Help system discovered

Discussion in 'Negative Energy Plane' started by Vaevictis666, Sep 25, 2003.

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  1. Vaevictis666

    Vaevictis666 Established Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    all the help text is in ToEE3.dat\mes\

    Format is (separated by tabs)

    Page Tag
    Parent Page
    text of the help file

    The file uses the backspace character (ascii 11, hex 0B) for a line break in the descriptions.

    Special descriptions are [CMD_CHILDREN] and [CMD_CHILDREN_SORTED] that just do up a plain list of everything.

    Links are done by wrapping your link text in tildes and sticking a square bracketed tag afterwards.

    For example ~this link~[TAG_ROOT] goes to the main help page, whereas this one goes to the page about ~humans~[TAG_HUMANS].

    Should be trivial to add our own help text now :beer:
  2. Kentamanos

    Kentamanos Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    Nice work...

    Not sure why the hell my find in files didn't find this file. It's probably that damn little dog's fault somehow. Now if I could just put a hit out on him and Clippy...
  3. Kentamanos

    Kentamanos Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    If I had to guess, some of the columns are tags for other navigation options (like the "up" button).
  4. Kentamanos

    Kentamanos Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    The 2nd column is the tag you move to when you hit the UP button.
  5. Vaevictis666

    Vaevictis666 Established Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    no I think it extrapolates it out... the up button goes to the parent tag, the next/prev buttons go to the next and previous sibling entries - other nodes with the same parent.

    For entertaining ones with lotsa extra tags, check some of the common spells, I've seen a few with the spell name, TAG_SPELLS, and then 5 more tags referring to the spell level for class X that it belongs to...
  6. Kentamanos

    Kentamanos Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    Take a look again. The TAG_CLASSES page for instance has a link to TAG_PALADINS. TAG_PALADINS 2nd column is TAG_CLASSES. This column tells the help system where to navigate in the case they hit the up button.

    The 2nd column is the parent tag. Otherwise how would it know what the parent is? (It can only have one parent, but multiple links to get to a page).
  7. Kentamanos

    Kentamanos Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    I'm an had the 2nd column ID'd in the original.

    The column before the content is the title of the page that shows up in the window.
  8. Kentamanos

    Kentamanos Member

    Sep 25, 2003
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    The CMD_CHILDREN is used to dynamically generate links. It looks for all tags with a parent (column 2) of the given tag, and creates a link containing the title (column 5) of the child.

    The CMD_CHILDREN_SORTED does the same thing, but it sorts it one of two ways:

    1 - The child specifies it's parent in the normal place (column 2). They are sorted in the order they appear in the file, but column 3 seems to cause it to interject a previous sibling before the current node (in case it's added later in the file I guess?). There's some question here to the real functionality because there seems to be some bugs in the help. For instance, look at the TAG_CHARACTER_CONDITIONS tag. It has children underneath it in the order they should be listed. Look at TAG_DEAD though. It's "previous sibling" (column 3) is listed as "TAG_DAZZLED". Unfortunately, the tag should be "TAG_DAZED". The end result is the Dead condition does not show up in the online help :).

    2 - The child specifies multiple parents in column 4 separated by spaces, and the results are sorted by the title of the children. This method is primarily used to cross sort spells common to multiple classes/domains.

    Just to sum up everything we know:
    Column1 - The "tag" of the page. Think of this as the URL to a web page.
    Column2 - The "parent" of that page. This is used to determine where to go when someone presses the up button, and it's used to determine inclusion for dynamic content on CMD_CHILDREN and CMD_CHILDREN_SORTED
    Column3 - The "previous sibling". Used to sort children
    Column4 - Used to specify inclusion in multiple lists. Used primarily for including spells in multiple class spell lists and domains.
    Column5 - The title of the page. This shows up at the top of the window.
    Column6 - The content of the page. This includes normal text that is aligned using spaces, [CMD_CHILDREN] and [CMD_CHILDREN_SORTED] tags to dynamically generate content, links to other pages using ~Text~[TAG] format (Text is displayed, and it jumps to the page with the tag (column 1) of TAG), and ASCII 0x0B (don't think that's backspace) for a line break (similar to a <BR>).

    Hope that makes sense. It's really hard to figure out Column 3 exactly when the file seems to be flawed. I'm pretty sure that's what it's supposed to be doing.

    I think I'll fix the bug about the Dead state and try it out...
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