Gremag's assasination quests completed?

Discussion in 'The Temple of Elemental Evil' started by cezmail, Oct 9, 2010.

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  1. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    Started a new game and this time decided to go the CE route. I completed all three missions, though am surprised I did not get the Buther of Hommlet label. Gremag says that I will be contacted at some time, but as he also said not to talk to him after each mission and nothing happened until AFTER I talked to him, not sure if he is just blowning smoke up my rear. I have tried to talk to him yet again after bumping off Terjon and his dialog goes back to normal. I also tried to move on up to try to meet Smegol and nothing happens with her either, except battle and ambush at the revelation.

    All that said, I tried to do a search in the archives and an old thread said something that there is no completion, that Gremag was just tried to get rid of you or have you killed or driven off. Is this the truth or is there something I am missing?

    Any hints or solutions would be appreciated.
  2. Ranth

    Ranth Established Member

    Jan 26, 2008
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    That is one of the problems with ToEE. It has no coherent evil plotline. I hope to add one.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2010
  3. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    Thanks Ranth for clearing that up for me. I DID discover that you can mention Gremag to Daria and start to get into his little guild right away, so I guess that is the next step after you kill off the three people in Hommlett.

    :yeI usually do not go the full on evil route, but if you can create and add something for those times I and others do, you have my admiration and appreciation. :yes:
  4. Basil the Timid

    Basil the Timid Dont Mention the War

    May 19, 2008
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    Of Gremag's 3 assassination quests, he will only give you one. He only chooses Kenter if Armario is already dead, same for Terjon if Kenter is dead. The point is that the writers were testing for people who play Chaotic-stupid and get duped by Gremag.
  5. cezmail

    cezmail Gorboth's Rider

    Dec 28, 2007
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    Well I did play a previous game were I got all three, and did them. I was trying for that in my current game, but I was greedy and talked with the courier. That seemingly but a status somewhere so even when I bumped off Amario, Gremag never had a reply for me and that mission sets uncompleted. I am waiting to when I go to Verbobanc and see in Daria will still accept me into his little posse of death.
  6. Basil the Timid

    Basil the Timid Dont Mention the War

    May 19, 2008
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    Has something been changed about Gremag's quests in recent upgrades? I remember the "Chaotic-stupid" discussion quite clearly. It would be cool if it was now linked to Verbobonc.
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