Hickory Branch MOD (new)

Discussion in 'General Modification' started by krunch, Jul 16, 2006.

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  1. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Well thats fair enough, but do (half-)Orcs automatically get it?
  2. maggit

    maggit Zombie RipTorn Wonka

    Oct 20, 2005
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    Yes, I checked it a moment ago in-game. Even though they
    can pick weapon proficiency in it, they are
    already proficient and can take weapon focus, etc..
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2006
  3. Kalshane

    Kalshane Local Rules Geek

    Aug 6, 2004
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    Weird. Orcs (and Half-Orcs) aren't supposed to be automatically proficient in Orc Double Axe.

    (On a side note, I think that vast majority of the double weapons are really lame, and was actually glad Troika didn't implement them properly. But I realize others do like and want them.)
  4. maggit

    maggit Zombie RipTorn Wonka

    Oct 20, 2005
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    Yes, you're right. The thing that might have
    mislead me was the fact that Dwarves are
    automatically proficient with a Dwarven Axe.

    BTW. I don't know if its my fault playing with
    FeatActivator, but now every race is already
    proficient with a dwarven axe. o_O

    I guess that the Unholy Orc Double Axe was
    supposed to be treated as a normal axe in-game
    so somebody gave the proficiency to orcs or
    something...and double axes were never meant
    to get into the game. However Krunch should know more about
    that (it's his weapon, isn't it?)
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2006
  5. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    He tinkered it, but 'Orc double axe' was always there.

    Is this one of them dealies like with the Dawrves, they should get it as an MWP where everyone else gets it as an EWP, but instead they just get proficiency in it?
  6. Kalshane

    Kalshane Local Rules Geek

    Aug 6, 2004
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    Nope. Orcs and Half-orcs shouldn't have any sort of automatic proficiency in it at all.
  7. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    When I start back to a regular schedule of modding the update for Hickory Branch on the Friday, Jan. 12th [of the January 9th week], I have a lot to work toward completing the first weekend.

    1. Some of it will be time consuming - specifically, re-sectoring the Hickory Branch map as requested by Gaear. The original sectoring and addition of the Hickory Branch map was a literal 3-day excursion in to the unknown to complete that task to generate, develope, test, and debug and add it to the game and, as well, add another 1 or 2 days for testing using different parties of different sizes. That means I labored from 6 to 10 hours per each day. There were some things I was going to do and, while I did work on these few items, I decided against and did not add them to the game for a short list of reasons. Bottom line, I agree with Gaear about re-sectoring the main map. The southwest corner and west end of the main map was going to be maze-like about the treeline where I ended up blocking most of the maze-like paths as best as could be humanly done. That sectoring can be made to be more friendly to parties walking in force at the treeline in the southwest and west most portion of the map, instead of being forced to travel one character at a time, next character, next character, and so forth through a few paths amongst the trees at the treeline.

    2. My monster updates after discussion with Kalshane will be finalized and added in the mod release.

    3. I have some unmentioned additional changes to make it even more fun than it already is at this time and remain within the framework of the rules.

    I cannot think of anything else at this time. Besides, I am at work and I need to get ready for the early departure concerning the company Christmas party...refreshments here, then limo ride to a 5-star restaurant for dinner, and a limo ride to the evening festivities.

    PS: Final note, I will be gone for a week for Christmas and also gone for the New Years weekend, New Years Eve, and New Years Day. So, I may not get a chance to sign-on and post replies during that time frame.
  8. Ax Thrower

    Ax Thrower Blood Lust

    Apr 3, 2006
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    fyi,,, for any further updates please do not use maps 5141 - 5145, I am trying something and it appears to be working,,, :chainsaw:
  9. Elhoim

    Elhoim Member

    Dec 23, 2006
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    krunch, would it be possible to enhance the background a little? Right now it really stands out from the rest of the game in not a very good way ;), apart from being a rip-off from D2. If you need any help I have some photoshop skills, and might be able to help you improve this low point of an otherwise very good mod. :)
  10. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    @elhoim: check ur messages

    For those curious minds outside of the conversation, please read this as this is for you. Hickory Branch is supposed to look like an old devastated place of impending death. And yes, I have asked elhoim for more information in a message or two...not here.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2007
  11. Shiningted

    Shiningted The Thunder of Justice Administrator

    Oct 23, 2004
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    I'm mainly curious about the Caves of Chaos maps you publically promised KotB. A promise like that means other people who might be interested in mapping would have thought, "well Krunch is taking care of those, I won't bother" (and we have had at least one other mapmaker asking about it).

    So far its been some months and I haven't had any results. Are you still interested in helping KotB or not? I realise you have had personal stuff going on but there is currently nothing whatsoever in Co8 5 (even HB) that should be a higher priority than KotB and if you are back in modding mode I would expect, re my last email to all KotB modders, that the current needs of KotB be put first.
  12. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    @Ted: I expect the request made by Elhoim will not be done and, for sure, the changes Gaear requested will be placed on a backburner. I have a few simple updates to release, asap. Immediately next after and following the simple updates, I will smackdown the Orc Caves of Chaos for KotB. The Orc Caves of Chaos for KotB will, definitely, be my next focus.
  13. Gaear

    Gaear Bastard Maestro Administrator

    Apr 27, 2004
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    Hey Cap'm . . . while I certainly don't mind if you resector the HB map sometime, I have to point out that the extent of my involvement in the matter was simply to report somewhere up the thread that I had one PC get stuck somewhere on the map once. These frequent mentions of my 'request' to have the map resectored are sort of casting me in a suspicious light, if you get my meaning.
  14. krunch

    krunch moving on in life

    Aug 9, 2005
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    @Gaear: Sorry bud, nothing negative or bad was intended or, otherwise, was meant by or to influence that kind of interpretation nor sound that way.

    Let me state for the record folks that Gaear is a Superguy and one of the best peops on this board.
  15. Lord_Spike

    Lord_Spike Senior Member Veteran

    Mar 25, 2005
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    Aaaa-HAaaa! :point:

    I knew something funny was going on, here...:evil_laug
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