Help with InvenSource.mes

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by nitewolf, Dec 30, 2004.

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  1. nitewolf

    nitewolf Packleader

    Dec 24, 2004
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    I have been trying to alter the InvenSource.mes file, basically to add some items to the stores for my PC's to buy, but any changes I make don't take effect.

    I have the Co8 patch 3.0.4 and the Atari patch 2 installed.

    I have had no problem changing the starting inventory mes file.

    Someone with the knowledge, please help!!!
  2. zhuge

    zhuge Established Member Veteran

    Sep 27, 2003
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    Yes, we've tried the same thing many months ago, got the same results and came to the conclusion that non-refreshable inventories (all inventories except stores of Brother Smyth and Otis) somehow do not refer to InvenSource.mes by regular means.

    However Agetian has been able to figure out spawning new creatures/objects, including chests and his tool allows such mods to be done more efficiently:
    It has not been tried extensively, but Agetian commented that inventory modification is possible (at least with a new object).

    Do try and let us know of your progress.
  3. nitewolf

    nitewolf Packleader

    Dec 24, 2004
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    Thanks for replying so quickly...

    I have tried to use the Temple Mod you refered to, but it always has an error opening the InvenSource.mes file, so I gave up trying to put my head through that particular wall...

    I have had some success in modifying the NPC's and objects directly in the file, including changing stats, skills and feats (for the useable npc's) and the Inventory icons and visuals for a lot of weapons...I found the swords in particular quite plain, and lots of cool looking swords sitting there unused.

    I have almost no experience in this, and I hope as I learn and take more classes, to figure out more and more. I do want to thank you, and this whole site, for assisting me in the progress I have made thus far.

    And, if you figure anything out concerning the problem I'm having, please let me know.

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