Is there a way to play with 3.04 but have the start equipment set up from the unmodified version? eg fighters with bucklers monk quarterstaff etc?
you can change the start up equipment yourself in the starting equipment mes. file under the rules folder. you can look up the numbers for the items in the description mes. file in the mes folder both of those folders are in the data folder. hope that helps
Cujo- Don't bother editing the mes file. Instead open up the file in your text editor. It is in your "C:\Program Files\Atari\Temple of Elemental Evil\data\rules" folder. Find the number next to an item you want. Then in the game go to the command line via shift~ and execute: Code: import utilities utilities.create_item_in_inventory(####,[x]) Where #### is the number of the item from for the item you want, and x is the party number of the character you want to have it. (remember party numbers start at 0) Some interesting items are: 4085 Longsword +5 4017 Fragarach 4108 Longbow of frost 4195 Composite longbow (Str +2) 6054 Shield +5 6087 Cloak of resistance +3 6095 Chainmail +3 You get the idea... -Firstrand
I find it much easier to select the person you want to recieve the item, open the console and type "give ####" (#### is the number from description.mes) then hit return. My favourite (while your on the subject) is... 4025 Excaliber, +5 Holy greatsword that grants it user Spell resistance 15!!!
Well you lot are awesome, thanks for helping out a newbie, especially when answering my questions and you're thinking "Well duh". The game is 100 times better now
I was trying to do custom portrats as seen here and here but I seem to have one small prolem Atari\Temple of Elemental Evil\data\art\interface\PORTRAITS isn't there, maybe i don't have the right mods to do it but i have no PORTRAITS folder.