches to do?

    but if this one is comparatively 'easier' than most even if the wildshapes point to the DLL, is it possible to create some reference in there which then looks outside the DLL and allow people to create extra forms as they want? I'm showing my complete coding-noobishness here :roll: so if what im asking is reallllllly dumb, just say so:

    what im basically asking is would there be a way to sidestep the DLL (at least after the first delving) by having it reference an outside list of protos/models etc, that can be edited more readily? or am i just too dense to understand what's going on :p
  2. Shiningted

    Shiningted I changed this damn title, finally! Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Theoretically, yes: Spellslinger's 'Persistent Data' mod.
    We disassemble the .dll in straightforward machine language - no C++ or anything it was written in, just the bare-bones stuff it was compiled into - and try to trace the threads and guess what it all means. :scratchhe 'Reverse Engineering' is the technical phrase.

    (As for the 'we' part, I've only ever successfully accomplished anything once, out of many many fruitless hours trying things. Actual useful accomplishments have been done by others).
    In theory, this might be doable.
    Again, it could PERHAPS be done. In theory: point it at a .mes file rather than a number. It would NOT be easy to do.
  3. Cujo

    Cujo Mad Hatter Veteran

    Apr 4, 2005
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    I taked to CtB about it at the time and he was saying that having something that was a record of how your character was following you around over different maps would be a pretty complicated thing to do - and all for what, minature giant space hamster mode?
  4. Aeroldoth

    Aeroldoth Established Member

    Sep 6, 2006
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    Added some Wildshape bugs to the Atari Buglist thread.
  5. Basil the Timid

    Basil the Timid Dont Mention the War

    May 19, 2008
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    Doesn't Natural Spell work?
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